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"Cease all hostilities. Repeat. All hostilities must cease immediately."
―Judicial Forces arrive on Carnelion IV[4]

The Judicial Forces were the military-trained peacekeeping force of the Galactic Republic in the years before its fall. It was under the remit of the Judicial Department, and its members, called Judicials, were trained at the Judicial Academy on the Republic capital planet Coruscant. It was primarily designated for peacekeeping operations but due to it military aspect, the Judicial Forces also fulfilled a range of duties for internal security purposes.


Era of the Old Republic[]

During the time of the Old Republic, the Judicial Forces helped the Jedi Order to police the planet Zygerria until its slave trade was destroyed.[5]

Diminishing role[]

"The Judicials are at the end of their tenure, in any case, as the Jedi seem to have become the Senate's arbiters of choice."
―Sheev Palpatine, to Wilhuff Tarkin[1]
Radiant VII docked

The Radiant VII docked aboard the Saak'ak of the Trade Federation during the Naboo Crisis.

Several years before the Clone Wars, the Republic began to rely more on the Jedi Order for peacekeeping issues, diminishing the necessity of the Judicial Forces.[1] In 29 BBY, Anakin Skywalker and Obi-Wan Kenobi were supposed to meet with the Judicial's Republic Diplomatic Fleet, however their T-6 shuttle crashed on the planet Carnelion IV. While on the world, the young Padawan asked his Master what they would do as the fleet did not have the world's coordinates.[2] After Kenobi claimed that Carnelion IV had high concentrations of tibanna gas in its atmosphere, the Judicial Forces and the Jedi intervened on the planet, forcing an end to the Open-Closed War. While the Jedi tended to the wounded belligerents, the Judicial Forces' Consular-class space cruisers then conducted a tibanna gas exploration survey.[4]

Just before the First Battle of Geonosis, the Republic ultimately adopted a full Grand Army of the Republic.[6]


By the time of the war between the First Order and the Resistance, every after-action report ever written by the Judicial Forces was in the hands of the First Order, along with those of the Galactic Empire and the Planetary Security Forces.[7]

Functions and organization[]

The Judicial Forces maintained a fleet of crimson-hulled Consular-class cruisers,[4] which were deployed for both diplomatic[8] and peacekeeping missions. Their responsibilities also included conducted tibanna gas exploration.[4]


At the time of the Invasion of Naboo in 32 BBY, Judicials wore double-breasted dark blue uniforms.[8]

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Notes and references[]

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