I use https://bitbucket.org/, and this is a procedure how to move EmacsConfig files to git repository of bitbucket.org from Dropbox. Create repository on bitbucket.org git clone https://[email protected]/$bitbucketUserName/$…
AquaSKK has a function as skkserver. Enabling this function, DDSKK can use the dictionary which is used by AquaSKK. Following configuration required. AquaSKK Which dictionaries enabled at "辞書" section of AquaSKK 環境設定 At "その他", che…
I wrote the article yesterday about auto-install.el error. But I found that auto-install.el was updated whose version is 1.5.8. I used 1.5.4. I have to replace this file with the new one. The link is here.
I forgot since when but I see the error message every time I launch Emacs, that means connecting http://www.emacswiki.org/cgi-bin/emacs?action=index;raw=1 failed. I tried connecting this URL with curl, it returns 301. $ curl -v http://www.…
I wrote the contents about SLIME configuration as SLIME Configuration on my Debian - Shammerism, but it is an old one. So I re-write same contents with the latest environment. My current environment is: OS is Debian Jessie, uname -a result…
Summary After upgrade my Mac to El Capitan, my Emacs faced with the error which I have resolved with Resolved the issue of 2016-02-12 - Shammerism. I resolved this again and this is a memo for me. Reason Newer openssl symbolic link is not …
Intoroduce disable-mouse package I was bothered Emacs unexpectedly pop up menu on my Jessie and looking for how to disable this pop up, and find a package to do it, named disable-mouse. This package is provided via melpa. Installation proc…
I was faced with the issue that it takes for a while to launch Emacs GUI version and resolved it by the way written as Resolved the issue of 2016-02-12 - Shammerism. But this setting is reset by MacOS X security update. So, I looked for ot…
I upgraded my Emacs in my Mavericks environment. I installed ddskk in /Application/Emacs.app, so I have to re-install ddskk also. I did the procedure like /Applications/Emacs 以下に SKK をインストール - Shammerism, but editing SKK-CFG is n…
I wrote the issue several days ago, the article is Could not create connection to www.emacswiki.org:443 - Shammerism. I can make this issue resolved by updating openssl via brew. The procedure is below. brew update brew upgrade openssl sud…
Since a few days ago, I faced with the problem when Emacs launching. The error message is below. error in process filter: Could not create connection to www.emacswiki.org:443I have no idea what is the root cause. But I can avoid this error…
In my test environment, it takes several minutes to launch Emacs because Emacs trying following command but can't connect in this environment for security reasons. /usr/bin/wget -q --spider www.emacswiki.orgEnabling http-proxy for wget mak…
EmacsLispのサンプル集。他にpythonやLisp、bash などで書いているがそれと同じような位置付けのもの。他のものと比較して書く頻度が少ないだけに忘れがちだが、そういうときに参照するためのもの。他の言語と異なり、目的はテキスト編集が大半ということも…
I wrote EmacsLisp function whose name is get-current-element-name in What kind of elements is Emacs cursor in? - Shammerism, but I found a bug. This bug finishes with error and not modifies a buffer content, so this bug affect isn't big. T…
I enhanced Is Emacs cursor in <p> or <div>? - Shammerism. In previous release, only <p> and <div> can be detected, but this version enables all elements. Not only this version can handle more elements, but also implementation becomes m</div></p>…
I always write HTML documents almost every day. And I use some EmacsLisp functions including I wrote by myself. Sometime I would like to make Emacs judged where the cursor is in, what kind of HTML elements. This function helps in such a ca…
Switching root and execute following steps. Install Fonts Install Monaco cd /usr/share/fonts/truetype mkdir ttf-monaco cd ttf-monaco wget http://www.gringod.com/wp-upload/software/Fonts/Monaco_Linux.ttf mkfontdir cd .. fc-cache Install Osa…
EmacsLisp行頭判定 - Shammerismの続きだが、、、buffer-substringを使ったが、http://www.bookshelf.jp/texi/elisp-manual/21-2-8/jp/elisp_32.htmlの「31.1 ポイント付近のテキストを調べる」でそのままズバリな関数が見つかった。新バージョンは以下。 (d…
EmacsLispで、カーソルが行頭にあるかどうか判定する関数を探したが、beginning-of-lineがヒットするばかりで自分の欲しいものが見つからなかったので自作したものをメモ。もっと良い方法ないのだろうか。そのものズバリなのがありそうな気もするのだが。 (d…
Emacs Lisp でCtrl+矢印のキーバインドを行いたいと思い、以下のように記述したが動作しなかった。 (define-key global-map (kbd "C-<right>") 'test)記述に問題はないはずなのに、、、と思っていたが、原因は思わぬところにあった。Mission ControlでCtrl+右矢印が</right>…
This is caused by Keyboard preference of OS X System Preferences. This can be changed by following steps. Launch System Preferences Click Keyboard Move pointer of "Key Repeat" to Fast Move pointer of "Delay Until Repeat" to Short
Emacs can be configured as server mode. Server mode helps to collect all process to view or edit text files by emacsclient. Add following configuration to init.el (require 'server) (unless (server-running-p) (server-start)) Add emacsclient…
This is a split article of Install Emacs 24.3 on Debian 7.4 - Shammerism. apt-get install build-essential apt-get install libncurses-dev apt-get install autoconf wget http://ftp.gnu.org/pub/gnu/emacs/emacs-24.4.tar.gz cd emacs-24.4 ./confi…
I have been looking forward Emacs 24.4, and it was released at 2014/10/20, according to GNU Emacs For Mac OS X. Then, I install this and use. I was surprised that Ctrl-J key action has been changed. Until 24.3, this key is new-line + auto-…
Today's article is a Debian version of Emacs Font change - Shammerism. But both Monaco and Osaka font are not installed as default. Some steps are required different from Mac OS X. Install Osaka su - mkdir -p /usr/share/fonts/ttc-osaka cd …
I install Debian in my personal laptop and using Mac OS X in my office. Of course, I install and use Emacs both environment. I selected Inconsolata as my favorite font, but recently I prefer Monaco and Osaka combination. This is a memo of …
I tried SLIME configuration on Debian wheezy before, but I couldn't. I write this try as SLIME Configuration on my Debian - Shammerism. I tried SLIME configuration again on my Mavericks, and finished without problems. ;;; SLIME (load (expa…
I have been using Emacs font as following configuration. (when window-system (global-set-key [ns-drag-file] 'ns-find-file) (defvar fixed-width-use-QuickDraw-for-ascii t) (create-fontset-from-ascii-font "Inconsolata:slant=normal" nil "myfav…
I installed AquaSKK into Office MacBookPro installed Mavericks. This is very nice! Install step is very easy and simple. Download AquaSKK from http://sourceforge.jp/projects/aquaskk/releases/, today's latest version is 4.2(2013-05-12) Chan…
Quicklisp helps us to configure SLIME. I referenced this site InstallingSlime – Clozure CL. Install Quicklisp (ql:quickload :quicklisp-slime-helper) After finished (ql:quickload :quicklisp-slime-helper), the following message are shown. To…