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wild_irises: (wild iris)

Giraffe Descant

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Created on 2009-04-14 09:46:53 (#56947), last updated 2020-03-20 (257 weeks ago)

1,261 comments received, 4,547 comments posted

313 Journal Entries, 210 Tags, 0 Memories, 30 Icons Uploaded

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Location:California, United States
Website:Body Impolitic

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19_crows, 1ofgloriasjudys, adrian_turtle, aedifica, al_zorra, alexbayleaf, alibi_shop, allochthon, anarqueso, annaoj, anne, aquaeri, aquenigmatic, aria, ashareem, athenais, babba, badger2305, badgerbag, bcholmes, beta_vulgaris, beth_meacham, bibliofile, black_pearl, bookzombie, bossymarmalade, boxofdelights, brainwane, brithistorian, brooksmoses, calimac, carbonel, cme, coraa, crazysoph, cynthia1960, damned_colonial, dancingsinging, dang, davidgoldfarb, davidlevine, desert_dragon, doppmonster, elysdir, emceeaich, emchy, epershand, erik, fgherman, fifteendozentimes, firecat, futuransky, garyomaha, gerisullivan, ghoti, gramina, heavenscalyx, hederahelix, hhw, hobbitbabe, holyoutlaw, housepet, inflectionpoint, irontongue, ivy, jack, jae, jaeleslie, james_davis_nicoll, jamie, jazzfish, jesse_the_k, joedecker, julian, kaberett, kalmn, kate_schaefer, kimberly_a, klwalton, kshandra, laceblade, ladyjax,, laurieopal, lcohen, legionseagle, light_of_summer, lilysea, ljgeoff, loracs, lucia, lydamorehouse, mackenzie, maevele, merielle, metaphortunate, mme_hardy, n6tqs, nabil, oliviacirce, onyxlynx, oursin, pantryslut, pegkerr, perigee, pokershaman, quility, redbird, rednfiery, replyhazy, rmjwell, roadnotes, rushthatspeaks, sashajwolf, serene, seryn, sev, spacecrab, starlady, stefanie_bean, stonebender, stunningflowermachines, sturgeonslawyer, supergee, susanstinson, switchybitch, syntaxofthings, tb, the_siobhan, tiger_spot, tim, tinyhand, ursula, vito_excalibur, voidampersand, waywardcats, were_duck, whittles, wohali, wordweaverlynn, wshaffer

Open Also Gives Access To (39):

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Open Mutual Subscriptions (155):

19_crows, 1ofgloriasjudys, adrian_turtle, aedifica, al_zorra, alatefeline, alibi_shop, allochthon, anarqueso, annaoj, anne, aquaeri, aquenigmatic, aria, ashareem, athenais, azurelunatic, babba, badger2305, badgerbag, bcholmes, beth_meacham, bibliofile, black_pearl, bookzombie, bossymarmalade, boxofdelights, br3nda, brainwane, brithistorian, brooksmoses, calimac, carbonel, cesperanza, cme, coraa, crazysoph, cynthia1960, damned_colonial, dancingsinging, dang, davidgoldfarb, davidlevine, desert_dragon, doppmonster, elf, elysdir, emceeaich, emchy, epershand, erik, fgherman, fifteendozentimes, firecat, futuransky, garyomaha, gerisullivan, ghoti, gramina, gretchening, heavenscalyx, hhw, hobbitbabe, holyoutlaw, housepet, inflectionpoint, irontongue, ivy, izzybelbooks, j00j, jack, jae, jaeleslie, james_davis_nicoll, jamie, jazzfish, jesse_the_k, joedecker, julian, jumpuphigh, kaberett, kalmn, kate_schaefer, kimberly_a, klwalton, kshandra, ktempest, laceblade, ladyjax, laurel,, laurieopal, lcohen, legionseagle, light_of_summer, liv, ljgeoff, loracs, lucia, lydamorehouse, mackenzie, maevele, marydell, merielle, metaphortunate, mme_hardy, morgan_dhu, n6tqs, nabil, oliviacirce, onyxlynx,, oursin, pantryslut, pegkerr, perigee, piranha, pokershaman, quility, raanve, redbird, rednfiery, replyhazy, rmjwell, roadnotes, sassbandit, serene, seryn, sev, starlady, stefanie_bean, stonebender, strata, stunningflowermachines, sturgeonslawyer, supergee, susanstinson, switchybitch, syntaxofthings, tb, the_siobhan, tiger_spot, tim, tinyhand, ursula, voidampersand, waywardcats, wealhtheow, were_duck, whittles, wohali, wordweaverlynn, wrdnrd, wshaffer, zdashamber

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