リリースノート Ver.002.01
Re;ease Note Ver.002.01

リリースノート Ver.002.01

IPAexフォント(Ver.002.01):IPAex明朝フォント(Ver.001.03)、 IPAexゴシック(Ver.001.02)からの変更内容 -2012年11月

文字追加・符号実装追加を行いましたので、メジャー番号が更新されました。 IPAex明朝フォントVer.002.01: Ver.001.03からの変更内容 IPAexゴシックフォントVer.002.01: Ver.001.02からの変更内容


JIS X 0213:2000字形充実のための追加(合計6文字)

U+53A9;U+E0103 U+6062;U+E0102 U+7337;U+E0101 U+7511;U+E0103 U+55A9;U+E0102 U+6FF9;U+E0101

IDC(漢字構成記述文字, Ideographic Description Characters)の追加(合計12文字)

U+2FF0 U+2FF1 U+2FF2 U+2FF3 U+2FF4 U+2FF5 U+2FF6 U+2FF7 U+2FF8 U+2FF9 U+2FFA U+2FFB




U+5F98;U+E0101 U+66B5;U+E0101 U+696F;U+E0100 U+696F;U+E0101 U+8A0A;U+E0101 U+8AB9;U+E0101 U+8B7F;U+E0100 U+71B1


異体字対応の符号化実装の追加を行いました。 IPAexフォントは、JIS X 0213:2000からJIS X 0213:2004に規格が更新された際に変更された新旧双方の字形を含めた異体字を、Adobe-Japan1のコレクションに則ったIVS(Ideographic Variation Sequence)により実装しています。IPAexフォントVer.002.01ではデフォルトグリフにもIVSを付与し、IVSを付与した文字数はVer.001.03から180文字増え、合計352文字(下記一覧のPDF)となりました。同一のUCS符号に複数のIVSが付与されている文字についてそのデフォルトグリフはJIS X0213:2004字形です。 なお、IPAex明朝とIPAexゴシックの統一した管理を行うために、IPAexゴシックにはIVS実装352文字の内の一部に、明朝体での字形の差をゴシック体では表現できない場合、異なるIVSでありながら字形が同一となっている場合があります。
U+5026;U+E0101 U+50C5;U+E0101 U+5132;U+E0101 U+514E;U+E0101
U+51A4;U+E0101 U+5307;U+E0100 U+537F;U+E0102 U+53A9;U+E0103
U+53A9;U+E0105 U+53C9;U+E0101 U+53DB;U+E0101 U+53DF;U+E0101
U+54AC;U+E0101 U+54E8;U+E0101 U+55B0;U+E0101 U+5632;U+E0101
U+5642;U+E0101 U+564C;U+E0101 U+56C0;U+E0101 U+5835;U+E0101
U+5906;U+E0101 U+5A29;U+E0101 U+5BDB;U+E0100 U+5C51;U+E0101
U+5C60;U+E0101 U+5DF7;U+E0101 U+5E96;U+E0101 U+5EDF;U+E0101
U+5EFB;U+E0101 U+5F98;U+E0101 U+5FBD;U+E0101 U+6062;U+E0101
U+6062;U+E0102 U+609E;U+E0101 U+6108;U+E0101 U+61F2;U+E0100
U+6241;U+E0101 U+633A;U+E0101 U+633D;U+E0101 U+6357;U+E0101
U+6372;U+E0101 U+63C3;U+E0101 U+646F;U+E0100 U+647A;U+E0101
U+64B0;U+E0101 U+64E2;U+E0101 U+65A7;U+E0101 U+6666;U+E0101
U+66B5;U+E0101 U+6717;U+E0101 U+6753;U+E0101 U+6756;U+E0101
