“Now look at what you've done. Behold your final precious answer: the thing you sought to defend Earth from has come. Behold death itself.”
Appearing in 1st story
Featured Characters:
- Defenders
- Silver Surfer (Norrin Radd)
- Iron Fist (Danny Rand)
- Doctor Strange (Stephen Strange)
- Black Cat (Felicia Hardy)
- Red She-Hulk (Betty Ross)
- King Namor
Supporting Characters:
- Omega Council (Name revealed)
- Prince of Orphans (John Aman) (Main story and flashback) (Death)
- Nick Fury
- Ant-Man (Scott Lang)
Other Characters:
- Ben Grimm (First appearance; vision)
- Sue Storm (First appearance; vision)
- Reed Richards (First appearance; vision)
- Johnny Storm (First appearance; vision)
- Steve Rogers (Vision or hallucination)
- Abraham Erskine (First appearance; vision)
- Peter Parker (First appearance; vision)
- Matt Murdock (First appearance; vision)
- Tony Stark (First appearance; vision)
- Council of Seven (First appearance) (Only in flashback)
- Musidora (Only in flashback)
- Judex (Only in flashback)
- Captain Nemo (Only in flashback)
- Len MacKenzie (Mentioned)
- Unnamed Prester (Mentioned)
- Avengers (Mentioned)
- ⏴ Wong (Corpse, skeleton or other remains)
Races and Species:
- Death Celestials
- Zenn-Lavians
- Omega (Name revealed)
- Humans (Main story and flashback)
- Mutant Atlantean-Human Hybrids
- Earth-11127 (Main story and flashback)
- "Heaven"
- Earth-41512 (First appearance; vision)
- Earth-121111 (First appearance; vision)
- Earth-15131 (First appearance; vision)
- Earth-54121 (First appearance; vision)
- Earth-51111 (First appearance; vision)
- Concordance Engines (Main story and flashback)
- Super-Soldier Serum (First appearance; vision)
- Isotope Genome Accelerator (First appearance; vision)
- Iron Man Armor Model 1 (First appearance; vision)
- Ant-Man's Helmet and Suit
- Nautilus (Only in flashback)
Synopsis for 1st story
- Synopsis not yet written
Solicit Synopsis
• WHAT are the Death Celestials?
• WHY do they want to destroy EVERYTHING?
• HOW can the Defenders even HOPE to stop them?Notes
- In the final scene, Doctor Strange mutters "Déjà vu..." He had a vision of this scene in Point One #1.