Beautiful photograph; but where are the glaciers?

October 6, 2015

Stupendous photo of evening advancing on Glacier National Park.

The Wilderness Society Tweeted out this shot of Glacier National Park (I cannot read the photographer to whom credit belongs).

The Wilderness Society Tweeted out this shot of Glacier National Park (I cannot read the photographer to whom credit belongs). “Wow. Outstanding sky over @GlacierNPS.”

I know. It’s summer. But still I wonder, where are the glaciers? Where did they go?

Glacier National Park, 104 years old and looking good

June 26, 2014

Department of Interior, May 18, 2014 -- Here's our most popular photo on social media last week celebrating @GlacierNPS 104th birthday.

Department of Interior, May 18, 2014 — Here’s our most popular photo on social media last week celebrating @GlacierNPS 104th birthday.

Glacier National Park marks its 104th year in 2014. Glacier offers views this spectacular every day of the year.

Autumn in Glacier National Park?

October 5, 2012

No, this is not an archives photo — it’s autumn, in Glacier National Park.  Photo from sometime in the past week.

View from Wild Goose Island Overlook in Glacier National Park; NPS photo

From the Interior Department Tumblr, America’s Great Outdoors:

The popular overlook at Wild Goose Island in Glacier National Park has a different look this week with fresh snow on the trees and mountains. Fall has definitely arrived!


Beargrass (Xerophyllum tenax) in Glacier Natio...

When I was in Glacier N.P., there was a lot of this stuff at higher elevations.  I don’t recall seeing it anywhere else.  An odd plant.  “Beargrass (Xerophyllum tenax) in Glacier National Park, Montana, USA. Original caption: In addition to a host of various wildflowers, Beargrass, a lily native to Glacier, blooms in abundance along the Iceberg Lake trail. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)”

Glories of Glacier N.P.

November 6, 2011

Seven-plus minutes of good reason to get your tail to Glacier National Park as soon as you can.

Produced and shot by Joshua Thompson, this is part of an award-winning film made to promote the park and get money for the research that the park hosts.

Grizzly Bears, Bighorn Sheep, spectacular sunsets and more…..

Part 3 of the recently shot Glacier DVD. This 20 min. film recently was nominated for best new nature documentary in the music category as well received an award for photography from the Wildlife Film Festival held in May of 2008. All funds for this project are being donated to the Glacier National Park Fund. For more info:…

I’ve been there only once.  A wise American would get there before turning 35, and return several times.