U+6897;U+E0101 U+6962;U+E0101 U+696F;U+E0101 U+698A;U+E0101
U+6994;U+E0101 U+69CC;U+E0101 U+6A0B;U+E0101 U+6A3D;U+E0101
U+6ADB;U+E0100 U+6B4E;U+E0101 U+6C72;U+E0101 U+6DEB;U+E0101
U+6EA2;U+E0101 U+6EBA;U+E0101 U+6F23;U+E0100 U+7015;U+E0101
U+701E;U+E0101 U+7026;U+E0101 U+7058;U+E0101 U+7078;U+E0101
U+707C;U+E0101 U+7149;U+E0100 U+714E;U+E0101 U+7152;U+E0101
U+717D;U+E0102 U+723A;U+E0101 U+724C;U+E0101 U+7259;U+E0101
U+72E1;U+E0101 U+7337;U+E0102 U+7337;U+E0101 U+7511;U+E0102
U+7511;U+E0103 U+7515;U+E0102 U+7526;U+E0101 U+75BC;U+E0101
U+77A5;U+E0101 U+7941;U+E0101 U+7947;U+E0101 U+79B0;U+E0101
U+79E4;U+E0101 U+7A17;U+E0101 U+7A7F;U+E0101 U+7AC8;U+E0101
U+7B08;U+E0102 U+7B75;U+E0101 U+7BAD;U+E0101 U+7BB8;U+E0101
U+7BC7;U+E0101 U+7BDD;U+E0101 U+7C3E;U+E0102 U+7C7E;U+E0102
U+7C82;U+E0101 U+7FEB;U+E0101 U+7FF0;U+E0101 U+8171;U+E0101
U+817F;U+E0101 U+8258;U+E0101 U+8292;U+E0101 U+82A6;U+E0101
U+8328;U+E0101 U+845B;U+E0101 U+84EC;U+E0101 U+8511;U+E0101
U+853D;U+E0101 U+85A9;U+E0101 U+85AF;U+E0101 U+85F7;U+E0101
U+8612;U+E0100 U+8654;U+E0101 U+86F8;U+E0101 U+8703;U+E0101
U+8755;U+E0101 U+8805;U+E0101 U+8956;U+E0101 U+8A0A;U+E0101
U+8A1D;U+E0102 U+8A3B;U+E0101 U+8A6E;U+E0101 U+8AB9;U+E0101
U+8AFA;U+E0101 U+8B0E;U+E0101 U+8B2C;U+E0101 U+8B7F;U+E0101
U+8C79;U+E0101 U+8CED;U+E0101 U+8FBB;U+E0101 U+8FBF;U+E0101
U+8FC2;U+E0101 U+8FC4;U+E0101 U+8FE6;U+E0101 U+9017;U+E0101
U+9019;U+E0101 U+9022;U+E0101 U+903C;U+E0101 U+9041;U+E0102
U+905C;U+E0101 U+9061;U+E0101 U+912D;U+E0101 U+914B;U+E0101
U+91DC;U+E0101 U+9306;U+E0101 U+9375;U+E0101 U+939A;U+E0101
U+9453;U+E0101 U+9699;U+E0101 U+9771;U+E0101 U+9784;U+E0101
U+9798;U+E0101 U+97AD;U+E0101 U+98F4;U+E0101 U+9905;U+E0101
U+990C;U+E0103 U+9910;U+E0101 U+9957;U+E0101 U+99C1;U+E0101
U+9A19;U+E0101 U+9A4A;U+E0101 U+9BAB;U+E0101 U+9BD6;U+E0101
U+9C2F;U+E0101 U+9C52;U+E0101 U+9D09;U+E0101 U+9D60;U+E0101
U+55A9;U+E0102 U+55A9;U+E0100 U+6FF9;U+E0101 U+6FF9;U+E0100


