Marvel Cinematic Universe Wiki
Marvel Cinematic Universe Wiki

"You got Mother Teresa, you actually bagged that asshole."
"Got his number one and his number two also. And two judges, district police cap. A freakin' deputy mayor."
Wellers and Ray Nadeem[src]

Mother Teresa is a leader of the Albanian Syndicate who was arrested thanks to the information provided by Wilson Fisk. He gained this nickname due to a huge tattoo of the actual Mother Teresa in his back.


Kingpin's Betrayal[]

Arrest of the Albanian Syndicate[]

FBI againstAlbanians

Mother Teresa being arrested by FBI agents

Mother Teresa was the nickname of one of the key leaders of the Albanian Syndicate. When Wilson Fisk decided to make a deal with the FBI to get out of Ryker's Island, he gave up key evidence about Mother Teresa and the Albanian Syndicate, resulting in Ray Nadeem leading a team of agents to arrest Mother Teresa and his allies.[1]


  • Master Tactician: Mother Teresa was the leader of the Albanian Syndicate, gaining a reputation due to the tattoo on his back resembling Mother Teresa. He was sought out by the FBI and eventually caught because Wilson Fisk sold him out.





