DENVER- Who wouldn’t want to stand in solidarity with undocumented immigrants willing to stage sit-ins in Obama campaign headquarters across the country, risking arrest and certain deportation –we thought– to demand that President Obama hear their plea? Yeah, the Dream Act is an economic draft to ensnare illegal aliens, but these “Dream Activists” spoke mainly of schooling opportunities and the prospect of legal jobs thereafter. So they locked themselves in, began hunger strikes, and left support crews outside to hold press conferences, until yesterday, when Obama announced he would cease deportations! A win-win for Obama and his Hispanic constituents. On cue, Bogeyman Romney vowed he’d reverse that order. Did you see that coming? You might have, if you’d noticed that these campaign HQ occupiers had decorated their handmade signs with Obama logos. That, and the DPD never ever rattled its sabers. You try to hold a sit-in and you’ll be cited for trespass before you sit down. Denver Police were never called, and we figured it was because the Obama campaign didn’t dare upset the Latino community, like they do environmentalists, labor, feminists, social justice…
Tag Archives: illegal aliens
The guard towers of Camp Amache, CO, Japanese-American internment camp
Visitors to what remains of the WWII-era Granada Relocation Center located on Highway 50 past Lamar, are tempted to conclude that the remote location was isolation enough to restrict the movement of its 7,000 Japanese-American internees. Gone are all 560 buildings except their concrete foundations; the few remaining photographs depict a vast layout of spartan barracks, playing host to ordinary civilian lives, minus the atmosphere of incarceration. Were there cyclone fences and watch towers? The answer should not surprise you. Of course. Camp Amache was ringed by the usual multiple perimeters of prison fences, including six watch towers manned by military police, who were there, it was explained, for the internees’ protection. I think plans to further restore Amache need to begin with the security fortifications. If such blights on American history as these race-based detention centers are memorialized in the hope that our nation not do it again, it dishonors our victims, and blunts the lesson, not to illustrate our heavy hand.
I attended a recent screening of a documentary made of Camp Amache, attended by its producers, who expressed the usual motivation: in remembrance, never again. Special emphasis was placed on the contributions made by Japanese-Americans during the war, and on the magnanimity with which the internees accepted their lot. Survivors were not to receive an official apology until 45 years later, given $20,000 restitution for their livelihoods and families destroyed. It would be safe to say the audience felt well beyond the prejudice that had motivated their parents. Against Japanese-Americans.
Unfortunately both the documentary and the filmmakers’ commentary left the impression that “never again” describes a successful holding pattern. Of course, America has been at it again and as usual, its citizens have been obliviously complicit.
Look at the War on Islam, which has necessitated the internment of Muslim-Americans and Muslims worldwide. Guantanamo is not much different from the Wartime Relocation Authority (WRA) special Isolation Centers such as Dalton Wells, near Moab, where the WRA sent internees profiled as potential insurgency threats.
America has been building a network of fresh detention facilities to house Hispanic-Americans who run afoul of the country’s illegal labor market. Most of the detainees are promptly deported, but many languish while immigration issues and family ties are sorted out. While ICE pretends to protect the American people from the security-threatening unlawfulness of illegal aliens, in reality its detention centers enforce the successful abuse of a Hispanic-American slave labor pool.
You need only visit a traditional prison or jail to see that an overwhelming disproportion of its inmates are African-American and Hispanic-American, far exceeding what can be excused as representative of America’s poor. The American judicial system is still stacked against non-whites, and motivated by the same racist premise of protecting the security of white Americans.
And of course there are the open air prisons which still incarcerate the Native-Americans, the internment camps we call reservations, the original Wartime Relocation Centers.
Repeal DADT and enact the Dream Act because the Army needs more soldiers
A thousand times NO you ignorant dupes! The ACLU wants me to support the repeal of Don’t Ask Don’t Tell, so that more gays can join the military. Otherwise-progressives are lobbying for the Dream Act, so that the children of undocumented immigrants can join the US military. Let me also warn you I oppose Affirmative Action for the School of the Americas torture curriculum. And equal pay for female armed-drone specialists. DADT is the homosexual’s exclusive escape clause for war crimes complicity. Is this an LGBT rights campaign to assert that gay soldiers are dumb enough for the military?
