The Bad Guys: Haunted Heist is an American computer-animated heist short. It released on Netflix on the 3rd of October, 2024, and follows the story of The Bad Guys crew embarking on quest to steal a priceless amulet from a spooky mansion. A novelization of the same name was published prior to the short's release.
The Bad Guys' Halloween night of thievery and crime turns into a night of terror when they come across a dangerous enemy of the supernatural kind that gives them a taste of their own medicine.
Characters and Cast[]
- Michael Godere as Mr. Wolf
- Chris Diamantopoulos as Mr. Snake and Reginald E. Scary
- Ezekiel Ajeigbe as Mr. Shark
- Mallory Low as Ms. Tarantula
- Raul Ceballos as Mr. Piranha
- The Bad Guys: Haunted Heist is presumably set before the events of The Bad Guys: A Very Bad Holiday, as the holiday of Halloween comes before the Christmas celebrations, although the shorts could be set in different years.