Trump’s debate lies

Biden/Trump debate was notable for the astounding slew of misstatements and outright lies told by Donald Trump.

Now CNN’s champion fact checker Daniel Dale follows Trump’s accuracy, and has done since 2016. Even he was amazed at the avalanche of balderdash from Trump.

We are left to wonder how to disqualify Trump on the basis of his failed performance. Is Trump genuinely unaware of the lies he tells? Then he is not well enough informed to hold high office. Is he aware of the lies, but tells them anyway? Then he is too corrupt and malicious to hold office.

Or has Trump’s already-evident cognitive difficulties advanced so far in 363 months that he is unable to tell fact from fiction? In that case he lacks the cognitive chops to replace Biden, who has done a good job as president fixing the problems Trump created and leading America to genuine greatness?

Trump cannot be a serious candidate, can he? If he believes his own falsehoods, he’s not capable of making good policy. If he knows he’s lying, he’s too corrupt.

Thanks and a tip of the old scrub brush to @RandyResist.

7 Responses to Trump’s debate lies

  1. Ed Darrell says:

    Separate incidents. There is no question Biden’s work in Ukraine, at Congress’s direction, was not corrupt.


  2. Ed Darrell says:

    Notice that all of Trump’s involement in Ukraine is on Russia and Putin’s side, including the gaslighting Trump has done of Americans, and you, in claiming Biden did something wrong.

    Follow the money: Trump’s the crook, and traitor.


  3. Ed Darrell says:

    Trump knew Biden did right by demanding, as Congress had required, that corruption be removed from Ukraine’s government before approving the aid.

    In the extreme off-chance Trump did not know, he’s a blatherskite wholly unqualified to be a civil servant, let alone an elected official of the U.S. government.

    All of the corruption was on the U.S. side, by Trump. Any corruption by Biden would have had to have been on the U.S. side as well.

    Trump illegally demanded that a foreign government lie about Biden in order to get money that Trump had no authority to restrict. There are several laws violated in that phone call. Extortion and misallocation of federal funds are just two of the worst.


  4. Dave says:

    The impeachment was, in part, about Trump trying to find out if Biden corruptly withheld aid – unless they sacked a prosecutor ( Who was looking into Burisma Holdings) . Sounds like the investigation of corruption by past administration would be at least partly official. Especially if Biden was bragging about in front of camera’s.

    Let’s do Biden’s lies. Or maybe not. His physical and mental decline is enough, they need to get someone else ..NOW!


  5. Ed Darrell says:

    Trump was impeached for his illegal attempt to extort Ukraine. Nothing to do with refusing to intervene. US was already there, and aid was already flowing. Trump held up the aid to try to get personal favors, violating funding laws and extortion laws.

    Quite fighting against America, please,


  6. mosckerr says:

    Fight Fight Fight. Pelosi Schiff and Nadler attempted to impeach Trump over his refusal to intervene in the Ukraine/Russian war. Bunk on the SS Federal bureaucrat corruption which attempted to pull another Kennedy Kennedy King assassinations & Bay of Pigs — Vietnam war of imperialism.


  7. Well stated! I agree!


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