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The One Wiki to Rule Them All

HiddenVale HiddenVale 25 October 2019

Commentary on LOTR:T3A game

This text was originally a part of the article for the game LOTR: The Third Agebut has been moved here for its opinions and unencyclopedic tone.

  • 1 Good commanders
  • 2 Evil commanders
  • 3 Good heroes
  • 4 Evil Heroes
  • 5 Additional Heroes
    • 5.1 Good Additional Heroes
    • 5.2 Evil Additional Heroes
  • 6 The Fellowship of the Ring:Chapter 1/3
    • 6.1 Mission from Rivendell
    • 6.2 Darkness upon Bree
    • 6.3 Attack on Fangorn
    • 6.4 Conquest of Osgiliath
    • 6.5 Flight from Moria
    • 6.6 Amon Hen
    • 6.7 Balin's Tomb

At the start of the game you can choose between these heroes and the Evil characters.

Aragorn - High HP, perfect Morale, Great CP, high Attack, average Range, high SP. Aragorn specializes in destroying the enemy personally, using Sweep Attack and Arms Mastery to slay any creature of Mordor or Isengard tha…

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HiddenVale HiddenVale 20 January 2021

"Wicked Dwarves" exposition by user Baggins

This text was formerly an article; moved to a blog for its rambling and overextensive nature.

The Wicked dwarves were the few dwarves who fought (or were rumored to have fought) on the side of Morgoth, and later Sauron, or in alliances with Orcs and goblins during the first three ages of the world.

The term may also refer to those dwarves who were viewed with suspicion and viewed as evil or influenced by the Shadow by others (due to gossip, rumors, stories, etc), though were actually on the side of good or at least neutral.

'Treacherous Dwarves' also appear in the 2016 publication Beren and Lúthien.

  • 1 Background
    • 1.1 In Other Media
  • 2 See Also
  • 3 References

All dwarves had been created by Aulë, he who was said to be most like Melkor in thought and powers Wh…

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HiddenVale HiddenVale 6 October 2018

"Maps of Arda" exposition by user Roac's Wife (relocated)

The following text was initially written as an article, and has been moved here. The text and images are from user Roac's Wife.

A little while ago I was commissioned to make a number of maps of Arda for an upcoming Atlas of Tolkien.

The maps were to cover all of Arda, from the beginning of time within Tolkien’s legendarium, to the start of the Fourth Age at the end of The Return of the King. In the end the author and I were very pleased with these maps, and all was good to go – but at the very last moment all of the images but one were pulled from the book, for legal reasons. The author was no less disappointed than I was.

I kept them all secret for a long time, but I think now it’s best to put them up here as nothing more than fan artwork. A…

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HiddenVale HiddenVale 18 August 2018

"History of Tolkien Fandom"

This is an exposition of the history of Tolkien fandom, not written by me. It was relocated from the article to a blog because of the text's resemblance to a school essay or journalist commentary.

  • 1 History
    • 1.1 Mainstream and media fans
    • 1.2 Organized Tolkien Fandom
  • 2 Internal categories
    • 2.1 Movies
    • 2.2 Books
    • 2.3 Languages
  • 3 Effects of the films
  • 4 Highly debatable issues
  • 5 Fans today

The major divisions of Tolkien Fandom can best be explained in a chronological context.

Tolkien's The Lord of the Rings (LOTR) was published in 1954 and The Hobbit prelude in 1937, and bootleg paperbacks eventually found their way into colleges in the U.S.A. in the 1960s. The "hippie" following latched onto the book, but a great many did so for possibly misguided reasons; some openly st…

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HiddenVale HiddenVale 25 December 2015

A Greatness of Tolkien's writing

Here is an clever excerpt out of The Philosophy of Tolkien: The Worldview Behind The Lord of the Rings by Peter J. Kreeft - which I thought all avid readers of the trilogy might find interesting.

Emboldenings from me, not the author.

"Every story, long or short, has five dimensions. They are usually called its 1) plot, 2) characters, 3) setting, 4) style, and 5) the theme. We could call them, respectively, the story's (1) work, (2) workers, (3) world, (4) words, and (5) wisdom. "Philosophy" means "the love of wisdom". So a story's philosophy is one of its five basic dimensions.

Which "dimension" sold The Lord of the Rings? All five. To be great, a work of art must be great in not just one dimension but all, just as a healthy body needs to be h…

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