ハイフン(U+002D, U+2010, U+2011, U+2012)に対して、縦書き時に縦用文字に切り替える設定を行いました。


IPAex明朝:fontRevision:1.030 –> 【変更後】2.010 IPAexゴシック:fontRevision:1.020 –> 【変更後】2.010
nameテーブル :ID0、ID3、ID5 の更新
ID0 (Copyright) 2003-2009 –> 【変更後】2003-2012 ID3(Unique Font Identifier) IPAex明朝:IPAexMincho Version 001.03–> 【変更後】IPAexMincho Version 002.01 IPAexゴシック:IPAexGothic Version 001.02 –> 【変更後】IPAexGothic Version 002.01 ID5(Version) IPAex明朝:Version 001.03 –> 【変更後】Version 002.01 IPAexゴシック:Version 001.02 –> 【変更後】Version 002.01

IPAex明朝フォント(Ver.001.03):Ver.001.02からの変更内容 -2010年12月


U+5099 U+5291 U+52B1 U+533B U+55C5 U+5674 U+58B3 U+58D3 U+5965 U+5967
U+59FF U+5C31 U+61A4 U+62C9 U+62ED U+646F U+6681 U+66B4 U+6751 U+6795
U+6797 U+68B0 U+697C U+6A23 U+6B21 U+6BBC U+6C88 U+6DE1 U+6F06 U+6F5B
U+708E U+713C U+71B1 U+7259 U+73A9 U+74F6 U+7501 U+7A31 U+7A7A U+7A81
U+7A93 U+7A9F U+7AAE U+819D U+821E U+8511 U+8AC7 U+8AEE U+8CC7 U+8E74
U+91AB U+9858 U+990C U+9F9C U+FA55
変更した漢字のリスト(画像) IPAex明朝(ver.001.03)は、新しい常用漢字表(平成22年内閣告示第2号)の印刷に使用されています。 内閣告示された新しい常用漢字表 http://www.bunka.go.jp/kokugo_nihongo/jyoyokanji_kokuji.html 「改定常用漢字表に対するJIS 漢字コード規格の対応状況について」(経済産業省)は、こちらをご覧ください。 http://www.meti.go.jp/press/20101130001/20101130001.html

IPAexフォント(Ver.001.02):Ver.001.01からの変更内容 -2010年5月

glyf, cmap :9グリフの追加・修正

ユニコード グリフネーム 文字 注釈
U+5307 aj20301 JIS X 0213:2004字形に変更(IPAex明朝のみ)
U+5307 U+E0101 aj8404 IVSを付与
U+00A7 aj106 § プロポーショナル字形を収容
U+00B0 aj155 ° プロポーショナル字形を収容
U+00B6 aj118 全角幅字形を収容
U+2014 aj138 プロポーショナル字形を収容
U+2032 aj9356 プロポーショナル字形を収容
U+2033 aj9357 プロポーショナル字形を収容
U+22BF aj15882 他の学術記号と同様の新デザインを収容

headテーブル :fontRevision の更新

fontRevision:1.000 –> 1.020

nameテーブル :ID0、ID3、ID5 の更新

ID0 (Copyright) :2003-2009 –> 2003-2010 ID3(Unique Font Identifier): IPAexMincho –> IPAexMincho Version 001.02 IPAexGothic –> IPAexGothic Version 001.02 フォント名をフォント名+バージョンの文字列で設定しました。 ID5(Version) :Version 001.01 –> Version 001.02

prepテーブル :”dropout control”を有効化(IPAexゴシックのみ)


GSUBテーブル :jp04 featureタグの削除、jp90 featureタグの追加

JIS X 0213:2004準拠なので、jp04 featureタグを削除し、jp90 featureタグの追加により90JIS字形置換機能を追加しました。

JIS X 0213:2004制定時に字体変更された文字の旧字体を異体字として収容

IPAexフォントは、JIS X 0213:2000からJIS X0213:2004に規格が更新された際に変更された字形について、新旧双方の字形を、IVS(Ideographic Variation Sequence)方式[1]で収容しています。IPAexフォント(Ver.001.02)での対象文字数は172文字です(Ver.001.01からは1文字追加されています)。 なお、IPAex明朝とIPAexゴシックの統一したID管理を行うために、172文字の内の一部に、字形変更されていない字形が含まれています。

