O Selim Candidate Pack

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Candidate Pack - O Selim

[email protected] +44 7722416497 66b Broomlands Street Renfrewshire PA1 2NL Paisley

Clerica l Assist a nt - Va rious Post s

External Candidate Personal Information Form (CV)

Standard Application Form (Without Refs) (CV)
GLA - GCC - EXTERNAL - Standard Application Form (Questionnaire)

External Candidate Personal Information Form, by Selim O,
First Initial O

Surname Selim

Email Address [email protected]

Please enter at least 1 phone number

Phone (Mobile) +44 7722416497

Phone (Home)

Phone (Work)

Address Line 1 66b Broomlands Street

Address Line 2 Renfrewshire

City/Town Paisley

Postcode PA1 2NL

Country and region United Kingdom,Scotland

Current/Most Recent Job Title Umemployed

Current/Most Recent Employer Unemployed

Standard Application Form (Without Refs), by Selim O,
Please enter your qualification in descending order starting with the most relevant qualification.



Qualification Type HNC

Subject and Result Computer Games Development - Pass


Qualification Type HNC

Subject a nd R esult
Computing: Technical Support - SCQF Level 7 in Computer System Fundamentals, Technical Support - Software and Hardware,
Troubleshooting, Network Technology, Professionalism and Ethics, Team Working in Computing

Work History

Please note when entering Work History this must include current and all previous employment. The entries
for the last 3 years must include any time spent at School, College, University, Career Breaks, Periods of
Unemployment, Volunteering, or Travelling/Time Spent Abroad and these dates must run concurrently with
no gaps in the 3 year period prior to the date of your submitted application. Ensure all dates are entered in
the following format dd/mm/yyyy

To add employers to your work history click the 'Add Another Employer' button and type in the name of the
employer. Click the 'Add Another Position' to add the job title/designation of the role you had there. If you
held several roles with the same employer, click the 'Add Another Position' until all are added.

Enter Work History:

O rga nisa t ion: Ingliston Riding Academy From 10/08/2017 (Current)

Job Tit le: Volunteer Equestrian Assistant
Depa rt ment : Riding Academy
Plea se a dd a brief descript ion of responsibilit ies, experience a nd know ledge ga ined.: Mucking out stables and general care
of horses, feeding, watering and grooming.
Tacking up horses before lessons and taking care of them after completion of a lesson.
Assisting the main trainer during lessons to lead horses for young and inexperienced riders.
Plea se det a il t he rea son for lea ving (if a pplica ble): Not Applicable

O rga nisa t ion: Stallion Equestrian Centre From 15/08/2011 - 20/08/2014

Job Tit le: Trainee Equestrian Assistant
Depa rt ment : N/A
Plea se a dd a brief descript ion of responsibilit ies, experience a nd know ledge ga ined.: I was responsible for the overall care of
several sporting horses which included feeding, watering and overseeing nutrition. Replacing bedding, cleaning equipment such as
saddles and bridles

Cleaning, brushing and clipping horses' coats and mucking out stables
Monitoring the condition of horses and reporting problems, ensuring horses followed an exercise regime
Treating minor wounds, changing dressings and giving some medications
Following instructions from vets when treatment is needed, ensuring all work/tasks completed within timescales
Adhere to health and safety regulations
Plea se det a il t he rea son for lea ving (if a pplica ble): To start college in the UK

Current Notice Period (In Weeks)

Memberships Please enter any memberships you have that may be relevant to your application.




Course Name HNC Administration & IT

Result On-going course

Date 26/08/2019

GLA - GCC - EXTERNAL - Standard Application Form, by Selim
O, 17/10/2019


Are y ou eligible t o w ork in t he Unit ed Kingdom ?

Thank you for confirming that you are eligible to work in the United Kingdom, please progress with your
application. If you are successful in obtaining employment with Glasgow City Council you will be required to
provide evidence of your entitlement to work in the United Kingdom.


St udy t he person specifica t ion a nd provide specific exa mples of y our w ork, or ot her a ct ivit ies, w hich demonst ra t e y our
a bilit y t o meet t he key compet encies required t o undert a ke t he dut ies of t he post . You ma y a lso include a ny ot her
informa t ion t ha t y ou feel is releva nt t o y our a pplica t ion e.g. persona l qua lit ies, a chievement s a t w ork, non-w ork rela t ed or
volunt a ry w ork experience.
I am a punctual, reliable, flexible and motivated individual who is able to work in a busy environment and produce high standards of work. I
am an excellent team worker who is able to take instructions from all levels and build up good working relationships with all colleagues. A
hard worker who can deliver and exceed set targets is supportive of others, copes well under pressure and enjoys a challenge.

I have excellent computer skills and am competent in various software packages including all the Microsoft Office Packages, such as Access,
Excel, Word and PowerPoint. I have the ability to diagnose troubleshooting via programming functional skills and the ability to work within a
team to resolve a computing problem.

I have attended West College Scotland and gained an HNC Computer Games Development SCQF Level 7 units from an HNC Computing:
Technical Support. I am currently undertaking a part-time course in college to gain an HNC in IT & Administration.

