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- Aalagar
- Aanxi Raanxi Laanxi
- Aaris system
- Abandoned Village
- Abandoned Workshop
- Abaron
- Abda's brother
- Abda's parents
- Accudrop Stun Gas
- Ace Merrick
- Acros-Krik
- Acthorn tree
- Adar Tallon
- Adascopolis
- Adjudicator
- Admiral Hirken's campaign in the Northern Dependencies
- Adner
- Adras
- Adriana
- Aerin Dlarit
- Aeromagnifier
- Affavan
- Aftab Ackbar's MC95 Star Cruiser
- Aggressor (Executor-class)
- Agira
- Agira Nyrat
- Agoraphobia
- Agrippa Aldrete/Legends
- Ahn Krantarium
- Ahn Rasi Tuum
- Ahr
- Ahrisa
- Akial
- AL1-L3
- Aldanna
- Alec Efran
- Aleco Stusea
- Alfonso
- All Aces Battle Royale
- All Terrain Ion Cannon
- Allanteen VI
- Allen Neff
- Allium
- Almudin
- Alsakan Mosaics
- Althon
- Altier sector
- Altor-class supply ship
- Alyord Smythe
- Ambush at Mos Eisley
- Ambush in Cloud City
- Ambush of Attichitcuk
- Ambush on Daluuj
- Ambush on Suurja
- Amden vor Keioidian
- Amm Natejeka
- Amorphiian
- Amorris
- Amorris system
- Amphi-Hydrus
- Amuncie Tidian
- Anantapar/Legends
- Ancient grove
- Andeddu Legion
- Ando (star)
- Andoan White
- Andosha II
- Andrevea River
- Andy Schmidt
- Angela Morley
- Anjelica Huston
- Annihilator (Executor-class)/Legends
- Ansibella Dellu
- Ansin Thobel
- Anstares VI
- Anstiss
- Antes Belladar
- Anti-Riot Tangle Gun 7
- Antidar Williams
- Antipose IX
- Antipose system
- Antipose system star
- Antipose XII
- Anya Karu
- Anzati snot garlic
- Aphra family's tooka
- Aquamarine Squad
- Arabelle Lorteli
- Arakurth
- Arami/Legends
- Arbitrator
- Arbo (Ewok)
- Arcane Library
- Arch grub
- Archive of Forbidden Artifacts
- Ardan
- Ardennia
- Ardo Banch
- Ardok Ranch
- Ardon Crell
- Argeel
- Argo Moon
- Arieli
- Aristocracy
- Arkanian heavy pistol
- Arleil Schous
- Arlionne
- Armand Isard
- Arno (stormtrooper)
- Aromatic Loralora Wing
- Arr-Nine-Nineteen
- Arrgaw
- Artist commune
- Artruk
- Ashla (moon)/Legends
- Askar Trace
- Assassination attempt on Patriarch Thooraki
- Assault on the Aparo sector
- Assault on the Tingel Arm region
- Aster Forian
- Astrophysics
- At Aytuu
- Atale/Legends
- Athallian Messenger
- Ator/Legends
- Atravis system
- Atril Neff
- Atrisia
- Atrocity on Mahranee
- Attack on Attichitcuk's camp
- Attack on Chewbacca's camp
- Attack on disabled base
- Attack on Emperor Fel
- Attack on Imperial interrogator droids
- Attack on Phelzepham
- Attack on Porso Hill
- Attack on the Elders' spaceport
- Attack on the Illumine Kilhorde