This is quite inventive. It’s amazing how much trash they picked up in only two hours or so after a storm. Cork could do with that in the winter.
Cat saves boy from viscious dog
Well, you’ve probably seen this already but it’s still worth posting here because it’s so amazing. A cat defended a young boy from a viscous dog that was attacking him by ramming the dog and chasing him off. It’s incredible to think the cat flew at the dog like that. I read last night that the dog has been put down but can’t find that information anywhere now. That was one lucky boy, it could have been so much worse. More on the story here. BAKERSFIELD – A cat came to her best friend’s rescue Tuesday when a young […]
The Cork Film Festival Bundle
Pay what you want for Irish and international shorts, features and movies in The Cork Film Festival Bundle. For a movie based bundle the page lacks embeddable media I can easily use here but it looks worth it and I bought the bundle. The interview with James Mulligan explains what the bundle is all about but you’ll have to visit the page to view it.
Amazing Android Audio with ViPER4Android
If I was in any way skilled at writing prose I’d continue the alliteration in this post but alas I’m not so you’ll have to make do with the amazing ViPER4Android that makes Android devices sound absolutely amazing. Their about page says that “ViPER’s Audio is an audio enhancing software to provide everyone with better audio experiences in various platforms such as smartphones and PCs.” It has a graphic equalizer and controls for changing surround sound, bass, treble, clarity and gain settings in the driver. I mostly used the default settings but pumped the clarity up to 12dB. There are […]
Kerbal Space Program: The Minmus Space Station
Just over a year ago I docked two space ships in Kerbal Space Program for the first time. It was extremely difficult. The first time you do it it’s like balancing a full cup of tea on a 1m pole while cycling down the road on a unicycle. With the pole standing on your nose. It’s something I’ve mostly shied away from as it’s so frustrating. However, after watching this video I tried again. Balancing my craft is made a lot easier by “hacking gravity” to test that the RCS ports are in the right place, setting the camera mode […]