I have gained invaluable work experience through voluntary work in the equestrian field in Egypt and in Scotland which I continue to do. My
duties include taking care of horses and supporting the trainer with lessons for young children. I have also volunteered with ReMode, an
organisation concerned with the impact of the fashion industry on the environment. I gained useful skills in stop motion animation and
interpersonal skills working as a member of the animation team.

Do you require more space? No

Does t he a dvert t ext st a t e t ha t y ou require a qua lifica t ion for t his job?

Does t he a dvert t ext st a t e t ha t y ou require a driving licence for t his job?

The council welcomes applications from applicants who assess themselves as having a disability and
guarantees an interview to those individuals who meet the minimum criteria for the job. To help you, a
disability is defined as a physical (e.g. mobility difficulties, hearing or sight impairments) or mental
impairment (e.g. learning disabilities), which has a substantial and long-term adverse effect on a person’s
ability to carry out normal day-to-day activities.

Do y ou consider y ourself t o ha ve a disa bilit y ?


If y es, w ha t , if a ny , t y pe of a ids, a da pt a t ions, equipment or specia l a rra ngement s, w ould y ou require, t o a t t end a n
int erview (e.g. Int erpret er for t he Dea f) ?
I may need to bring along with me an employment support worker.


The Rehabilitation of Offenders Act 1974 (Exclusions and Exceptions) (Scotland) Order 2003 (as amended)
applies to many posts within Glasgow City Council.

Successful candidates for specific posts identified under the above legislation within the council which
have been identified as being included under the Rehabilitation of Offenders Act 1974 (Exclusions and
Exceptions) (Scotland) Order 2003 (as amended) will require to submit a Disclosure Application (Police
Check), the results of which might impact on your suitability to work in a particular job.


The Protection of Vulnerable Groups (Scotland) Act 2007 provides for Scottish Ministers to maintain a
membership scheme for individuals who undertake regulated work with vulnerable groups. It helps to ensure
that those who have regular contact with children and protected adults (a person aged 16 or over who
receives one or more type of care or welfare service) through paid and unpaid work does not have a history
of harmful behaviour.

Those undertaking regulated work must be members of the scheme and it will be an offence to employ
someone in these roles who is barred from working with children or protected adults. PVG Scheme checks
will be carried out for all regulated posts.

Glasgow City Council recognises its responsibility for the health, safety and welfare of its employees;
however, it is also essential that the council identify health problems at an early stage to allow it to respond
effectively to actual and potential problems with service delivery. Therefore, all employees are expected to

maintain an acceptable level of attendance and each service has a target attendance level - details of which
will be discussed at interview.

DECLARATION (Read carefully)

I certify that all the information contained in this form and any attachments is true and correct to the best of
my knowledge and belief. I realise that any false/misleading information or omissions may lead to
dismissal without notice and/or my application may be rejected.

I give my permission for enquires to be made to confirm qualifications, experience, dates of employment,
right to work in the UK, driving licence checks (where appropriate) and for other people or organisations to
release necessary information to verify the content.

I underst a nd t ha t a ny offer of a ppoint ment is subject t o receipt of sa t isfa ct ory checks a nd t ha t ca nva ssing elect ed
members of t he council, direct ly or indirect ly , in connect ion w it h t his job w ill disqua lify me. By submit t ing t his a pplica t ion
elect ronica lly , I a m consent ing t o t he a bove
Yes, I certify the information provided is true and correct


The Council is a Data Controller in terms of the Data Protection Act 2018 and will make use of your personal
data on the legal basis of fulfilling a contract or a prospective contract. Specifically, Glasgow City Council
will use your personal information to effectively manage its relationship with you and to meet its
obligations as an employer or prospective employer.

The council is under an obligation to manage public funds properly. Accordingly, if you are the successful
candidate the information that you provide will be used to ensure all sums due to the council are paid
timeously, e.g. by identifying persons who are non-payers of council tax and to improve uptake of benefits.
The information may also be used to prevent and detect fraud.

It is also possible that this information may be shared for the same purposes with public bodies, including
neighbouring councils or other organisations, which handle public funds.

If you are successful in your application, Glasgow City Council will use the information you have provided
on this form and any other attachments for the purposes of managing the employment relationship,
including; HR administration, learning, discipline, absence management, career development, statistical and
payroll purposes. If you are not offered the job, all documentation related to your application for
employment will normally be destroyed after a period of six months.

Further information about how Glasgow City Council makes use of personal data is included in our privacy
statement which is available on our website: https://www.glasgow.gov.uk/index.aspx?articleid=22568 Our
head office is located at City Chambers, George Square, Glasgow G2 1DU, United Kingdom, and you can
contact our Data Protection Officer by post at this address or by email at: [email protected].


By accessing the application form, you consent to the processing by Glasgow City Council and COSLA of the
information provided, including any information qualifying as personal data for the purposes of the Act. We
will not disclose personal data without consent. However, when we receive a complaint or legal challenge
relevant to the recruitment process, for example, we will need to use the personal information to carry out
the investigation.

Circumstances where we pass on personal data without consent would include those necessary to prevent
and detect crime and to produce anonymised statistics.


Glasgow City Council are as open as they can be in giving people access to their personal information.
Individuals can find out if we hold any personal information by making a ‘subject access request’ under the
Data Protection Act 1998.


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