Is Britain avoiding justice for possible assets who ‘joined’ ISIS in Syria?

A recent report in Military Times details the case of two British extremists who were members of a brutal ISIS cell nicknamed “The Beatles” believed to have been involved in various crimes including kidnapping, executions and murder of against British and American citizens in Syria. They are possibly linked to the murder of British “aid-worker”, Alan Henning.

2018 SWEIDA: A Bloody Massacre Barely Registered by Western Media as ISIS Slaughter Innocent Civilians in their Sleep

Hazem confirmed that 60 civilians were martyred in Shbeki, the majority from sniper bullets after ISIS fighters took control of houses placed high above the village which enabled them to assassinate the young men who flocked to defend their families, one by one. Most of these young men did not realise that their hometown was infested by ISIS snipers – just as in the other villages, ISIS had attacked at 4 am under complete darkness and while everyone was sleeping. As in Shrehi, they shot out all the village lights during their approach before entering homes and murdering civilians, including children, while they slept. Hazem told us that a disabled child was beheaded as he lay sleeping in his bed.

Remembering Sweida – the ISIS massacre July 25th 2018

These people have rebuilt their lives painfully and slowly. The newly built memorial statues and gravestones at the entrance to each village are a stark reminder of how many innocent lives were taken the morning of the 25th June 2018, when ISIS terrorists entered the villages at 4am and began to slaughter children, women and elderly civilians as they lay sleeping.

SYRIA: The REAL war on terror – Sweida civilians defending themselves against ISIS

While the U.S Coalition have pursued their geopolitical agenda in Syria under the guise of the “war against ISIS” the reality is that the ISIS terrorists covered up to 100km of desert to reach Shbeki from the East – from the direction of the U.S Al Tanf military base. Somehow ISIS bypassed any U.S surveillance and entered the villages to the East of Sweida City without being detected by those who claim to be trying to eradicate them.