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Quote1 Do not underestimate me as others have done before you...Yes, I am exceptionally ugly...but I am also unnaturally powerful! Quote2

Solicit Synopsis

Days of Futures Yet to Come

The Phoenix-powered Rachel Summers is back, fresh from a battle with Galactus! Meanwhile, faces from Captain Britain's past resurface when the Warpies and the RCX return! But dark days lie ahead as the team joins Rachel on a trip to her own timeline: the nightmarish tomorrow of Days of Future Past! The secrets of Widget are revealed, and some surprising faces need help fighting for freedom against the Sentinels! Back in the present, Meggan and Nightcrawler face despair as Captain Britain and Cerise are ripped from the team — and the departures don’t end there! Rachel holds the key to Brian’s return, but is the cost too high to bear? And what — or who — has Brian become? COLLECTING: EXCALIBUR (1988) #59-75 and ANNUAL #1

Volume 5 of the Excalibur Epic Collection — Years Covered: 1992-1993.
This issue collects following issues:

See Also

Links and References

