Shammer's Philosophy

My private adversaria



I wrote a simple CGI script with SBCL in this article. But, I would like to include the host information into the http response. Then, I modified a little bit from above article implementation. Here is a new version. #!/usr/bin/sbcl --scri…

Hello World with SBCL CGI

This is the most simple CGI with SBCL. CGI source code is like below. #!/usr/bin/sbcl --script (format t "Content-Type:text/plain~%~%") (format t "Hello, SBCL CGI!!!~%") Generating /usr/lib/cgi-bin/default.l with above contents. And add ex…


pythonなどをスクリプトで実行する際には、 $ python Hello $というようになるものは、some-python-script.pyの冒頭に #!/usr/bin/env pythonとか付けてやることで、 $ ./ Hello $と、スクリプトそれ自体を直接…

Install skk-tools into Mavericks


I installed skk-tools into Mavericks in the same way as Shammerism, a lot of Warning messages output. $ make gcc -I. -I. -I. -g -O2 -o skkdic-expr ./skkdic-expr.c ./skkdic-expr.c:205:24: warning: passing 'unsigned char *' to parameter of t…

Couldn't install Homebrew


I couldn't install Homebrew into my Mac, version 10.9.2. The error message is below. ==> Downloading and installing Homebrew... fatal: unable to access '': SSL certificate problem: Invalid certificate c…


仕事が変わると、これまで意識してこなかった部分もしっかり認識しなければならなくなることがある。NICの全二重と半二重とオートネゴシエーションもそれだ。備忘録として内容をメモ。 全二重と半二重 ネットワークケーブルは、いくつかの線が束になって一つ…

Install AquaSKK

I installed AquaSKK into Office MacBookPro installed Mavericks. This is very nice! Install step is very easy and simple. Download AquaSKK from, today's latest version is 4.2(2013-05-12) Chan…

Install and use ibus-skk on wheezy

I installed Debian wheezy with English environment. So there is no input-method, such as Anthy, ATOK. I would like to use SKK not only Emacs but other application. Then, I search and select ibus-skk which is one of the SKK implementations …

Install Wireshark on Debian Wheezy

using package tool su - apt-get install wireshark from source code(Development Release?) Get Wireshark tarball from Wireshark site su - apt-get update apt-get install bison apt-get install flex apt-get install libpcap-dev apt-get install l…