Create VM with virt-install on KVM
There is a command to create VMs in KVM, it is virt-install.
This is an alternative of virt-manager which is a GUI management appliction for KVM to enable a lot of management operations for KVM host specified in creating VMs.
For example, following command can create Debian wheezy or jessie VM.
# virt-install -n VM1 --os-type=Linux --os-variant=debianwheezy --ram=512 --vcpus=1 --disk pool=default,size=16,format=qcow2 --serial pty --console pty --location /var/lib/libvirt/images/ISO/XXX.iso --network bridge:$BridgeName
But, there is a problem. When creating Debian, --location option can't work correctly like below.
# virt-install -n VM1 --os-type=Linux --os-variant=debianwheezy --ram=512 --vcpus=1 --disk pool=default,size=16,format=qcow2 --console pty --serial pty --location /var/lib/libvirt/images/debian-8.6.0-amd64-netinst.iso --network bridge:mgmtbr WARNING No 'console' seen in --extra-args, a 'console=ttyS0' kernel argument is likely required to see text install output from the guest. Starting install... Retrieving file info... | 160 B 00:00 ... ERROR Could not find an installable distribution at '/var/lib/libvirt/images/debian-8.6.0-amd64-netinst.iso' The location must be the root directory of an install tree. Domain installation does not appear to have been successful. If it was, you can restart your domain by running: virsh --connect qemu:///system start VM1 otherwise, please restart your installation. #
According to other site, the reason is in a Debian ISO file. Workaround is using --cdrom option instead of --location, but there is no output about installation progress information on console. Console stops like below.
# virt-install -n VM2 --os-type=Linux --os-variant=debianwheezy --ram=512 --vcpus=1 --disk pool=default,size=16,format=qcow2 --console pty --serial pty --cdrom /var/lib/libvirt/images/debian-8.6.0-amd64-netinst.iso --network bridge:mgmtbr WARNING CDROM media does not print to the text console by default, so you likely will not see text install output. You might want to use --location. Starting install... Allocating 'VM2.qcow2' | 16 GB 00:00 Creating domain... | 0 B 00:00 Connected to domain VM2 Escape character is ^] ...(No output anymore)
This is bothering... I want to know about progress but there is no information output. At this point, installation process doesn't progress, installation process stopped at the TOP of installation screen.
There is a workaround also, it is using --graphics option and enables VCS. Command is like below.
# virt-install -n VM3 --os-type=Linux --os-variant=debianwheezy --ram=512 --vcpus=1 --disk pool=default,size=16,format=qcow2 --graphics vnc,port=5903,listen=,password=XXXXXXXX --console pty --serial pty --cdrom /var/lib/libvirt/images/debian-8.6.0-amd64-netinst.iso --network bridge:mgmtbr
Using above option, virt-install will be finished within a second but installation process still exists and VNC client can connect the session.
If there is a VNC client, --graphics option is helpful when installing DebianVM with virt-install. If there is no VNC client or you hate preparing it, virt-manager might be an only way to create DebianVM on KVM.