DENVER- Who wouldn’t want to stand in solidarity with undocumented immigrants willing to stage sit-ins in Obama campaign headquarters across the country, risking arrest and certain deportation –we thought– to demand that President Obama hear their plea? Yeah, the Dream Act is an economic draft to ensnare illegal aliens, but these “Dream Activists” spoke mainly of schooling opportunities and the prospect of legal jobs thereafter. So they locked themselves in, began hunger strikes, and left support crews outside to hold press conferences, until yesterday, when Obama announced he would cease deportations! A win-win for Obama and his Hispanic constituents. On cue, Bogeyman Romney vowed he’d reverse that order. Did you see that coming? You might have, if you’d noticed that these campaign HQ occupiers had decorated their handmade signs with Obama logos. That, and the DPD never ever rattled its sabers. You try to hold a sit-in and you’ll be cited for trespass before you sit down. Denver Police were never called, and we figured it was because the Obama campaign didn’t dare upset the Latino community, like they do environmentalists, labor, feminists, social justice…
Tag Archives: Undocumented Workers
Teabonics parlee-voo
While we’ve been fussing about whether to dub them TEABAGGERS or just TEABAGS, someone’s honed in on the pejorative that binds them, TEABONICS –with apologies to African Americans whose variant dialect reflects cultural influence not lack of education or intelligence. Irony of course flies IQ levels above Tea Partygoers, as central to their anti-immigrant anglo-centrism is the insistence that real Americans know English. Here’s a Flickr collection of proclamations in Teabonic.
My favorite is at right. Today’s US exploitation of undocumented workers is a disingenuous equivalent of slavery. Our American economy depends on low wage laborers who can be deported as “illegal” when we want to change them out with cheaper ones. Those tea party faces are the same who opposed abolition and blocked the Civil Rights marchers in Selma.
Illegal Alien costume has a Green Card
It’s called the Illegal Alien Costume, available at Target, Walmart, et al. And look– he’s tendering a Green Card! That means he’s overqualified to work the night shift cleaning super center floors. Immigrant rights activists are calling for the retailers to pull the costumes. No human being is illegal, certainly not #1 enemy of the state, which most Americans associate the Gitmo jumpsuit. Halloween party planners say, lighten up! Political Correctness goes too far to ask us to show sensitivity for the thousands of undocumented workers being rounded up by ICE, incarcerated indefinitely in privately operated Wackenhut detention centers, who may or may not be wearing orange Guantanamo prison garb. When Abu Ghraib type snapshots emerge from these DHS funded facilities, next year’s Halloween xenophobic gag may be for adults only.
Barack Obama’s recent Bill Crosby style Jello moment
Pastor Obama says that, ‘Too many fathers are M.I.A., too many fathers are AWOL, missing from too many lives and too many homes. They have abandoned their responsibilities, acting like boys instead of men.” So spoke Obama while at church on last Father’s Day… This was Barack Obama’s Bill Crosby style Jello moment.
Lest we forget, Bill Cosby is a Black millionaire who popularized himself with Whites by acting Republican in this manner. Republicans love Black folk when they echo their own racist sentiments! Yes they do! They love it when somebody with a tan gets off on castigating cliché absent ghetto dads!
‘Bad boys bad boys, what you going to do when they come for you’ routines. Well yeah, get down with Jesse Helms and crowd, why don’t you?
But let us not forget, that these bad ‘boys’ that Obama and Cosby put the blame on simply don’t make those 6 figure annual salaries of their denouncers. They are not attorneys, politicians, and actors in Jello commercials. They live real lives, many of them lives of desperation due to the racist economic, legal, and educational structures of our racist USA. Why Hell, many of these men don’t even go to church so that they can spout off their hateful pseudo religiosity like Cosby and Obama are most prone to do.
Barack Obama is following in the media made footsteps of Bill Clinton, who the corporate press ludicrously dubbed as supposedly being ‘America’s First Black President’. Many bought for a while this nonsense, even many Blacks? What Clinton and his wife actually were were racists passing themselves off as being charitable to Blacks, even as they screwed the Black community as a whiole over royal. Now along comes Obama, who is actually part Black, who is totally prepared to do more of the same, all in the name of bringing America together!
