
RSS Overload

The thing about being away is that stuff collects.. My bloglines aggregator is now chock a block with feeds containing 20 or more posts. A few sites such as /. and el register have hit the max of 200. I shall probably do the equivalent of mark all as read for many of them. I already did that several times in Thunderbird! Life’s too short..


Mainstream attention for Cork Bloggers

Damien Mulley says that several Cork Bloggers were profiled in the Sunday Business Post last weekend. Included among them was this little blog! Does anyone have a copy of that sbpost they don’t want? I read Damien’s post around 23:30 on Sunday night and didn’t get a chance to buy my own.


Weather? It's scorchio in Lanzarote!

Writing here from a very hot Lanzarote! We’ll be back in Ireland on Saturday but it’s been a blast! Dining out every night, relaxing, seeing the sights such as El Golfo, Cuevo De Los Verde and more.. Wait ´til you see the photos next week!