WP Super Cache is a fast full-page caching plugin for WordPress. Download it from your dashboard or get it here. Version 1.5.0 has been in development for some time. It has a ton of bug fixes and new features. REST API The headline new feature is REST API access to the settings. This will allow developers to create their own interface to the settings of the plugin. Unfortunately it isn’t yet documented but you can see the code in the rest directory. Start with load.php where you’ll find the code that registers all the endpoints. Users who access the API […]
Mindbomb – the beginning of Greenpeace
I’m going through my backlog of podcasts and this episode of Undone stood out. It’s about the beginnings of Greenpeace when a group of people in their twenties sailed a boat around the Pacific Ocean hoping to confront a fleet of Soviet whalers. Near the end of their supplies they heard Russian voices on the radio and spotted the ships. The rest is history but the story is fascinating. While looking up “Greenpeace mindbomb” I came across this article about a movie on Greenpeace called “How to Change the World” which covers the same subject. Here’s the trailer: Unfortunately the […]
Thank you Translators!
Well, well. WP Super Cache translations are coming along well. 100% of strings in the development version are translated into Canadian English and Romanian! (That might change over the next few days as I have a couple of UI changes in mind, sorry!) Other languages like Persian, Japanese, Spanish, Russian and Italian are roaring along and sometimes only need a handful of words or sentences translated to hit that magic 100% too. The next version of the plugin will grab translations from WordPress.org if they’re available which is awesome for users around the world. We’re still shipping translation files but […]