Poor Hatemonger Michael Savage is being treated like an illegal alien!
Poor Michael the Savage can’t cross borders now without being hunted down like an animal! That just seems so totally unfair, Michael. Who will these Commie authoritarian British thugs go after next? Lou Dobbs? Rush Limbaugh? Tom Tancredo?
Your volk may soon have to float across the English Channel on inflated inner tubes, perhaps, Michael…. all for just a lovely vacation where your language is spoken. Life plays such cruel tricks don’t it?
Hey I like that pimp look you do so well, Mike. US ‘hate list’ DJ to sue Britain
Don’t try this in El Paso County!
Switzerland is having a problem with illegal aliens but here in the US, we have a government that takes a get tough approach with this sort of crime. Switzerland’s illegal aliens
Why don’t we just round up all the aliens and go torture them at Guantanamo?
Even the same week ‘The Debates’ between the puppet figures went on, them illegal aliens were spoiling our domestic tranquility here in The Homeland. That’s right, 300-plus workers detained in illegal-immigration raid So why don’t we just round up all the aliens and go torture them at Guantanamo? They’re messing up our nice American lives, aren’t they?
You might say to me,
‘Tony, you’re being a tad bit too extreme here, are you not?’
However, some of you just don’t see the benefit of having a Lilly American Homeland at all though, so I’m not going to try to reason with you at all here. But to the other real Americans, think about it some, why not throw those aliens into the slammer we already have built for them in Cuba? Guantanamo already has been torturing aliens now for close to 7 years, it’s just that they were aliens from alien lands. That’s right and that’s wrong!
All those people captured by our ever so alert and incredibly illiterate and monolingual Armed Forces were actually handed over to us because they were foreigners! And now judges (with the quick speed of our lawfully illegal American Legal Injustice System are letting them trickle forth once again. The Cheney Regime just got ordered to free (Oh life is so unfair to them!), a whole shitload of alien Uighurs, and here are two more of them aliens in an alien land getting released, too. They were 2 aliens (Algerian and Sudanese) caught in Pakistan. Yes, definitely aliens there caught by Pakistani folk who think just like Full Blooded American Patriots think. Two 50-Year-Olds Released From Guantánamo
‘Let’s Get Them Foreigners and let’s torture them!’
So there are already aliens in Guantanamo (other people’s illegal aliens… Aw who cares?) and the liberal courts are now freeing them inexplicably so? I guess they think that there are some legal limits on torturing these people who broke the law? Liberals can be such pussies.
Those last 2 aliens, Hassan and Mammar got off early. I would have held them until they were in their 80s, not letting them go so soon, and it would have been all for their own good! What type of people go on vacation in Pakistan anyway? These are just people prone to getting themselves in trouble, and torture they deserve! Pedophiles!
Still, gone they are at last, so why are Our Troops wasting money by allowing the spacer to go unused, when we have so many chicken butcher aliens in South Carolina just captured? The troops in Guanatanamo know how to torture people good, unlike the ICE folk in Aurora, Colorado. All those idiots know how to do is take away the blankets and turn up the air conditioner on their Detainees. Some torture that is. I bet they don’t even know how to piss on a Koran?
These are felons with their little tykes out there in South Carolina, and why is President Bush going so easy on them while federal dollars are being spent to torture other aliens and not our own? Please write a letter to your Senators and House Representative today and tell them that you are fed up with their coddling of alien criminals! And tell them that you want them ALL to be tortured at Guantanamo as the American law allows and mandates.
Americans need these high paying good jobs that aliens robbed from them at once. And their fine and luxurious housing, also. Shame on the corruption there in DC that allows aliens to not be tortured adequately to keep America safe from foreign terrorism against our American Gway!