
WordPress 2.6 Easter Egg

This is new to me, even though others have known about it for months. There’s a Matrix Easter Egg in WordPress 2.6 and in the betas of WordPress 2.7. To activate it: Edit a post. Scroll down to the revisions section of the page and click the latest revision. On the next page, scroll down again and select the same revision for comparison. The Matrix has you.. Danger ! Self-comparison detected. Initiating infinite loop eschewal protocol. Self destruct in… 3 2 1 Wake up, Donncha… The Matrix has you… Don’t let this happen again. Go Back.


WordPress MU 2.6.5

WordPress MU, the multi blog version of WordPress that runs on such sites as WordPress.com has been updated to version 2.6.5 to address an XSS vulnerability in the feeds offered to users. More details will be forthcoming but for the time being, there’s also the WordPress.org announcement post. This release also has a number of bug fixes, including a fix and improvements to rss caching. This is a required upgrade, so please install it as soon as you can. After you’ve upgraded, check out the nominations for the 2008 WPMU Awards and vote for your favourite! In related news, a […]


State of the Art by Spaceballs

This Amiga demo blew me away when I first saw it. There are better ones out there but I think the dancing figures were such an unusual feature at the time it struck a chord with a lot of people. Check out the follow up demo, Nine Fingers and other releases by Spaceballs. Of course, you should grab the original disks for State of the Art and 9 Fingers and watch on a real Amiga rather than watching a low quality Youtube video!


Skimming the web

The way I see it, there are three stages to web browsing: The web is new. You visit the blogs of friends and colleagues every day. You use Gmail or Yahoo mail and check in on your favourite sites a few times a day. It quickly becomes tiring visiting websites every day that may not have any new content. You discover feed readers and play around with a few of them. You find that Google Reader is a pretty good one and you start subscribing to every single interesting blog or feed you find. Not long after you suffer feed […]

Health , Ireland

Irish girls denied cancer vaccine

I haven’t been listening to the news much of late. I’m not sure when that started but even if the news is on in the background, the droning voice of the newscaster usually goes in one ear and out the other. Unfortunately for the Irish Government, and Mary Harney in particular, Red Mum is making sure that everyone hears about their disgraceful refusal to administer a vaccine against cervical cancer to every 12 year old girl in the country. More on the Irish Times website: Minister for Health Mary Harney this evening said the economic situation had “rapidly and seriously” […]

Humour , Movies

The Matrix Windows Style

What would the Matrix be like if it ran on Windows XP? Very silly, but I love the ending! (Thanks Aehso!) PS. Jason Roe is organising a blogger/webby meet up in Dublin on Thursday the 27th. I won’t be there but he’ll have some WordPress stickers and badges to give away!

Food , reviews

Stix Bar in Beaconsfield

For lunch today we went to Stix in Beaconsfield. It’s a lovely restaurant in a picturesque area outside London, with a car park right next to it. Before I go any further, the owners are related to Matt so I could be accused of being biased. Still we had a great lunch there. I ordered a burger, the others ordered various tapas portions and Adam had chicken goujons, chips and peas and hasn’t been as relaxed in a restaurant since he was a tiny baby and slept through our excursions to a local restaurant in Blarney. If you’re ever in […]


Make your WordPress plugin talk AJAX

This morning at BarCamp Cork I gave a short talk on how to add AJAX functionality to WordPress plugins. Here are the example scripts I used during the talk. Rename the files to .php and install as you would normal WordPress plugins. helloworld1.txt – very simple and basic “Hello World” plugin. helloworld2.txt – script that will display the text “Hello World” using an AJAX request to get the text from the server. helloworld3.txt – script that displays “Hello World” text, and an “update” link that increments a counter via an AJAX http request. helloworld4.txt – script that displays a simple […]