Wyoming Public Service Commission

Water Industry

Water Utilities

The Commission regulates twelve water utilities that provide retail water service to Wyoming customers. These water utilities serve a relatively small number of Wyoming customers, the vast majority of service in the state being provided by municipalities and water and improvement districts which are not regulated by the Commission.

The PSC has the following primary duties regarding the regulation of water utilities: Hearing rate cases and approving rates and tariffs for the companies Reviewing, analyzing and hearing water utility applications to pass-on wholesale cost increases in the cost of water Granting certificates of public convenience and necessity for major facilities Establishing accounting and depreciation procedures for utilities Approving mergers, acquisitions and transactions between companies Approving the issuance of securities and creation of liens by the utility Mediating consumer complaints regarding water service issues

Webinar Opportunities for Small Water Utilities

Sponsored by EFCN (Environmental Finance Center Network)


Sample Rules and Regulations for Water Utilities

This document has been assembled by the Wyoming Public Service Commission staff.

Sample Water Utility Rules and Regulations

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