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onyxlynx: The words "Onyx" and "Lynx" with x superimposed (Black background Grafix)

The Nutmeg of Consolidation

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Created on 2009-05-03 20:59:21 (#257004), last updated 2017-10-16 (384 weeks ago)

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Website:Onyx Lynx
Great-grandchild of a pirate. (No, not a ballplayer in Pittsburgh, nor yet that nice young man sent to Penzance to learn a trade.)

If it will help, I am a former denizen of rasff, alt.callahans, and alt.polyamory. I am not the onyxlynx of Live Journal, nor, as I discovered recently, the onyxlynx of YouTube. In case you wondered.

Another proud "Dreamwidther academic elitist ivory tower PC-policing offense-taking squee-harshing art-hating overly-demanding censorship bitch." From [personal profile] thingswithwings here (last para) via [personal profile] deepad via [personal profile] avendya.

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