

Trend Micro Deep Security 11.0 Update 10 公開のお知らせ:サポート情報 : トレンドマイクロ@ Deep Security Agent 11.0 Update 9に問題があって公開停止していた件、アップデートが出たとの事

(Linux 版/Unix 版 Trend Micro Deep Security Agent 11.0 Update 9(ビルド番号707)公開停止のお知らせ:サポート情報 : トレンドマイクロ@ 不正プログラム対策エンジンがオフラインとなる不具合が発生。バージョンダウンで対応して欲しいとのこと。 - まっちゃだいふくの日記)
Trend Micro Deep Security 11.0 Update 10 公開のお知らせ:サポート情報 : トレンドマイクロ

Deep Security 11.0 Update 10 のモジュールを公開いたしました。
■ 公開開始日

2019 年 5 月 7 日 (火)

■ 対象モジュール

Deep Security Manager
Linux 版 Deep Security Agent
Unix 版 Deep Security Agent
Windows 版 Deep Security Agent
Windows 版 Deep Security Notifier
■ 追加機能/修正内容

以下の通り、Linux 版/Unix 版 Trend Micro Deep Security Agent 11.0 Update 9(ビルド番号 707)の公開を停止しておりましたが、問題に対する修正が Trend Micro Deep Security Agent 11.0 Update 10(ビルド番号 716)にて反映されました。
Linux 版/Unix 版 Trend Micro Deep Security Agent 11.0 Update 9(ビルド番号707)公開停止のお知らせ

本問題の影響を受けていた場合は、Trend Micro Deep Security 11.0 Update 10をご利用くださいますようお願い申し上げます。
また、その他の追加機能や修正内容は付属の Readme をご覧ください。

サポート情報 : トレンドマイクロ

Deep Security Manager

2. What's New

   2.1 Enhancements
   The following enhancement(s) are included in this release:
   Enhancement 1: [DSSEG-3749]
                  For AWS connector full synchronization,
                  synchronization errors have been isolated from
                  different regions so that the errors will not affect
                  the synchronization of other regions.

   2.2 Resolved Known Issues
   This release resolves the following issue(s):
   Issue 1:       [DSSEG-3762/SEG-45663]
                  The encrypted PDF generation process was failing due
                  to a dependency issue for a third party library.
   Solution 1:    This issue is fixed in this release.
   Issue 2:       [DSSEG-3721/SEG-49499/SF01950008]
                  In Malware Scan Configurations, when the scan type was
                  Manual/Scheduled, the "Spyware/Grayware Scan Enabled"
                  column always displayed "N/A".
   Solution 2:    This issue is fixed in this release.
   Issue 3:       [DSSEG-3599/01686438/SEG-47152]
                  Application Control events did not include a "Size"
   Solution 3:    This issue is fixed in this release.

Linux 版 Deep Security Agent

2. What's New

   2.1 Enhancements
   There are no enhancements in this release.

   2.2 Resolved Known Issues
   This release resolves the following issue(s):
   Issue 1:       [DSSEG-3743/SEG-49827/SEG-36737]
                  - Deep Security Agent sometimes crashed due to
                    defects in Lua 5.2.1.  
		          - Deep Security Agent 11.0 Update 8 ( for 
		            Windows upgrade from Deep Security Agent 10.0 Update 
		            18 (10.0.3309) and Deep Security Update 21 (                     
                    or later) failed. (SEG-49827)
   Solution 1:    This issue is fixed in this release. Lua has been
                  upgraded to version 5.2.4
   Issue 2:       [DSSEG-3716/SEG-50327]
                  Using a default system language to set the locale on a
                  Linux computer sometimes caused  Anti-Malware to not
                  function correctly.
   Solution 2:    This issue is fixed in this release.
   Issue 3:       [DSSEG-3420/SEG-43481]
                  Certain data structures in the Deep Security Agent
                  packet engine were cleaned up prematurely, leading to
                  a kernel panic and system crash.
   Solution 3:    The code has been modified to address the premature
                  data structure clean up.
   Issue 4:       [DSSEG-3236/SEG-31021/SF00889757]
                  In some cases, Integrity Monitoring events did not
                  include the Entity Name.
   Solution 4:    This issue is resolved in this release.

Unix 版 Deep Security Agent

2. What's New
   2.1 Enhancements
   There are no enhancements in this release.

   2.2 Resolved Known Issues
   This release resolves the following issue(s):
   Issue 1:       [DSSEG-3743/SEG-49827/SEG-36737]
                  - Deep Security Agent sometimes crashed due to
                    defects in Lua 5.2.1.  
                  - Deep Security Agent 11.0 Update 8 ( for 
		            Windows upgrade from Deep Security Agent 10.0 Update 
		            18 (10.0.3309) and Deep Security Update 21 (                     
					or later) failed. (SEG-49827)
   Solution 1:    This issue is fixed in this release. Lua has been
                  upgraded to version 5.2.4
   Issue 2:       [DSSEG-3420/SEG-43481]
                  Certain data structures in the Deep Security Agent
                  packet engine were cleaned up prematurely, leading to
                  a kernel panic and system crash.
   Solution 2:    The code has been modified to address the premature
                  data structure clean up.
   Issue 3:       [DSSEG-3236/SEG-31021/SF00889757]
                  In some cases, Integrity Monitoring events did not
                  include the Entity Name.
   Solution 3:    This issue is fixed in this release.

Windows 版 Deep Security Agent
Windows 版 Deep Security Notifier

2. What's New

   2.1 Enhancements
   There are no enhancements in this release.

   2.2 Resolved Known Issues
   This release resolves the following issue(s):
   Issue 1:       [DSSEG-3743/SEG-49827/SEG-36737]
                  - Deep Security Agent sometimes crashed due to
                    defects in Lua 5.2.1.  
                  - Deep Security Agent 11.0 Update 8 ( for 
		            Windows upgrade from Deep Security Agent 10.0 Update 
		            18 (10.0.3309) and Deep Security Update 21 (                     
					or later) failed.(SEG-49827)

   Solution 1:    This issue is fixed in this release. Lua has been
                  upgraded to version 5.2.4
   Issue 2:       [DSSEG-3420/SEG-43481]
                  Certain data structures in the Deep Security Agent
                  packet engine were cleaned up prematurely, leading to
                  a kernel panic and system crash.
   Solution 2:    The code has been modified to address the premature
                  data structure clean up.
   Issue 3:       [DSSEG-3236/SEG-31021/SF00889757]
                  In some cases, Integrity Monitoring events did not
                  include the Entity Name.
   Solution 3:    This issue is fixed in this release.

「承認欲求」の呪縛 (新潮新書)

「承認欲求」の呪縛 (新潮新書)