Why the rise of fascism is again the issue ~ by John Pilger

The recent 70th anniversary of the liberation of Auschwitz was a reminder of the great crime of fascism, whose Nazis iconography is embedded in our consciousness. Fascism is preserved as history, as flickering footage of goose-stepping blackshirts, their criminality terrible and clear. Yet in the same liberal societies, whose war-making elites urge us never to…

“The number one weapon of 20th century imperialism is zionist dollarism”

“The number one weapon of 20th century imperialism is zionist dollarism, and one of the main bases for this weapon is Zionist Israel. The ever-scheming European imperialists wisely placed Israel where she could geographically divide the Arab world, infiltrate and sow the seed of dissension among African leaders and also divide the Africans against the…

The Muslim Heroes Ignored by Mainstream Media.

Heroes Come in Three’s Anders Breivik, a Norwegian radical Right-wing Christian, was inspired by people like Robert Spencer, Pamela Gellar and Brigitte Gabriel who say Muslims are violent and want to kill people. He wrote a manifesto naming these hatemongers, and others like them, claiming that Muslims were “taking over”. [1] So what was his…

Obama’s Legacy: Permanent War and Liberal/Radical Accommodation? ~ by Ajamu Baraka

Obama’s Legacy: Permanent War and Liberal/Radical Accommodation? by BAR editor and columnist Ajamu Baraka “African American radicals – unlike many white radicals – cannot afford the luxury of being unclear about the nature and interests of the white supremacist, patriarchal, colonial/capitalist order.” The announcement by the Obama administration that it will seek congressional authorization to…

Egypt the Melting Mirage

“Where will I find you now that my heart is yours? Where should I search? I don’t know where to look. You fill my heart with desire and love, The perfume of the lotus, the grace of a dove. But then the dove flies far, far away, All that is left is a song for…

Gaza ~ the forgotten people.

While war and violence rips holes out of the world..Gaza continues to tread rubble, mud, filth and misery. This is Gaza now in the rain and freezing storms that are sweeping the country. This is the legacy of Israeli violence and tyranny. This is the legacy of International betrayal and abandonment. This is Gaza. “Baby…

War by media and the triumph of propaganda by John Pilger

Why has so much journalism succumbed to propaganda? Why are censorship and distortion standard practice? Why is the BBC so often a mouthpiece of rapacious power? Why do the New York Times and the Washington Post deceive their readers? Why are young journalists not taught to understand media agendas and to challenge the high claims…