onyxlynx: Festive pennants in blue & purple with word "Birthday" centered. (Birthday)
to [personal profile] kalmn  and [personal profile] halialkers  ! . Hope you special day was fun!  Wishing you unmitigated joy.
onyxlynx: Festive pennants in blue & purple with word "Birthday" centered. (Birthday)
 to [personal profile] piglet !  Hope you had an excellent time

In Memoriam

Oct. 9th, 2017 11:37 am
onyxlynx: Some trees and a fountain at a cemetery (A Fine and Private Place)

onyxlynx: Blue bkgrd, large red 7th, words "decade of fabulous." (As in "I'm in my 7th decade of fabulousn)
 by way of [personal profile] wild_irises .

Tattoos: None. 
Surgeries: Tonsillectomy @ 13; wisdom teeth extraction; repair of broken elbow.

    Broken bones: Broken elbow.  Not pleasant.
    Shot a gun:  Toy only
    Quit a job:A few times.
    Flown on a plane: Yes; first flight on M*A*T*S With family.  Prop plane from Idlewild.
    100+miles in car: driven & ridden.
    Gone zip lining: No.  Way. José.
    Watched someone give birth: In a movie.  Eeeep.
    Watched someone dying: Held someone.
    Ridden in an ambulance: Twice!
    Been to Canada:in childhood and to visit.
    ... to Europe: lived there 3 years
    ... to Washington D.C: Disclaves!
    ... to Florida: Once.
    ... to Colorado: Changed planes in Denver
    ... to Mexico: No
    ... to Las Vegas: Yes
    Sang karaoke:  Sort of.  
    Had a pet: We had a puppy for about a week.  Mom is also phobic about dogs.
    Been downhill skiing: Voluntary exposure to snow and cold?  That's diseased.
    Gone snowboarding: No.  See previous
    Ability to read music: Sort of.  Piano lessons..
    Rode a motorcycle: On the back of one   "pillion?"
    Rode a horse:  Once.  As a small child.
    Stayed in a hospital: Yes.  Thrice.
    Driven a stick shift: No.
    Ride in Police Car: No
    Driven a Boat: No
    Eaten Escargot: I could have in Montréal.
    Seen a UFO: No
    Been on a Cruise: Not a real cruise, though.
    Run out of Gas: The lessons of '74 are in awareness.
    Eaten Sushi: Yes
    Seen a Ghost: No
onyxlynx: Festive pennants in blue & purple with word "Birthday" centered. (Birthday)
 to [personal profile] supergee !  Hope it was fun!
onyxlynx: Festive pennants in blue & purple with word "Birthday" centered. (Birthday)
 to [personal profile] oursin .  Have an excellent day!
onyxlynx: Festive pennants in blue & purple with word "Birthday" centered. (Birthday)
to [personal profile] jonsinger  et les jumelles[A & S] de Grand Lake!  Hi, [personal profile] black_pearl  and [personal profile] pantryslut !  (Ils  sont les parents des jumelles)
onyxlynx: The words "Onyx" and "Lynx" with x superimposed (Default)
 Also, today was National Coffee Day (link goes to local businesses offering free coffee).  I'm giving some thought to resurrecting (after cleaning and buying filters) ye coffeemaker.
onyxlynx: The words "Onyx" and "Lynx" with x superimposed (Default)
(Confidential:  [personal profile] elisem , are you thinking of taking up pastry baking?  I had an odd dream in which you gave me an eclair, and it was delicious.)

For some reason, I began thinking that the song "Stout-Hearted Men" was in The Student Prince, which I thought I'd seen pieces of a couple years ago. No. What I saw pieces of a couple of years ago was New Moon, in which "Stout-Hearted Men" appears.
onyxlynx: Festive pennants in blue & purple with word "Birthday" centered. (Birthday)
 to [personal profile] selenak !  Have a peaceful day!


Sep. 26th, 2017 02:44 pm
onyxlynx: The words "Onyx" and "Lynx" with x superimposed (Default)
 I have better uses for my money.  There's ice cream I haven't eaten.  Try a week at the ISS.
onyxlynx: Festive pennants in blue & purple with word "Birthday" centered. (Birthday)
 to [personal profile] helens78 !  Hope you're doing well.  Happy day to you!
onyxlynx: The words "Onyx" and "Lynx" with x superimposed (Default)
 L'Shanah Tovah! to those who celebrate!
onyxlynx: Festive pennants in blue & purple with word "Birthday" centered. (Birthday)
to [personal profile] serene !  Hoping next year is better.
onyxlynx: Festive pennants in blue & purple with word "Birthday" centered. (Birthday)
 to [personal profile] randy_byers !  Wishing you a magnificent day.
onyxlynx: Festive pennants in blue & purple with word "Birthday" centered. (Birthday)
 to [personal profile] daisydeadhead !  Hope you managed to stay dry!
onyxlynx: Festive pennants in blue & purple with word "Birthday" centered. (Birthday)
 to [personal profile] imnotandrei !  Hope the day is pleasant.
onyxlynx: Some trees and a fountain at a cemetery (A Fine and Private Place)
onyxlynx: Some trees and a fountain at a cemetery (A Fine and Private Place)
Edith Windsor,
Ultimately, the opinion in Windsor's case became the basis for a wave of federal court rulings that struck down state marriage bans and led to a 2015 Supreme Court ruling giving same-sex couples the right to marry from coast to coast.
ETA: Sir Peter Hall, founder of the Royal Shakespeare Company.
onyxlynx: Festive pennants in blue & purple with word "Birthday" centered. (Birthday)
 to [personal profile] madshutterbug !    Hope you're OK and that you and yours are drying out.
onyxlynx: Some trees and a fountain at a cemetery (A Fine and Private Place)
onyxlynx: The words "Onyx" and "Lynx" with x superimposed (Default)
  • I've seen half of It. I think horror movies in theaters are off my menu. There was a that's it point. I've mostly read the book, although I don't remember the scene.
  • Medical fu.
  • We had one of those stealth thunderstorms. Two guys on the bus were pointing at their iPhone, saying "There's a thunderstorm." (I did not say, guys, the windows are wet and there was a rumble a minute ago.
  • There's an alternate universe in which when we returned from oveseas, Dad got assigned to the Presidio or the Oakland Army Base and I grew up here and get all the arcane references in the Chronicle.
  • Where is that stupid phone bill?
  • Taiko drumming...
onyxlynx: Some trees and a fountain at a cemetery (A Fine and Private Place)
 110 Stories by John M. Ford.

The church across the street is mostly rebuilt
.  Which reminded me of the Burger King on the corner, which had been way back an Automat, and the Manhattan Savings Bank, which had a grand piano which sometimes got played in the afternoons.


onyxlynx: The words "Onyx" and "Lynx" with x superimposed (Default)

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