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«The Loyalist Committee has arrived, Your Honor.»
[Dar Wac contiues to speak in an alien language]
"Send them in."
―Dar Wac announces the arrival of Supi and the committee to Palpatine — 20?cb=20250116042720 ▶️ (file info)[2]

Supi was a green-skinned Twi'lek who served the corrupt Senator Orn Free Taa as a loyal aide. Supi had a bitter rivalry with another of Taa's aides named Pampy, and the two fiercely competed for his favor. In 22 BBY, Supi accompanied Taa and other members of the Galactic Senate's Loyalist Committee to a meeting in the office of Supreme Chancellor Sheev Palpatine on the planet Coruscant.


Supi was a Twi'lek who served as an aide to Senator Orn Free Taa,[1] the corrupt representative of the planet Ryloth in the Galactic Senate of the Galactic Republic.[3] During the Separatist Crisis[2] in 22 BBY,[4] Taa served as a member of the Loyalist Committee, and Supi accompanied him and[2] Pampy, another of his aides,[1] along with the other members of the committee, to a meeting in the office of Supreme Chancellor Sheev Palpatine in the Senate Office Building.[2]


Supi (center) visited Palpatine's office with the Loyalist Committee.

Upon the committee's arrival,[2] Palpatine's assistant Dar Wac[1] let the chancellor know that Supi and the others had arrived. Palpatine then had Wac send them into the office just as he concluded a meeting with the members of the Jedi High Council. Before the committee sat down, the two groups discussed the recent attempts on the life of Senator Padmé Amidala, another member of the Loyalist Committee. The Jedi then left after agreeing to provide additional protection to Amidala, leaving the committee to begin its meeting with Palpatine.[2]

Personality and traits[]

Supi was loyal to Orn Free Taa and competed fiercely for his favor with Pampy, with whom Supi had a bitter rivalry;[1] however, Taa was unsatisfied with any companion who was not a red-skinned Twi'lek female.[3] Supi had green skin and blue eyes.[1]


During the meeting in Palpatine's office, Supi wore a maroon robe with a gray and maroon gown over it as well as a silver headpiece.[2]

Behind the scenes[]


The extra portraying Supi wore mitts between takes.

Supi first appeared in the prequel trilogy film Star Wars: Episode II Attack of the Clones,[2] released on May 16, 2002.[5] While filming, the extras portraying Supi and Pampy wore mitts between scenes in order to avoid spreading their makeup around.[6]

In the current Star Wars canon, the character was identified in the 2017 reference book Star Wars: The Visual Encyclopedia.[1] The name originated in the Star Wars Legends continuity, where Supi was revealed prior to the release of the film in Star Wars: Attack of the Clones: The Visual Dictionary, a reference book written by David West Reynolds[7] and released on April 23, 2002.[8]


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