

  • 構文1(依頼)
  • 構文2(意志)
  • 構文3(感謝)
  • 構文4(感想)
  • 構文5(希望)
  • 構文6(見聞)
  • 構文7(事実)
  • 構文8(推量)
  • 構文9(提案)
  • 構文10(不可能)
  • 構文11(予定)
  • 名詞句
  • 動詞句
  • 副詞句
  • 決まり文句
  • フレーズ内で使用した略語


〜していただけますか?I'd like you to (原型).I'd like you to meet Mr.Jones.
Would you (原型)?Would you introduce me to her?
Could you (原型)?Could you wait here for a couple of minutes?
〜してください。Have (動作).Have a good trip back to Canada.
〜してください。I hope you can (原型).I hope you can come and visit my office in Hong Kong.
〜しませんか?Would you like to (原型)?Would you like to go out to dinner after work?


(S)が〜いたします。(S)'ll (原型).He'll drive you to your hotel.
〜するのをお手伝いします。Let me help you with (作業).Let me help you with your bag.
〜いたします。Let me (原型).Let me introduce you to Stuart Hobbs.
お知らせします。I'll let you know.I'll let you know earlier next time.


〜してくれてありがとうございます。Thank you for (現在分詞).Thank you very much for coming to pick me up.


〜できて楽しかった。I've enjoyed (現在分詞).I've enjoyed working with you, Bob.
〜できて嬉しいです。It's pleasure to (原型).It's pleasure to meet you.
I'm pleased to (原型).I'm pleased to be here.
It's good to (原型).It's good to finally meet you.
It's nice to (原型).It's very nice to meet you at last.
Pleased to (原型).Pleased to meet you.
(S)は〜と思います。(S) sounds (形容詞).That sounds very interesting.
〜みたいです。I feel like (S) (V).I feel like I'm coming down with a cold.
(S)はどう思いますか。How does (S) sound?How does Japanese food sound?
〜と思います。I thought (S) (V).I thought you might like to join me.


ずっと〜したかった。I've been wanting to (原型).I've been wanting to meet you for a long time.
〜するのを楽しみにしていました。I've been looking forward to (現在分詞).I've been looking forward to meeting you.
〜だとよいのですが。I hope (S) (V).I hope you're not tired.
〜したいです。I hope to (原型).I hope to see you in the near future.
I'd like to (原型).I'd like to go.
〜するのを楽しみにしています。I'm looking forward to (現在分詞).I'm looking forward to seeing you again soon.
〜できればいいのですが。I wish (S) (V).I wish I could.


〜と聞きました。I heard (S) (V).I heard you've negotiated a good contract with ABC Limited.
〜を聞いたことがあります。I've heard (名詞).I've heard a lot about you from Paul.


長いこと〜していません。It's been a while since (S) (V).It's been quite a while since I last saw you.
〜したことはありますか。Have you (原型)?Have you met Ms.Sasaki?
〜しましたか?Did you have (動作)?Did you have a good trip?
(S)はずっと〜しています。(S) have/has been (現在分詞).She has been working in this section for three years.
〜する時間が無い。I haven't had time to (原型).I haven't had time to think about problems.
これは(物)です。Here's (物).Here's my business card.
〜はどうなっていますか。How's (名詞) going?How's the job going?
How's (名詞)?How's business.
How are (名詞)?How are things?
〜はうまくいっていますか。Is (名詞) going well?Is your job going well?
〜する時間です。It's time to (原型).It's time to go.


〜でしょう。You must be (形容詞).You must be tired from your long flight.


〜しませんか?Why don't we (原型)?Why don't we go sightseeing this weekend?
〜するのはどうですか?How about (現在分詞)?How about playing some golf on Saturday?
〜できませんか?Couldn't we (原型)?Couldn't we make it for another day?
〜しましょう。We could (原型).Maybe we could get together some other time.
〜してはいかがかと思います。You might like to (原型).I thought you might like to join me.


(名詞)がなければ、〜できませんでした。Without (名詞), I could never (原型).Without you, I could never fit in here.
残念ながら〜です。I'm afraid (S) (V).I'm afraid I can't.
I'm sorry, but (S) (V).I'm sorry, but I can't.
〜ですが、できません。(S) (V), but I can't.I'd like to go, but I can't.


