Very much worth reading.
The Great Hall – the day Deathly Hallows came out, we transformed a large part of my parents’ house into Hogwarts, and other parts into the Burrow and the Leaky Cauldron.
I thought this would be a similar post to last year, a nostalgic one, remembering the release of the last book (or, what we then thought would be the last book), the last Harry Potter party – the last party we would have at all, before my parents got divorced and sold the house.
But I read the first chapter, and already knew this would be a very different post. I actually had to put the book down and read something else for a few days – because it felt too real, too painfully real.
The Unwrapping was always an important ceremony.
I remember reading it for the first time, sitting in the back garden of my parents’…
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