What helps this campaign of promoting the Left image of Obama most of all towards having success is the rabidity of the nutty Right, who simply don’t think that Barack Obama hates Black males as much as say, a Jesse Helms does. They don’t find him intolerant enough of undocumented workers either. I mean Look, he even has the same skin color of some of them Haitian rabble! Sink that Obama boat! This sort of Republican Right rabies is enough to stampede the liberals into thinking that Obama must be a real sweetheart if the Nazis hate him so. But they are wrong.
In fact, I still can’t stomach watching that asshole Bill Cosby. Thank god he is rightfully retired (more or less) so that we don’t see him as often as we once did. Now I do like Redd Fox (also retired). He was a good dad and a better comedian still. True, he did run a junkyard but at least he won’t help make America into more of a junkyard, as the Democratic Party behind Obama’s imagery most certainly will.
Thank about it a little, Boys (and Girls). I like Cynthia, too, though the party she is a candidate for is a laughable charade. There are better choices than BO out there. One better choice is simply to not vote in this charade of pretend democracy that the corporations have sold to us as their product. Don’t buy.
Turning those looking for work into felons
The US government is beginning to make the Mexican-US Border into a supplier for the prisons by turning undocumented workers into declared felons.
No doubt, this is going to help employment in the US for all the pro military-industrial types, who can now maybe better weather the incoming economic crash some, by watching over jailed Mexicans while getting paid? What a way to breed racist Minutemen thugs, too! Welcome to Prison Nation. No doubt the meatheads of America will be thrilled to death with this new governmental welfare program for them.
Tom Tancredo and Darfur
While nice sweet liberals like Rebecca Tinsley and Jody Williams are pushing for imperialist interventionism into Sudan for supposedly humanitarian reasons, it is interesting to see the company they keep on their Darfur rescue missions. They are long time Far Right reactionaries like Elliot Abrams, Kansas Senator Brownback, and our very own lovable Colorado prick, Tom Tancredo.
Tom, who is for Border Walls, deporting penniless undocumented workers looking for work, and committing US genocide against the Iraqi people, is also teaming up with the good hearted interventionist liberals who love NATO, the UN Security Council, European and African Union troopers under the Pentagon’s AFRICOM control. Both groups are united in desire to be ‘humanitarian’ it seems, by principally sending in the troops.
Check out ‘The Right’s Stuff in Africa‘ published on the counterpoint. org site. Tom Tancredo stars in this Darfur ‘benevolency’ as the article mentions.
PPJPC Statement of solidarity in support of foreign-born workers
The Pikes Peak Peace and Justice Commission (PPJPC) condemns the US Immigration & Naturalization Service (ICE-INS) for its Dec. 12 raids at multiple US facilities of the Swift & Co. that racially targetted Hispanic workers for arrest at their place of work. Over 1250 Hispanic workers were rounded up as if they were cattle and not human beings with rights and feelings. Families have been torn asunder, US-born children are being forced to leave for countries they have never known, and an atmosphere of racial intolerance and hatred is being promoted within our communities. This is not the proper role for our government and governmental agencies to be playing.
This raid comes in the context of a president whose foreign and domestic policies are increasing coming under fire for illegally promoting warfare, torture, and military occupations of other countries. It comes also in the context of an increasingly hostile use of laws against other minority groups within the US, such as Arabs and Muslims of varying nationalities, that also has undermined the basis of having a national culture respectful of all of our residents, whether citizens or not.
We at the Colorado Springs PPJPC, are unalterably opposed to reducing certain cultural groups within the US to second class residents subject to abusive, selective, and descriminatory application of US laws. We object to citizens being denounced in block, by federal agencies who allege before trials or convictions, that residents of one ethnic background are guilty as a group of criminal activity, such as “ID theft.” We object to the policy of holding immigrants looking for work in our country subject to criminal prosecution for trying to support their families as best as they can. Most come from countries where the US government has for decades intervened in a hostile and destructive manner. In short, we object and condemn the US government for further persecuting poverty stricken workers looking for a better life in what is a nation of previous immigrants. We condemn the Swift & Co INS raids.
