Super Secret Wiki

[Spoilers Ahead]


Kate Han is an employee of The Association and goes to the same college as Ryan Nam and Emma Ji. She is a college freshman.


Kate is often seen in a beige sweatshirt and skirt. She wears a small charm around her neck. She has wavy purple hair tied back in low pigtails, and it is assumed she has brown eyes since they are often portrayed closed.


Kate has a nice, polite personality and is seen smiling very often. However, when she is doing tasks for the association, she drops her smile and she can get agitated easily.


Ryan Nam[]

Kate is tasked with passing messages from The Association to Ryan. She, along with a handful of other agents was sent to the Nam family's apartment to bring Ryan to The Association building. It is revealed in episode 138 that she likes Ryan and that everything she did was hard for her.

Emma Ji[]

Kate was sent to capture Emma for The Association. When Emma was in The Association building, Kate was the one who supervised her until it was time for the elimination. It was also Kate who revealed to Emma that Ryan is secretly a werewolf.

Johan Song's Father[]

Johan's father is Kate's boss in The Association and therefore, is the one giving her orders.