IPAexフォント(Ver.001.01)リリース -2010年2月


「IPA明朝・IPA P明朝」および「IPAゴシック・IPA Pゴシック」をそれぞれ一つのフォントに統合した「IPAex明朝」、「IPAexゴシック」を新規に開発しました。和文文字(仮名、約物 、漢字)は固定幅で、欧文文字は文字幅に合せた幅(変動幅)を基本としたドキュメント用日本語フォントの標準的な実装を行いました。


「IPAexフォント」は「IPAフォント」の文字デザインを踏襲しつつ、以下の様なデザイン変更を行いました。 (1) IPAex明朝の仮名デザイン、IPAexゴシックの濁点のデザインを全面見直しをしました。 (2) 数学記号全般を視覚的に違和感のないようにデザイン統一しました。 (3) 一部の固定幅(全角サイズ)でデザインされた欧文グリフを変動幅に設定しました。 (4) 矢印、幾何学模様、その他の記号類などを固定幅(全角サイズ)に合せて最適化しました。 (5) U+0361(COMBINING DOUBLE INVERTED BREVE)とU+203F(UNDERTIE)の修正。この2つの字形は、標準的な和文書体と文字送り幅が異なっていたため、適切なデザインに修正しました。



JIS X 0213:2004制定時に字体変更された文字の旧字体を異体字として収容

IPAexフォントは、JIS X 0213:2000からJIS X 0213:2004に規格が更新された際に変更された字形について、新旧双方の字形を、IVS(Ideographic Variation Sequence)方式[1]で収録しています。対象文字数は171文字です。


UnicodeのCJK Symbols、CJK Compatibility Symbols、Enclosed CJKにおける使用頻度の高い文字(AJ1-6に存在する文字)、202文字を新規に収録しました。
注: [1] Ideographic Variation Sequence (IVS): 異体字を、通常の文字コードと異体字識別番号との組で表現する方式です(http://unicode.org/reports/tr37/
IPAフォントに関する情報交換のページができました。   SourceForge プロジェクトページ

IPAex Font(Ver.002.01): – Nov 2012

The major version is changed, with the addition of glyphs and code positions. Changes from IPAex Mincho Ver.001.03 to Ver.002.01 Changes from IPAex Gothic Ver.001.02 to Ver.002.01 -Nov 2012

Addition and modification of glyphs and code positions

Added glyphs (six glyphs)
Added Ideographic Variation Sequences (IVS) and glyphs, six sequences to elaborate glyph shapes corresponding to JIS X 0213:2000 example glyph shapes. U+53A9;U+E0103 U+6062;U+E0102 U+7337;U+E0101 U+7511;U+E0103 U+55A9;U+E0102 U+6FF9;U+E0101
Added Ideographic Description Characters (IDC, twelve characters)
U+2FF0 U+2FF1 U+2FF2 U+2FF3 U+2FF4 U+2FF5 U+2FF6 U+2FF7 U+2FF8 U+2FF9 U+2FFA U+2FFB
Added KangXi radical (one character)
Added one new KangXi radical form and encoded both U+2F39 (KangXi Radicals Block) and U+5F50 (CJK Unified Ideographs Block).
Slightly changed shapes
U+5F98;U+E0101 U+66B5;U+E0101 U+696F;U+E0100 U+696F;U+E0101 U+8A0A;U+E0101 U+8AB9;U+E0101 U+8B7F;U+E0100 U+71B1

