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This article is about the LEGO short. You may be looking for Star Wars: X-Wing vs. TIE Fighter.

This article is non-canon.

This article covers a subject containing comic or obvious non-canon material or that Lucasfilm otherwise declared non-canon in the canon continuity.

"X-Wing vs TIE Fighter" is a non-canon animated LEGO short released on August 1, 2024 as part of LEGO STAR WARS: Celebrate the Season.[1]

Official description[]

Engaged in a fierce dog fight, the pilots of an X-Wing and TIE Fighter continue the battle in unexpected ways after their ships collide.[1]

Plot summary[]

The episode opens with a Rebel pilot attempting to use rocks to create a campfire in order to roast some marshmallows. His T-65 X-wing starfighter is parked nearby. An Imperial Starfighter Pilot watches from the distance and cackles with laughter. The Imperial pilot attacks the rebel pilot's campsite with his TIE fighter, incinerating the marshmallows.

The rebel pilot pursues the Imperial TIE pilot in his X-wing and the two engage in a chase through a nearby canyon. Following a dogfight, the two starfighters collide. Both pilots survive the crash but their starships are pieces. They quickly rebuild their starfighters as Uglies, with parts from each others' starfighters. The rebel pilot leads the Imperial pilot on a chase.

After landing, the two compliment each other's mechanical and flying skills and decide to race together. They launch fireworks to celebrate their cooperation.


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  • Unidentified rebel pilot (First appearance)
  • Unidentified TIE pilot (First appearance)



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Notes and references[]

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