
  1. bevy

    A refreshingly simple data-driven game engine and app framework

    v0.15.0 60K #game-engine #graphics #gamedev #engine #game
  2. bevy-inspector-egui

    Inspector plugin for the bevy game engine

    v0.28.0 17K #bevy #inspector #egui #editor #reflection #bevy-plugin #game-engine
  3. bevy_ecs

    Bevy Engine's entity component system

    v0.15.0 64K #ecs #bevy #query
  4. bevy_asset_loader

    Bevy plugin for asset loading

    v0.22.0 7.5K #game-assets #assets #bevy-ecs #bevy #gamedev #reduce-boilerplate #load-image
  5. bevy_tweening

    Tweening animation plugin for the Bevy game engine

    v0.12.0 2.7K #animation #bevy #tweening #easing #game-engine
  6. bevy_hanabi

    Hanabi GPU particle system for the Bevy game engine

    v0.14.0 1.4K #particle #particles #bevy #vfx #real-time #particle-system #game-engine
  7. leafwing-input-manager

    A powerful, flexible and ergonomic way to manage action-input keybindings for the Bevy game engine

    v0.15.1 4.1K #input #bevy #action #mouse-input #bevy-ui #gamepad #processing
  8. bevy_reflect

    Dynamically interact with rust types

    v0.15.0 68K #reflection #struct-fields #value #traits #bevy #field #deserialize
  9. bevy_prototype_lyon

    Draw 2D shapes and paths in the Bevy game engine

    v0.13.0 3.4K #bevy #shapes #graphics #shape #game-engine #gamedev #2d-graphics
  10. bevy_kira_audio

    Bevy plugin for dynamic audio

    v0.21.0 5.6K #audio-playback #bevy #bevy-ecs #music #audio #gamedev #format
  11. bevy_replicon

    High level networking for the Bevy game engine

    v0.29.0 1.0K #client-server #replication #bevy #game-networking #multiplayer #game-engine #netcode
  12. bevy_state

    Finite state machines for Bevy

    v0.15.0 34K #finite-state-machine #state-machine #bevy #state-transition #game-engine #data-driven
  13. hexx

    Hexagonal utilities

    v0.19.0 550 #geometry #hexagon #bevy #bestagon
  14. bevy_mod_picking

    A modular picking plugin for Bevy

    v0.20.1 8.9K #event-listener #bevy #bevy-plugin #input #input-event #gamedev #picking
  15. bevy_easings

    Easing plugin for Bevy

    v0.15.0 2.5K #easing #animation #bevy
  16. avian3d

    An ECS-driven physics engine for the Bevy game engine

    v0.1.2 1.4K #rigid-bodies #physics-simulation #physics #2d-3d #bevy #physics-2d #collision-detection
  17. avian2d

    An ECS-driven physics engine for the Bevy game engine

    v0.1.2 1.5K #rigid-bodies #physics-simulation #collision-detection #physics #physics-2d #2d-3d #bevy
  18. bevy_polyline

    Polyline Rendering for Bevy

    v0.10.0 600 #polyline #bevy #graphics #gamedev #rendering-engine
  19. bevy_flycam

    Basic first-person fly camera for the Bevy game engine

    v0.15.0 700 #camera-control #camera #bevy #3d #gamedev #game-engine
  20. bevy_macro_utils

    A collection of utils for Bevy Engine

    v0.15.0 66K #bevy #game-engine #macro #data-driven #utilities #collection #functions
  21. big-brain

    AI library

    v0.22.0 180 #ai #game-ai #bevy #ecs #game-engine #utility-ai #building-block
  22. bevy_panorbit_camera

    A basic pan and orbit camera in Bevy

    v0.21.1 1.9K #camera-control #camera #bevy #orbit #gamedev #game-engine
  23. bevy-persistent

    A Bevy helper to easily manage resources that need to persist across game sessions

    v0.7.0 250 #bevy #persistent #resources #gamedev #session-management #game-state
  24. bevy_mod_debugdump

    Visualization tools for bevy

    v0.12.0 3.5K #render-graph #bevy #schedule #render #visual
  25. hill_vacuum

    A bevy-based 2D map editor

    v0.11.0 280 #bevy #gamedev #map-editor
  26. bevy_rand

    A plugin to integrate rand for ECS optimised RNG for the Bevy game engine

    v0.8.0 850 #random #bevy-ecs #bevy #rand #rng #game-engine #bevy-plugin
  27. bevy_flowfield_tiles_plugin

    FlowField (vector field) pathfinding as a plugin to the Bevy game engine

    v0.11.0 #path-finding #bevy #navigation #game-engine #bevy-plugin #2d-array #2d-3d
  28. bevy_math

    math functionality for Bevy Engine

    v0.15.0 61K #bevy #game-engine #vector-math #matrix #vec2 #gamedev #representation
  29. moonshine-save

    Save/Load framework for Bevy

    v0.3.10 270 #save-load #save #bevy #game-state #ron #game-engine #serde
  30. bevy_atmosphere

    A procedural sky plugin for bevy

    v0.11.0 1.3K #sky #bevy #plugin #procedural #game-engine #atmosphere #basic
  31. bevy_lunex

