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For other uses, see Imperial Science Bureau.

The Imperial Science Bureau,[1] also known as the Imperial science corps,[2] was a scientific bureau within the Galactic Empire during the Imperial Era.[1] The organization was composed of several different subdivisions and answered to an individual with the title of scientific minister. One subunit was the Advanced Science Division[2] under Chief Scientist Royce Hemlock,[3] who longed to be named the overall scientific minister.[2]

During the Imperial Era, it tracked karrak, which was a rare spice that supposedly suppressed the Force-sensitivity of an individual for forty-eight hours. Scientists of the Imperial Science Bureau attempted to duplicate, refine, and reverse engineer the properties of the spice, and worked with the Imperial Security Bureau as they began developing improved versions of the spice to distribute it to their agents that were hunting fugitive Force-sensitive individuals as part of the Great Jedi Purge.[1]

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