Tuesday, September 10, 2024

Ketch-Up Day


 How are you? How goes your week? We went to Mooresville and putzed around. Oh my gosh. There's so much Halloween decos out.  I love it. It's fun. Halloween is certainly giving Christmas a run for its money. Money being the operative word. Heh. The HH surprised me with this mug for me.

I'm still weeding and staining the fence. I will be finished....Someday. Maybe.

I was reading an old favorite, a Barbara Michaels' paperback, and I frequently had to stop and and tape pages back together. Out of curiosity, I checked the copyright date to give me a clue as to when I bought it. That paperback was over fifty years old!


The Eternal Garden  and critters in it:)


I find these guys fascinating.


I'm fascinated by this hibiscus. After the bloom falls off, what is left looks a flower, doesn't it?



From California.

Thanks, Denise;) xo



Jamie Ghione said...

I like the cat mug.

Elephant's Child said...

That mug is a beauty. Love your garden and all of the critters too.

Hilary Melton-Butcher said...

Hi Sandra ... sounds like a fun time - that mug is 'brilliant'! Critters beguile us don't they ... while the garden entrances ... Autumn has arrived here ... much cooler - cheers Hilary

Andrew said...

The mug is way cool.
I have a couple of books that are falling apart. One is The Cousin from Fiji. I can recommend it. It is light and interesting, and a bit of snapshot of mores and lives in Australia in I think the late 19th century.

David M. Gascoigne, said...

Halloween already? We’re barely into September.

CJ Kennedy said...

I LOVE your mug! All the Inks and pumpkins

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Mug is cool.
I don't think that's a real toucan though...

Elizabeth Seckman said...

I just planted a hibiscus. I got it on scratch and dent from Walmart. It's flourishing and getting ready to bloom!

Donna said...

Liking them all...lol...the skunk! Lolol

Birgit said...

She photographed Pepe Le Peu! Love this hibiscus… I also love that mug and the one with the round eyes made me laugh because that’s Lexi before she pounces on something. Glad you had a nice weekend.

Sandra Cox said...

Thanks, Jamie;)

Sandra Cox said...

Thanks, EC:) Your area is sure looking pretty.

Sandra Cox said...

'Critters beguile us while the garden entrances.' Nicely done! I hope Autumn treats you well. Cheers,

Sandra Cox said...

Next month....;)

Natalie Aguirre said...

It's cool that you've owned that book for over 50 years. I have one I loved when I was about seven, which is also over 50 years ago. Your husband was sweet to get you the cute Halloween cup.

Sandra Cox said...

Glad you like the mug:)
Thanks for the book recommendation. Nice to know I'm not the only one that holds on to old favorites;)

Sandra Cox said...

Ya can't beat Inks and pumpkins:)

Sandra Cox said...

Heh. I can't slip anything by you;)

Sandra Cox said...

Yay! My kind of shopper. What color?

Sandra Cox said...

I'm glad;) Luckily, the skunk didn't skunk anyone;)

Sandra Cox said...

I loved Pep Le Peu:) Glad you liked the hibiscus and the mug. I bet Lexi is a hoot. Hope you had a good weekend.

Sandra Cox said...

Yay you:)
It was nice of him:) I think I'll keep him:)

J.P. Alexander said...

Lindo zorrillo. Te mando un beso.

Janie Junebug said...

Great mug! I also have some books that are at least 50 years old and a few that are even older. We went to Costco on Saturday and Christmas stuff was out next to Halloween decorations and candy! Way too soon for Christmas!


Damyanti Biswas said...

That mug is adorable! Praying mantises fascinate me, too. I haven't seen many throughout my life, but it's always fun to sit and observe them for a bit when they do make an appearance.

Sandra Cox said...

It is cute, isn't it, J.P. Sending you hugs,

Sandra Cox said...

Some books are like old friends, aren't they, Janie.
Christmas and Halloween side by side. Yikes.

Sandra Cox said...

Hi Damy, Glad you like the mug:) I agree. I don't know what it is about them, but praying mantises fascinate.

Truedessa said...

The praying mantis is an amazing creature. I had one around my place for a couple of days. It was rather large and I kept wondering what it was trying to say to me. It was on my window perfectly still. I went out on the deck and was able to get very close to take photos. It's tiny head observing me. surreal....

Sandra Cox said...

Glad he visited with you for a couple of days. Their heads are amazing, aren't they?