Marvel Database
Marvel Database

Once upon a time...the man with Ω on his palms sat on in a magical throne protecting all of time and space... If there were more than one Prester...could there be more than one machine...?

Prester Omega was an Omega and a silent, static guardian of one of the many Concordance Engines on Earth.[4]


Concordance Engine from Defenders Vol 4 4 001

Prester Omega was the guard of the Concordance Engine located under Wundagore Mountain. One of the other Presters, Prester John, had grown mad and plotted to use the Breaker of Worlds Nul to destroy this Engine and escape the universe. Prester Omega destroyed Nul, then the Defenders took the Engine and Prester to the Sanctum Sanctorum for analysis.[5][6]

Prester Omega (Earth-11127) from Defenders Vol 4 9 001
When the Defenders got sent to another reality, Prester Omega apparently joined them at some point and returned them home at the request of the Silver Surfer.[7] However, when they came back, their reality was being invaded and destroyed by a Death Celestial, an enemy of the Omegas. When Strange found out that the Concordance Engines were meant to protect them from the Death Celestials, he sent his spirit to the past to avert his past self from discovering the Engines, sparing an alternate timeline from this grim fate. Before everything died, Prester Omega told Strange he will see him in the next life.[8]



Prester Omega (Earth-11127) and Nul (Earth-11127) from Defenders Vol 4 3 001

Erasing Nul from existence

As one of the Omegas, Prester Omega was incredibly powerful being, but he only acted if his Concordance Engine was in danger.[6]

  • Existence Erasure: The Prester could erase beings from existence with a touch, even beings as powerful as Nul.[3]
  • Immense Speed: The Prester could move faster than Namor and Iron Fist could see.[3][6]
  • Teleportation: The Prester could send himself and others across space, time, and realities.[2]
  • Self-Sustenance: He does not need to eat.[1]




  • The Omegas originally had nothing to do with the Beyonders. They were retconned to be Beyonders in Defenders: Beyond #2.
  • Prester Omega is aware of his surroundings despite not speaking or moving; his thoughts are explored in Defenders (Vol. 4) #3. He remains silent until the end, when he finally speaks: "I will see you in the next life."[9]
  • Prester Omega is possibly a generic term for the Presters.[10][11] His true name is unknown.

See Also

Links and References

