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For other uses, see Ghost ship.

"The Ghost Ship" is a story that serves as a prequel to the main story "Destroyer Down." It was published as the backup story of the Loot Crate exclusive comic Star Wars Adventures: Destroyer Down and it was released on December 20, 2017.[3] It was later republished in the Star Wars Adventures: Destroyer Down miniseries.

Plot summary[]

Above Fondor a battle raged between the New Republic and the Galactic Empire. The Republic's Shepherd Squadron entered the battle and targeted the Interdictor-class heavy cruiser, Spectral. The pilots called in and prepared for their attack.

Onboard the Spectral, an Imperial officer reported to Admiral Ektol Traz that Vice Admiral Rae Sloane had ordered all the starships to retreat to Jakku. But Traz refused to leave, only doing so when the battle was over. He then ordered for all of his TIE fighters to be deployed.

As the Imperial Starfighter Pilots raced through the ship, the KX-series security droid, K-8Z8 ordered the guards to help him guard the ship while the battle raged on.

Shepherd Squadron charged at the incoming TIE fighters as the battle ensued. Lieutenant Bak Rychuk followed Captain Yancee Drai but then she was killed by a TIE fighter. Rychuk then charger towards the Spectral knowing that the TIE fighters would not fire on their own ship. The Spectral prepared to jump to hyperspace as Rychuk's fellow pilots warned him to pull away. But then the Spectral blasted off into hyperspace, taking Rychuk with them.


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  • Gnat (Mentioned only)

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