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"The Congress of Malastare concurs with the honorable delegate from the Trade Federation. A commission must be appointed."
―Aks Moe[4]

Gran were a sentient humanoid species native to the planet Kinyen,[9] but had colonies on many worlds such as Malastare,[12] Hok,[8] and Varkana.[16] Identifiable by their three eyes and goat-like snouts, Gran also had small antennae-like nubs on the tops of their head and thick, bulky hands that could either have six large digits or five suction-cup-like digits.[1] Members of this species included the Podracer pilot Mawhonic,[5] the Galactic Republic senators Ask Aak,[17] Philo,[7] Kharrus,[2] as well as the criminal Ree-Yees, who worked for Jabba the Hutt.[6]

Biology and appearance[]


Ree-Yees, a Gran with five-digit hands.

Gran were a sentient humanoid species who were identifiable from their goat-like faces and three eyes. Their heads were topped with four antennae-like nubs, two of which were short and straight and another set that were longer and curved. Gran could be found with two distinct body shapes, one being fat-bottomed and rotund at their mid-section[4] and the other being skinnier and have proportions similar to a human.[18] The former type also had hands that carried six slender digits.[4] The latter type Gran either had smaller, human-like hands or fatter hands with thick digits that ended in flat suction-cup-like appendages.[18] Gran had two stomachs[8] and could live for several centuries.[19]

Society and culture[]

Gran hailed from the planet Kinyen[11] but as a colonial species, they had migrated and adapted to dominate many worlds.[20] Their most prominent colony was Malastare[12] where they subjugated the Dug species.[12][21] The Gran of Kinyen were known for their peaceful agricultural pursuits[9] and for raising Houjix[13] while the Gran of Malastare and Hok[8] were known to engage in more greedy and dangerous pastimes such as underworld dealings and podracing.[21][12] By 32 BBY, the Gran had integrated with the larger galaxy.[4]

Malastare Delagates TPM

The Gran delegates of Malastare

Kinyen was represented by the Gran in the senate, with Philo[7] and Kharrus[2] having served as senators at different points during the Clone Wars. Although the Dug controlled Malastare's natural fuel reserves, it was the Gran that represented the world in the Galactic Senate after the Republic awarded them ownership of the planet,[4][12] with the Gran Ask Aak serving as senator shortly before the Clone Wars.[17] The Gran on their native homeworld mainly worked as farmers[9] and made a living selling their foodstuffs to locations across the galaxy.[11] Other Gran, mostly those born off Malastare, were more opportunistic or aggressive in their pursuits and worked in various other jobs across the galaxy, including bounty hunters, mechanics, and professional podracer pilots.[4]

Gran in the galaxy[]

«The debate is over. Now we need that clone army.»
―Ask Aak[22]

During the Old Republic-era, the Gran embarked on an expansion effort, during which Gran colonists arrived on and began the colonization of the planet Malastare. There, they met great resistance from the native Dugs in the fierce Dug-Gran conflict. In the end, the Gran faction held greater sway with the Galactic Republic and took effective control of Malastare under the Gran Protectorate Act.[12]

Several Gran held notable positions within the political sphere of the Galactic Republic, including Malastare politicians Ainlee Teem, Aks Moe,[4] and Ask Aak.[17] Senator Kharrus of Kinyen[10] specialized in handling matters of diplomacy, including ransom missions.[2] Philo was a Gran senator from Kinyen[10] who worked with like-minded senators Padmé Amidala and Bail Organa to oppose legislation.[7] During 32 BBY, Teem attempted to run for Supreme Chancellor, but lost to Sheev Palpatine. When a crisis on Naboo was brought to the senate's attention, Moe agreed with the accused Trade Federation representative Lott Dod that a survey should be conducted in order to validate the Naboo queen's claims.[4] During the intergalactic Clone Wars, Kharrus led a ransom mission to the planet Florrum, but was killed when his shuttle was shot down by pirates.[2] Philo was murdered by the bounty hunter Cad Bane when Bane took members of the senate hostage in a bid to free the imprisoned Hutt Ziro.[7]


A Gran Jedi Knight

One famous Gran was the Podracer Mawhonic from Hok, who flew in the 32 BBY Boonta Eve Classic Podrace. Mawhonic flew a green Podracer that was maintained by a Gran pit crew, but despite a strong starting position, Mawhonic crashed in the first lap of the race due to the aggressive, combative racing style of the Dug pilot Sebulba.[4]

A Gran senator, Maklooq, was killed when a speeder fell on her and her partner while they were in a park on Coruscant during a fight between Darth Vader and two Inquisitors.[23]

Several Gran were known to have worked for the crime lord Jabba the Hutt. When Jabba's son Rotta was kidnapped during the Clone Wars, Jabba hired a Gran bounty hunter to retrieve the Huttlet. Along with several other bounty hunters, the Gran made it to the planet Teth, but was decapitated by the kidnappers and had their head returned to Jabba. By the year 4 ABY, the Gran Ree-Yees became a member of Jabba's court and was killed onboard the Khetanna, Jabba's sail barge, when it was destroyed by the Jedi Luke Skywalker.[18]


Non-canon appearances[]


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