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The Silmarillion chapters

I. Ainulindalë
II. Valaquenta

  1. Of the Beginning of Days
  2. Of Aulë and Yavanna
  3. Of the Coming of the Elves
  4. Of Thingol and Melian
  5. Of Eldamar
  6. Of Fëanor
  7. Of the Silmarils
  8. Of the Darkening of Valinor
  9. Of the Flight of the Ñoldor
  10. Of the Sindar
  11. Of the Sun and Moon
  12. Of Men
  13. Of the Return of the Ñoldor
  14. Of Beleriand and its Realms
  15. Of the Ñoldor in Beleriand
  16. Of Maeglin
  17. Of the Coming of Men into the West
  18. Of the Ruin of Beleriand
  19. Of Beren and Lúthien
  20. Of the Fifth Battle
  21. Of Túrin Turambar
  22. Of the Ruin of Doriath
  23. Of Tuor and the Fall of Gondolin
  24. Of the Voyage of Eärendil

The Valaquenta is the second part of The Silmarillion.

The Valaquenta is a middle-ground and link between Ainulindalë, which recounts the creation of Middle-earth, and Quenta Silmarillion, where the first major elements of Middle-earth post-creation history are elaborated.


Description of the Valar[]

In this part, the Ainur are introduced by their given names. Afterwards, they are described and their attributes and functions are given. Among them, the more notable Manwë and Ulmo.

Description of the major Maiar[]

Here, the Maiar are introduced, named and described, including the renowned Istari, also known as Order of Wizards.

Description of enemies[]

This section speaks of the major Dark Powers, Melkor and his subject Sauron, who would later become the Dark Lord himself after his master's defeat, giving them brief descriptions.



Valaquenta was a Quenya word that meant 'Tale of the Valar'.[citation needed]

Behind the scenes[]

Although sequential descriptions of the Valar go back to The Book of Lost Tales, the earliest writing that resembles the Valaquenta is found in the text called Quenta Noldorinwa (published in volume four of The History of Middle-earth). It then became Chapter 1 of the Quenta Silmarillion (entitled Of the Valar). In revisions to the Quenta Silmarillion done in 1958, the section was split off into a separately titled work. There is nothing to indicate why J.R.R. Tolkien felt that the piece should stand alone. While it is not a narrative, neither is the chapter Of Beleriand and its Realms, and Tolkien never seems to have considered removing that section.


Foreign Language Translated name
Amharic ቫላኩታንት
Arabic فالاكينتا
Armenian Վալաqւենտա
Belarusian Cyrillic Валаквента
Bengali ভালাউনটা
Bulgarian Cyrillic Валакуента
Catalan Vàlaquenta
Chinese 維拉本紀
Georgian ვალაქუენტა
Greek Βαλακουέντα
Gujarati વેલુસેન્ટા
Hebrew ואלאקוונטה
Hindi वैलाक्विन्टा
Japanese ヴァラクウェンタ
Kannada ವಲಕ್ವೆಂಟಾ
Korean 발라퀜타
Macedonian Cyrillic Валаквента
Marathi वाल्युसेना
Persian والاکوئنتا
Russian Валаквента
Serbian Валаквента (Cyrillic) Valakventa (Latin)
Sinhalese වලකෙන්ටා
Tajik Cyrillic Валакуэнта
Tamil வளக்குயெண்ட
Telugu వలక్యూన్తా
Thai วาลาเควนตา
Ukrainian Cyrillic Валаквента
Urdu والالوسا
Yiddish װאַלאַכוענטאַ