This page contains major and minor spoilers for ‘Super Secret’ by eon. Read at your own risk. |
The episode opens with Emma finding Victor alone on a bench. When Victor sees her, he offers some water and she chugs it. Emma tells Victor that there’s something she wants to say and when he says he wants to say something as well, Emma becomes paranoid that he wants yo break up with her. Victor instead gives Emma tickets to a flower show, saying he heard it’s fun and he wanted to do something for her birthday even if it’s late. Emma is surprised, since she didn’t even know Victor knew her birthday and Victor apologizes for being unable to celebrate with her. When it’s Emma’s turn to speak, she says how she didn’t want to eat with him and Jasmine because she felt hungover and looked like a mess. She then said how she freaks out whenever his expression changes the slightest but and it made her feel stupid. She continues to explain that it embarrassed her to run into him like that and it made her feel worse to see his usual, unchanging expression. When Victor once again says he won’t know how she feels unless she tells him, Emma explains how she heard that a lot as a kid. How she didn’t speak up or would hesitate to state her opinion. She explains further that once when she finally did decide to speak her mind, it didn’t end well. She says she wishes she acted how she normally did that day and just didn’t say anything. Realizing how sad the conversation got, Emma apologizes for saying depressing stuff but Victor says he understands. He says how he’s not a talkative guy and that he understands being afraid to talk about stuff. He then says he’s glad she found the courage to tell this to him.
As Emma and Victor walk home, they hold hands for the first time and Emma asks Victor to call her by her name rather than ‘Miss Ji.’ When Victor finally says ‘Emma’ she blushes like crazy. She then realizes she wasn’t ready for him to say her name and runs off.
End Sketch[]
Victor chases Emma, calling her name and thinking how fun it is to tease her.