Lebanon: Remembering the Martyrs

29th November 2015

Lebanon: Update from Father Andrew Ashdown.


“This morning we went to the site of the bombing in Burj Al Burajneh that killed over 40 people and injured over 100 the day before the Paris bombing, and laid flowers and placed candles there.

One young man (whose picture is highlighted above) had prevented further killings by tackling a suicide bomber and covering him with his own body before the vest exploded.

Our visit, in the heart of a Hezbollah district, was clearly appreciated by everyone around. We were then taken to the local hospital to meet some of the wounded.

The little lad, aged about 10, pictured above,  with his mother, was riding past on his father’s motorbike. His father was killed. The doctor said he was very close to his father and is deeply psychologically scarred. 

The families and victims (Shia Muslim) wanted to receive our prayers and blessings, and one little boy even asked for my cross.

As I said, every soul killed and family bereaved in Beirut is equally as important as each soul and bereaved family in Paris, Syria or Russia..”

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