Additional implementation of Ideographic Variation Sequences

IPAex Font has been implemented several Ideographic Variation Sequences, including different glyph shapes between JIS X 0213:2000 and JIS X 0213:2004. In IPAex Font Version 002.01, IVSs are added to default glyph, consequently total number of IVSs changed to 352. The default glyphs, which appear without IVS environment, correspond to the exemplified shapes in JIS X 0213:2004. Noted that some IVSs in 352 sequences of IPAex Gothic Font have same glyph shapes for different sequences, because some differences of glyph shapes in Mincho font design have no meaning in Gothic font design.
U+5026;U+E0101 U+50C5;U+E0101 U+5132;U+E0101 U+514E;U+E0101
U+51A4;U+E0101 U+5307;U+E0100 U+537F;U+E0102 U+53A9;U+E0103
U+53A9;U+E0105 U+53C9;U+E0101 U+53DB;U+E0101 U+53DF;U+E0101
U+54AC;U+E0101 U+54E8;U+E0101 U+55B0;U+E0101 U+5632;U+E0101
U+5642;U+E0101 U+564C;U+E0101 U+56C0;U+E0101 U+5835;U+E0101
U+5906;U+E0101 U+5A29;U+E0101 U+5BDB;U+E0100 U+5C51;U+E0101
U+5C60;U+E0101 U+5DF7;U+E0101 U+5E96;U+E0101 U+5EDF;U+E0101
U+5EFB;U+E0101 U+5F98;U+E0101 U+5FBD;U+E0101 U+6062;U+E0101
U+6062;U+E0102 U+609E;U+E0101 U+6108;U+E0101 U+61F2;U+E0100
U+6241;U+E0101 U+633A;U+E0101 U+633D;U+E0101 U+6357;U+E0101
U+6372;U+E0101 U+63C3;U+E0101 U+646F;U+E0100 U+647A;U+E0101
U+64B0;U+E0101 U+64E2;U+E0101 U+65A7;U+E0101 U+6666;U+E0101
U+66B5;U+E0101 U+6717;U+E0101 U+6753;U+E0101 U+6756;U+E0101
U+6897;U+E0101 U+6962;U+E0101 U+696F;U+E0101 U+698A;U+E0101
U+6994;U+E0101 U+69CC;U+E0101 U+6A0B;U+E0101 U+6A3D;U+E0101
U+6ADB;U+E0100 U+6B4E;U+E0101 U+6C72;U+E0101 U+6DEB;U+E0101
U+6EA2;U+E0101 U+6EBA;U+E0101 U+6F23;U+E0100 U+7015;U+E0101
U+701E;U+E0101 U+7026;U+E0101 U+7058;U+E0101 U+7078;U+E0101
U+707C;U+E0101 U+7149;U+E0100 U+714E;U+E0101 U+7152;U+E0101
U+717D;U+E0102 U+723A;U+E0101 U+724C;U+E0101 U+7259;U+E0101
U+72E1;U+E0101 U+7337;U+E0102 U+7337;U+E0101 U+7511;U+E0102
U+7511;U+E0103 U+7515;U+E0102 U+7526;U+E0101 U+75BC;U+E0101
U+77A5;U+E0101 U+7941;U+E0101 U+7947;U+E0101 U+79B0;U+E0101
U+79E4;U+E0101 U+7A17;U+E0101 U+7A7F;U+E0101 U+7AC8;U+E0101
U+7B08;U+E0102 U+7B75;U+E0101 U+7BAD;U+E0101 U+7BB8;U+E0101
U+7BC7;U+E0101 U+7BDD;U+E0101 U+7C3E;U+E0102 U+7C7E;U+E0102
U+7C82;U+E0101 U+7FEB;U+E0101 U+7FF0;U+E0101 U+8171;U+E0101
U+817F;U+E0101 U+8258;U+E0101 U+8292;U+E0101 U+82A6;U+E0101
U+8328;U+E0101 U+845B;U+E0101 U+84EC;U+E0101 U+8511;U+E0101
U+853D;U+E0101 U+85A9;U+E0101 U+85AF;U+E0101 U+85F7;U+E0101
U+8612;U+E0100 U+8654;U+E0101 U+86F8;U+E0101 U+8703;U+E0101
U+8755;U+E0101 U+8805;U+E0101 U+8956;U+E0101 U+8A0A;U+E0101
U+8A1D;U+E0102 U+8A3B;U+E0101 U+8A6E;U+E0101 U+8AB9;U+E0101
U+8AFA;U+E0101 U+8B0E;U+E0101 U+8B2C;U+E0101 U+8B7F;U+E0101
U+8C79;U+E0101 U+8CED;U+E0101 U+8FBB;U+E0101 U+8FBF;U+E0101
U+8FC2;U+E0101 U+8FC4;U+E0101 U+8FE6;U+E0101 U+9017;U+E0101
U+9019;U+E0101 U+9022;U+E0101 U+903C;U+E0101 U+9041;U+E0102
U+905C;U+E0101 U+9061;U+E0101 U+912D;U+E0101 U+914B;U+E0101
U+91DC;U+E0101 U+9306;U+E0101 U+9375;U+E0101 U+939A;U+E0101
U+9453;U+E0101 U+9699;U+E0101 U+9771;U+E0101 U+9784;U+E0101
U+9798;U+E0101 U+97AD;U+E0101 U+98F4;U+E0101 U+9905;U+E0101
U+990C;U+E0103 U+9910;U+E0101 U+9957;U+E0101 U+99C1;U+E0101
U+9A19;U+E0101 U+9A4A;U+E0101 U+9BAB;U+E0101 U+9BD6;U+E0101
U+9C2F;U+E0101 U+9C52;U+E0101 U+9D09;U+E0101 U+9D60;U+E0101
U+55A9;U+E0102 U+55A9;U+E0100 U+6FF9;U+E0101 U+6FF9;U+E0100