May it also be pointed out, that in the case of Hispanic workers, the overwhelming majority of them are of indigenous Native American background, no matter that they currently speak Spanish as first tongue. To those Anglo-american citizens who shout at these foreign workers that they are breaking the law, and that they should be thrown in jail and never set foot again on Anglo terrain, the PPJPC hopes that they can examine their consciences, examine their souls, and open their hearts to having a more charitable attitude towards others.
Those immigrants with Native American blood were here first before Anglo ancestors chose it upon themselves to ‘illegally’ immigrate to the US shores, often murdering Native Americans and stealing their land and properties. Much of the US territory where Hispanics are now being racially profiled, was land peviously stolen from Mexico by war. It is utter hypocrisy for one racial and language group to call the US borders ‘their’ territory, and theirs alone.
Further, the PPJPC rejects the increased militarization of the US Southern Border, most underlined by the efforts to build a giant impenetrable wall there. This construction runs counter to the desires of the people most effected, citizens of both nations living on both sides of this border. Further, we reject the US govenment support for abusive regimes throughout Latin America. We reject the US war against the people of Colombia, and we reject the US’s imposition of repressive governments across Central America. All these actions create conditions of misery, and a need for people to flee their native lands.
Most of all, we reject the US governmental support to the repressive Mexican government, military, and police. Mexico is the country from which most of the undocumented workers were fleeing when they were caught up in the Greeley Colorado raids of the Swift & Co meat processing facilities. The PPJPC calls on our American government to dismantle US military schools of torture that train members of the repressive Mexican military, stop supporting Mexican government repression in Oaxaca and esewhere in that country, and demand that the Mexican and US governments seek justice for those murdered, tortured, and disappeared in Oaxaca, and elsewhere within Mexico.
The PPJPC, too, is concerned about National Security. But attacking immigrants and foreign nationals on US terrirtory is not the way to make our country more secure.
Illegal immigrant abuse
If you absolutely must excercise your racist compulsions, here’s how you can do it and do your part to combat the illegal immigrant problem in your neighborhood. When you see hispanic workers, report them!
More specifically, if you see what look to be underpaid laborers where you might expect to see hardhat union workers, report what you’ve seen to your state labor board, or local union. Tell them the contractor or subcontractor name you see printed on the side of the truck. That’s who’s breaking the law.
It’s true that your domestic variety Americans are not queuing up for migrant worker jobs like picking produce. Those jobs do not pay very much, and possibly cannot pay very much. Needless to say, you never run across those workers anyway. Like sweatshop seamstresses, migrant workers labor in inhospitable environments far from Caucasian American consciences.
What you do see, at construction sites across from where you live, or in cleaning crews where you shop late at night, are hispanic workers who are doing jobs that could just as willingly be performed by non-hispanics. If white folks like you are hurting for jobs, this is where the so-called illegal alien problem is hurting you.
First off, there is nothing wrong with hispanic peoples working good jobs, and the non-white person you spy may be a perfectly documented American citizen like you. But if they are being paid below-standard wages, then that is against the law, regardless of whether the workers are undocumented.
If you report them, and the workers turn out to be illegal immigrants, then they will get in trouble and the asshole racist in you will get your little thrill. But more importantly their employer will get in deep trouble and that is critical.
In businesses like construction and cleaning, the contractor is charging relatively the same amount to contract the job as his competitors. Have you ever heard of housing costs going down on account of savings on construction labor? These contractors are simply pocketing bigger profits because they have access to illegal immigrant labor.
That is the illegal immigration problem in a nutshell. The problem is not the immigrants. Rather it is the illegal jobs offered by unscrupulous, greedy employers. It is for the benefit of such scumbags that Bush and Co are trying to ammend the laws dealing with illegal immigrants. They want to legalize the too-low wages already being paid to the immigrant workforce.
Report those employers to the labor board. Report them to the IRS. Report them to your city, county and state departments of revenue. Why? Because in order to hire undocumented workers, those employers have to undocument their work. This means those companies have to keep phantom accounting records to cover for the activity for which they cannot report having hired anyone. That’s breaking so many laws it IS funny. Report them!