So you've decided to contribute to the Super Secret Wikia. First of all, thank you SO MUCH for taking your time to help our community grow into something great. I'm also glad you are taking the time to make sure you are changing the wikia in the correct way. Find the section that relates to your edit and then feel free to change the pages to your heart's desire.
Concerning Categories[]
Categories are a feature that MUST be given to all pages. If you are unsure about what categories must be listed, please review the guidelines below to know what categories you must put.
Character Pages[]
All character pages must have the label, 'Characters.' It lets people be able to find the character no matter what page they've clicked on the category from. They also must include the category according to their gender, (i.e. 'Female,' 'Male) and status ('Pure-Blood,' 'Human,' 'Half-Blood'). They also must include the label 'Pages' so that all pages are able to be accounted for at all times.
Episode Pages[]
Episode pages must include only two categories. These are the category 'Episode' so people can find any episode at any time and, like Character Pages, 'Pages' in order for it to be accounted for.
Character Pages[]
Character pages must include specific information provided by the comic. It is possible for not all slots to be filled out, but attempt to fill most of them. When creating a character page it should include the sections, 'Appearance,' 'Personality,' 'Relationships,' 'History,' and 'Trivia.' If you are unsure on what to put in each section, view the following sections.
Appearance Contents[]
The 'Appearance' section should include the looks of the character, including hair and eye. If possible, include a picture and if the character has consistant clothing, include that as well. If the character hs another form (wolf forms of characters such as Ryan Nam and Hunter Kwon) that should be noted as well.
Personality Contents[]
The 'Personality' section should include the character's usual behavior. If their behavior/mood changes or shifts for a few episodes note that but also keep the personality from before. Alter the wording if needed. It should also include the personality of any other forms of the characters.
Relationships Contents[]
The 'Relationships' section should include all of the relation the character has to other characters and a brief explanation on their relationship. This would most likely be the easiest tab to complete.
History Contents[]
The contents of the ‘History’ section be the character‘s past as we know it.
Trivia Contents[]
The contents of 'Trivia' may include fan theories or details that have not been included in the characters synopsis.
Final Notes[]
Please also include a spoiler warning on top of the page to note fans who are behind so they are warned they could be spoiled for the episodes they have not gotten to yet.
Episode Pages[]
Episode pages are pages that contain a synopsis of the events that occur in the chapter. They may be used as a resource for a character synopsis. It should also include a trivia section. If you are unsure of what to put on an episode page, please review the following.
Synopsis Contents[]
The synopsis should include a thorough account of the events that occurred in the episode in CHRONOLOGICAL ORDER. It should be specific and recount the events with great specifics.
Trivia Contents[]
The trivia section may include fan theories or other random information.
Final Notes[]
Please mark each episode page with a spoiler warning for people who are behind in the series so they know they could be spoiled for what's to come.
Final Notes[]
Thank you for taking time out of your day to contribute to the wikia! We hope you are able to continue to make this the best information source for readers of 'Super Secret.'