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This article covers the Canon version of this subject.  Click here for Wookieepedia's article on the Legends version of this subject. 


Wayland,[2] also known as Weyland,[10] was a forested, mountainous planet[11] located in the galaxy's Outer Rim.[1] Wayland served as the base of operations of the Galactic Empire's cloning program early in its reign. Medical officer Doctor Scalder oversaw the facility on the planet's Mount Tantiss and brought in Kaminoan Chief Medical scientist Nala Se to work on the Imperial cloning program’s very important Project Necromancer.[3] The research fell under the purview of the Advanced Science Division[9] under Chief Scientist Doctor Royce Hemlock.[12] The Wayland facility was garrisoned by a number of clone commandos sporting grey markings on their armor.[3]

Despite the fall of Tantiss Base and the death of Doctor Hemlock in Clone Force 99's Attack on Wayland, with Governor Wilhuff Tarkin ordering Captain Bragg to shutter Tantiss Base indefinitely and redistribute all requested funding and assets for Hemlock’s Imperial cloning program to Commander Orson Callan Krennic’s Project Stardust when they arrived after the Attack,[8] the droid ZO-E3 heard that Emperor Palpatine supposedly had a huge storehouse of treasures on Wayland[10] in 1 BBY.[13]

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Behind the scenes[]

Introduction into canon[]

Wayland was first mentioned as a location in Star Wars canon in the August 2015 Star Wars: Build the Millennium Falcon 32.[14] The planet was first shown as a hologram in the May 21, 2019 virtual reality video game Vader Immortal – Episode I,[10] and first used as a setting in "Kamino Lost," the August 13, 2021 season one finale of the animated TV show Star Wars: The Bad Batch.[3]

Star Wars Legends[]

In Star Wars Legends, Wayland was created by the author Timothy Zahn and first appeared in the 1991 novel Heir to the Empire.[15] In the Legends continuity, Wayland's Mount Tantiss was home to Emperor Palpatine's secret storehouses, including thousands of Spaarti cloning cylinders; making the planet used for Imperial cloning technology in both continuities.[16]


The first canon mention in Star Wars: Build the Millennium Falcon 32 identifies the planet "Wayland," the spelling used in Star Wars Legends.[14] This was repeated in Star Wars: The Force Awakens Beginner Game,[2] however Vader Immortal – Episode I introduced the spelling "Weyland."[10] Later sources have been inconsistent, using both "Wayland"[7][17][18][19][20][21][22][23][24][25][26][27][28][29][30] and "Weyland"[4][21][31] as the spelling.



Notes and references[]

  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 Star Wars Encyclopedia: The Comprehensive Guide to the Star Wars Galaxy
  2. 2.0 2.1 2.2 Star Wars: The Force Awakens Beginner Game
  3. 3.00 3.01 3.02 3.03 3.04 3.05 3.06 3.07 3.08 3.09 3.10 3.11 3.12 3.13 TBBtemplate Star Wars: The Bad Batch — "Kamino Lost"
  4. 4.0 4.1 StarWars "Kamino Lost" Episode Guide | The Bad Batch on StarWars.com (backup link)
  5. 5.0 5.1 TBBtemplate Star Wars: The Bad Batch — "Confined"
  6. TBBtemplate Star Wars: The Bad Batch — "Into the Breach"
  7. 7.0 7.1 StarWars-DatabankII Wayland in the Databank (backup link)
  8. 8.0 8.1 TBBtemplate Star Wars: The Bad Batch — "The Cavalry Has Arrived"
  9. 9.0 9.1 TBBtemplate Star Wars: The Bad Batch — "Tipping Point"
  10. 10.0 10.1 10.2 10.3 VaderImmortalLogo Vader ImmortalEpisode I
  11. TBBtemplate Star Wars: The Bad Batch — "Kamino Lost" (audio description)
  12. TBBtemplate Star Wars: The Bad Batch — "Metamorphosis"
  13. Star Wars: Timelines dates the events of Vader Immortal – Episode I to 1 BBY.
  14. 14.0 14.1 Build the Millennium Falcon Star Wars: Build the Millennium Falcon 32 (Guide to the Galaxy: The History of Mandalore)
  15. Heir to the Empire: The 20th Anniversary Edition
  16. The Last Command
  17. AltayaCite "The First Order" — Star Wars Encyclopedia
  18. AltayaCite "Scarif and Other Planets in the Outer Rim" — Star Wars Encyclopedia
  19. AltayaCite "Imperial Officers and Agents" — Star Wars Encyclopedia
  20. StarWars 5 Things Star Wars: The Bad Batch Has Revealed About the Rise of the Empire on StarWars.com (backup link)
  21. 21.0 21.1 StarWars "Metamorphosis" Episode Guide | The Bad Batch on StarWars.com (backup link)
  22. StarWars "Tipping Point" Episode Guide | The Bad Batch on StarWars.com (backup link)
  23. StarWars "Plan 99" Episode Guide | The Bad Batch on StarWars.com (backup link)
  24. StarWars-DatabankII Crosshair in the Databank (backup link)
  25. StarWars-DatabankII Mount Tantiss in the Databank (backup link)
  26. Star Wars: Dawn of Rebellion: The Visual Guide
  27. StarWars Bad Batch Declassified: 5 Highlights from "Juggernaut" on StarWars.com (backup link)
  28. StarWars "Flash Strike" Episode Guide | Star Wars: The Bad Batch on StarWars.com (backup link)
  29. StarWars Bad Batch Declassified: 5 Highlights from "Flash Strike" on StarWars.com (backup link)
  30. TOMlogo "Database" — Star Wars - Das offizielle Magazin 114
  31. StarWars "The Outpost" Episode Guide | The Bad Batch on StarWars.com (backup link)