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This article is non-canon.

This article covers a subject containing comic or obvious non-canon material or that Lucasfilm otherwise declared non-canon in the canon continuity.

"I sense a disturbance. The Sith Witch of Mustafar."
"The Sith what-of-who-now?!"
―Darth Vader and Emperor Palpatine[5]

"The Sith Witch of Mustafar" is a non-canon animated LEGO short released on October 10, 2023 as part of the LEGO STAR WARS: Celebrate the Season series.[1] It has since been removed from Star Wars Kids and is no longer available.

Official description[]

A creepy journey through the dark woods surrounding Darth Vader's castle leads to an argument between Vader and the Emperor over the Legend of the Sith Witch.[1]

Plot summary[]

Emperor Palpatine visits Vader's castle, having sought his Sith apprentice out in the galaxy. Darth Vader has decorated his palace with pumpkins carved into jack-o'-lanterns. While Vader and Palpatine head towards their shuttle, Vader senses a disturbance, which he attributes to the "Sith Witch of Mustafar." Thunder flashes in the background.

When Palpatine presses Vader about the matter, Vader explains that when the night is dark and the lava bubbles, the Sith Witch of Mustafar arises to spread fear and troubles. He says that first they will hear an angry wail and then the woods will shake. Vader then says that a ghostly light will appear. Palpatine is dismissive of the Sith Witch legend and insists on heading towards their shuttle through the nearby forest.

Later, Palpatine records a hologram video where he ponders on the truth of the Sith Witch legend. He laughs at the legend, dismissing it as superstition. Just then, they sense that the woods are shaking. Vader ignites his lightsaber in self-defense and vows to protect his master. The sense of the commotion turns out to be a lava flea, which attempts to befriend Vader. Palpatine laughs, disbelieving the legend.

Just then, a ghastly light appears and Vader flashes his lightsaber. However, the ghastly light turns out to be from a stormtrooper patrol's search light. The stormtroopers are out collecting lollies and ask Palpatine and Vader if it is "trick or treat." After handing the stormtroopers lollies, Palpatine asks Vader about the presumed non-existence of the witch.

Just then, the two hear a wail, which Palpatine recognizes as not being from a lava flea. Vader is convinced that the source of the wail is the Sith Witch. Palpatine dismisses the myth but the two are frightened by a bright light which Vader believes to be the Sith Witch. Vader flees but Palpatine reminds him about the Rule of Two. The two face the "witch," whom they discover is the astromech droid R2-D2 wearing a sheet. Palpatine is incensed and attempts to electrocute R2-D2. However, the three of them are frightened away by a bright light. Vader says that he told them she was real.


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Notes and references[]

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