Peter Ford dismantles the France, German, UK pro-Al Qaeda statement on Syria

The statement is remarkable as much for its omissions as for what it does say. Not a word about secularism or protection for minorities. That the jihadi groups are totally airbrushed out of the picture, except obliquely in a prohibition on using terrorism as a justification for use of armed force, is really quite striking. There is not a word here with which Hayat Tahrir Ash Sham, the dominant jihadi group, would not concur.

Update on the OPCW’s investigation of the Douma incident

The evidence of fraud in the published report of the Douma investigation means that all other published reports from FFM Team Alpha, including the FFM reports on the alleged chlorine attacks in 2015 and the alleged sarin attack in Khan Sheikhoun in 2017, must also be disregarded as unreliable and possibly fraudulent.

YEMEN: U.S Involvement in UAE Controlled Torture and Detention Centres

Detainees were physically tortured and disfigured by several methods including whippings with power cords, batons, steel bars taken from school desks; slapping the face and kicking the body especially the injured areas; burning the skin with lit cigarettes; placing the body in a sewage compartment up to the neck and pouring sewage and waste water on wounds.

Le Coronavirus, sursis pour l’Amerique ou parasite de la mondialisation?

Par une ironie dont l’histoire est parfois friande, le virus qui règne actuellement sur les imaginations, s’est lové dans les trois espaces de haute civilisation qui fascinent l’esprit français depuis près de quatre cent ans. En un instant, les chinoiseries, lettres persanes et paysages italiens nous sont devenus grimaces. Au-delà de ce retournement d’image dont le public n’est naturellement pas conscient, six remarques peuvent être faites sur ce phénomène.

On the ground in Idlib -Vanessa Beeley interviewed by Robin Philpot (French)

Cette guerre livrée à la Syrie depuis 2011, rappelle Vanessa Beeley, est une invasion et une occupation menées par des groupes terroristes financés et soutenus notamment par Washington, Londres, Paris mais aussi par la Turquie et Israël. Libérer le territoire syrien n’est ni plus ni moins la seule façon de faire respecter le droit international et de rétablir la paix.