Addition of vertical and horizontal shape change setting

Addition of vertical and horizontal shape change setting for hyphens (U+002D, U+2010, U+2011, U+2012) .

Changes of tables in font file

head table

IPAex Mincho : fontRevision:1.030 –> 2.010 IPAex Gothic : font Revision : 1.020 –> 2.010
name table : update of ID0, ID3, ID5
IDO (Copyright) 2003-2009 –> 2003-2012 ID3 (Unique Font Identifier) IPAex Mincho : IPAexMincho Version 001.03 –> IPAexMincho Version 002.01 IPAex Gothic : IPAexGothic Version 001.02 –> IPAexGothic Version 002.01 ID5 (version) IPAex Mincho : Version 001.03 –> Version 002.01 IPAex Gothic : Version 001.02 –> Version 002.01

IPAex Mincho Font(Ver.001.03):Changes from Ver.001.02 -Dec 2010

55 glyphs shapes are changed

target: U+5099 U+5291 U+52B1 U+533B U+55C5 U+5674 U+58B3 U+58D3 U+5965 U+5967 U+59FF U+5C31 U+61A4 U+62C9 U+62ED U+646F U+6681 U+66B4 U+6751 U+6795 U+6797 U+68B0 U+697C U+6A23 U+6B21 U+6BBC U+6C88 U+6DE1 U+6F06 U+6F5B U+708E U+713C U+71B1 U+7259 U+73A9 U+74F6 U+7501 U+7A31 U+7A7A U+7A81 U+7A93 U+7A9F U+7AAE U+819D U+821E U+8511 U+8AC7 U+8AEE U+8CC7 U+8E74 U+91AB U+9858 U+990C U+9F9C U+FA55 The changed glyphs are listed here. IPAex Mincho Font (Ver.001.03) is used in the new list of kanji for common use. New list of kanji for common use: http://www.bunka.go.jp/kokugo_nihongo/jyoyokanji_kokuji.html

IPAex Font(Ver.001.02):Changes from Ver.001.01 -May 2010

Nine issues are added as follows:

Unicode Glyph Name Glyph Note
U+5307 aj20301 The Glyph is changed to JIS X 0213:2004 shape (only IPAex Mincho)
U+5307 U+E0101 aj8404 IVS data is added
U+00A7 aj106 § The glyph of proportional shape is added
U+00B0 aj155 ° The glyph of proportional shape is added
U+00B6 aj118 The glyph of full width shape is added
U+2014 aj138 The glyph of proportional shape is added
U+2032 aj9356 The glyph of proportional shape is added
U+2033 aj9357 The glyph of proportional shape is added
U+22BF aj15882 The glyph of new design similar to other mathematical sympols is added

head table :fontRevision

The value is change from 1.000 to 1.020.

name table :ID0、ID3、ID5

ID0 (Copyright) :2003-2009 –> 2003-2010 ID3(Unique Font Identifier): IPAexMincho –> IPAexMincho Version 001.02 IPAexGothic –> IPAexGothic Version 001.02 The font names are set with font name plus version name. ID5(Version) :Version 001.01 –> Version 001.02

prep table :change of dropout control(only IPAex Gothic)

In some display environments such as 12pt/96dip, the first stroke of ‘白’ and ‘向’ had been corrupted.
GSUB Table : jp04 feature tag is deleted and jp90 feature tag is added
IPA fonts are JIS X 0213:2004 compliant. Accordingly, jp04 jeature tag is deleted and jp90 feature tag is added to enable 90JIS replace functionality.

The original glyphs, changed when JIS X 0213:2004 was published, are included as glyph variations

IPAex fonts include JIS X 0213:2000 shapes changed when JIS X 0213:2004 was published, with IVS(Ideographic Variation Sequence) [1]feature. The number of target characters is 172, one code point is added to Ver.001.01. Noted that, in 172 characters, some glyphs in IVS position are same as default glyph shapes to keep the consistency of ID control between IPAex Mincho and IPAex Gothic.

IPAex Font(Ver.001.01) -Feb 2010

Integration of mono-space font and proportional font

IPAex Mincho, the integration of IPA Mincho and IPA P Mincho, and IPAex Gothic, the integration of IPA Gothic and IPA P Gothic are newly developed. This new font series is strictly following Japanese printing font tradition, namely, Japanese characters (Kanji, Kana and punctuation marks) are full width mono-space pitch, and Western characters are proportional pitch.

Some characters are redesigned to improve total readability

IPAex fonts have been redesigned, with continuity from IPA font, as follows: (1) Hiragana design of IPAex mincho and Katakana voiced sound mark (Japanese diacritical mark) design of IPAex Gothic have been fully reviewed and refined. (2) The design of mathematical symbols has been totally adjusted and harmonized. (3) Some of western characters, which were originally designed full width pitch have been redesigned proportionally. (4) The design of allows, geometrical patterns, and other symbols has been optimized to full width. (5) The glyph of U+0361(COMBINING DOUBLE INVERTED BREVE) and U+203F (UNDERTIE) have been changed because these two characters had different pitch from usual Japanese printing fonts.

Glyph assignment change of a couple of character codes (Japanese currency marks and back slash)

For IPA fonts Japanese currency mark(\) has been assigned doubly to U+005C and U+00A5. However, for IPAex fonts Japanese currency mark(\) has been assigned to U+00A5 and back slash(\) has been assigned to U+005C, to guarantee international consistency and interchangeability.

JIS X 0213:2000 based designs of glyphs are included using IVS functionality

IPAex fonts include both of JIS X 0213:2000 shapes and JIS X 0213:2004 shapes, which are different from each other, using IVS (Ideographic Variation Sequence) functionality (see note[1]). The number of these characters is 171.

Newly implemented frequently used symbols

Frequently used symbols in Unicode CJK Symbols, CJK Compatibility Symbols and Enclosed CJK, namely symbols included in AJ1-6, have been newly designed and implemented. 202 symbols have been added.
Note: [1] Ideographic Variation Sequence (IVS): Standard procedure to distinguish glyph variation of Ideographs with common Character code (see http://unicode.org/reports/tr37/).