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"The Stylers are here."
"Bushmaster's goons?"
Nandi Tyler and Mariah Dillard[src]

The Skirmish at Mother's Touch was a confrontation between the Stylers, sent by Bushmaster to kill Mariah Dillard and Tilda Johnson, and combined forces of Misty Knight, Nandi Tyler, and Luke Cage.


"Mariah and her daughter... they been seen."
"The precinct. Babylon."
"Luke Cage."
Bushmaster and Mouse[src]

Bushmaster attacked and almost killed Mariah Dillard at her brownstone, burning it down, and gained access to Harlem's Paradise and her money. Bushmaster was later informed that Dillard had survived the fire through Luke Cage's interference, leading him to order all of the Stylers to hunt her down.

While Dillard was held inside the 29th Precinct Police Station, she was questioned by Misty Knight on what the Stylers would want with her, leading to her being uncooperative and let Benjamin Donovan defend her position. However, when Donovan realized that Dillard no longer had any funds to spend, he left the precinct and Dillard unprotected. Now knowing that she needs to get somewhere safe, Dillard went outside of the precinct to go back to her Brownstone but the Stylers arrived to shoot down to kill Dillard. Cage then noticed them firing in front of the station and stopped them, leading Dillard and her guards to escape.[3]


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