(日時)に何か予定がありますか?Do you have anything planned for (日時)?Do you have anything planned for tomorrow?
Do you have any plan for (日時)?Do you have any plan for tomorrow?
(日時)は開いていますか?Are you free (日時)?Are you free this Sunday?
(名詞)する時間はありますか?Do you have time for (名詞)?Do you have time for a drink after work tonight?
〜する予定があります。I have plans to (原型).I have already have plans to meet someone.


(組織)の(人名)(人名) from (組織).I'm Kenichi Sugita from Tech Japan.
(人名) of (組織).This is Yoshiko Tanaka of Ujiki Industries.
あなたたち二人you twoHave you two met before?
営業部長sales managerLet me introduce you to Stuart Hobbs, our sales manager.
専務取締役executive directorI'd like to meet Mr.Jones, our executive director.
名刺business cardHere's my business card.


(人A)を(人B)に紹介するintroduce (人A) to (人B)Let me introduce you to Stuart Hobbs.
旅を楽しむhave a good tripDid you have a good trip?
(場所)へ帰る旅を楽しむhave a good trip back to (場所)Have a good trip back to Canada.
(人)を迎えにいくpick (人) upThank you very much for coming to pick me up.
(物)を持ってくるbring (物) aroundI'll bring my car around.
(人)を車で(場所)へ運ぶdrive (人) to (場所)He'll drive you to your hotel.
(環境)に溶け込むfit in (環境)Without you, I could never fit in here.
(環境)に努力して適応するadapt to (環境)You adapted well to our work environment.
〜する機会を得るget a chance to (原型)I hope we get a chance to work together again.
連絡を取るkeep in touchLet's keep in touch.
(名詞)に慣れるget used to (名詞)Have you gotten used to working for a Japanese company yet?
契約を結ぶnegotiated a contractI heard you've negotiated a good contract with ABC Limited.
(名詞)に出かけるgo out to (名詞)Would you like to go out to dinner after work?
観光に行くgo sightseeingWhy don't you go sightseeing this weekend?
(イベント)のスポンサーを努めるsponsor (イベント)A newspaper company is sponsoring a big party.
出席するattendMany of our clients will attend.
ご一緒するget togetherMaybe we could get together some other time.
(病気)にかかるcome down with (病気)I feel like I'm coming down with a cold.


ようやくfinallyIt's good to finally to meet you.
at lastIt's very nice to meet you at last.
ひょっとしてby any chanceAre you Mr.Jones, by any chance?
実際はin factIn fact, far from it.
とにかくanywayThank you for asking anyway.
今のところfor nowTill then, bye for now.
近い将来in the near futureI hope to see you in the near future.
また別の時にsome other timeMaybe we could get together some other time.
長い間for a long time.I've been wanting to meet you for a long time.
2、3分a couple of minutesCould you wait here for a couple of minutes?
しばらくa whileIt's been quite a while since I last saw you.
ずいぶん長い間quite a whileIt's been quite a while since I last saw you.
その時までtill thenTill then, bye for now.
今までのところso farSo far so good.


初めまして。How do you do?初対面のフォーマルな挨拶
調子はどう?How's everything?
How's it going?
How are things?
残念ですができません。I'm afraid I can't.
I'm sorry, but I can't.
おうわさはかねがねうかがっております。I've heard a lot about you.
よいことばかりだったら嬉しいのですが。Only good things, I hope.
またお会いできて嬉しいです。It's nice to see you again.
どういたしまして。It's my pleasure.
そうですね。I guess so.
同感です。Same here.
You can say that again.
順調です。Everything's fine.
今までのところうまく言っています。So far so good.
それどころではない。Far from it
それほど悪くないです。Could be worse.
あまりよくないです。Could be better.
ぜひそうしたいです。I'd love to.
残念です。Too bad.



  • (S) … 主語
  • (V) … 述語動詞
  • (形容詞) … 形容詞
  • (原型) … 動詞の原型
  • (現在分詞) … 動詞の現在分詞(-ingå½¢)
  • (名詞) … 名詞
  • (イベント)
  • (場所)
  • (環境)
  • (作業)
  • (人)
  • (人A)
  • (人B)
  • (人名)
  • (組織)
  • (動作)
  • (日時)
  • (ç—…æ°—)
  • (物)