    Blazingly fast path based retained layout engine for Bevy entities, built around vanilla Bevy ECS

    v0.2.4 #bevy-ui #bevy-ecs #layout #ui-component #ui #ui-framework #bevy
  32. bevy_app

    core App functionality for Bevy Engine

    v0.15.0 62K #bevy #applications #game-engine #data-driven #layer #gamedev #highest-level
  33. bevy_voxel_world

    A voxel world plugin for Bevy

    v0.10.1 370 #bevy #voxel #voxels #bevy-plugin #gamedev #voxelengine #graphics
  34. bevy_embedded_assets

    A Bevy plugin to embed assets in your game

    v0.12.0 3.6K #bevy-plugin #assets #bevy #game-assets #embed #embedded #binary
  35. bevy-sequential-actions

    A Bevy library for executing various actions in a sequence

    v0.12.0 900 #action #bevy #sequence #command #ecs #gamedev
  36. bevy_pancam

    A camera that allows panning by dragging with the mouse

    v0.16.0 1.0K #camera-control #bevy #bevy-plugin #2d-game #map #mouse #editor
  37. bevy_common_assets

    Bevy plugin adding support for loading your own asset types from common file formats such as json and yaml

    v0.12.0 2.7K #file-format #assets #bevy #yaml #json-file #gamedev #loader
  38. bevy_transform_gizmo

    A 3D transform gizmo for Bevy

    v0.12.1 900 #bevy #3d #gizmo #transform #interaction #camera #mouse
  39. bevy_spritesheet_animation

    A Bevy plugin for animating sprites

    v1.0.0 240 #animation #bevy-plugin #sprite #bevy
  40. bevy_render

    rendering functionality for Bevy Engine

    v0.15.0 63K #render #bevy #rendering-engine #game-engine #data-driven
  41. bevy_mod_scripting

    Multi language scripting in Bevy

    v0.8.0 500 #scripting-language #bevy #scripting #lua #lua-script #gamedev #lua-bindings
  42. vleue_navigator

    Navmesh plugin for Bevy

    v0.11.0 1.9K #path-finding #navigation #bevy #navmesh #nav-mesh #mesh-generation
  43. seldom_state

    Component-based state machine plugin for Bevy. Useful for AI, player state, and other entities that occupy various states.

    v0.11.0 #state-machine #state-transition #bevy #ai #gamedev
  44. bevy_pbr

    Adds PBR rendering to Bevy Engine

    v0.15.0 53K #bevy #pbr #rendering #game-engine #rendering-engine
  45. ncube

    Generalized Hypercube Visualizer

    v2.4.1 800 #math #hypercube #tesseract #graphics #bevy #mathematics #real-time
  46. bevy_defer

    asynchronous runtime for executing async coroutines

    v0.13.0 140 #async-task #async #bevy #bevy-ecs #defer #game-engine
  47. bevy_console

    dev console for bevy

    v0.13.0 400 #console #bevy #arguments-parser #command #half-life #clap-parser #color
  48. big_space

    A floating origin plugin for bevy

    v0.8.0 320 #bevy-plugin #bevy #space #floating-origin #large-scale
  49. bevy_matchbox

    A Bevy extension for Matchbox WebRtc networking

    v0.10.0 400 #bevy-networking #web-rtc #p2p #bevy #networking #multiplayer-game #network-communication
  50. bevy_editor_pls

    In-App editor tools for bevy apps

    v0.10.0 1.3K #editor #bevy #bevy-ui #debugging #scene #component #camera
  51. bevy_minibuffer

    A gamedev console inspired by classic Unix text editors

    v0.2.0 #bevy #console #gamedev #text-editors #user-input
  52. bevy_asset

    asset functionality for Bevy Engine

    v0.15.0 64K #assets #bevy #game-assets #load #game-engine #loading #texture
  53. bevy_vector_shapes

    rendering vector shapes using the Bevy game engine

    v0.9.2 310 #bevy #graphics #vector-graphics #gamedev #2d-rendering #2d-graphics #2d-3d
  54. bevy_infinite_grid

    A 3D infinite grid for Bevy

    v0.13.1 2.6K #bevy #infinite #grid #3d #world #alignment #numbers
  55. bevy_ecs_tiled

    A Bevy plugin for loading Tiled maps

    v0.4.2 460 #tiled #bevy #bevy-plugin #tilemap #2d #2d-game
  56. bevy_eventlistener

    Event listeners and callbacks for bevy

    v0.8.1 9.3K #event-listener #callback #bevy #gamedev #ecs #event-system
  57. bevy-input-sequence

    Recognizes and acts on input sequences

    v0.7.0 100 #input #send-event #bevy #gamepad-input #hotkey #input-event #gamedev
  58. bevy_mesh

    mesh types for Bevy Engine

    v0.15.0 10K #mesh #bevy #types #built
  59. seldom_pixel

    Bevy plugin for limited color palette pixel art games

    v0.7.0 600 #color-palette #pixel-art #bevy-plugin #bevy #2d-game #2d #gamedev
  60. iyes_progress

    Bevy plugin to help implement loading states

    v0.13.0 1.3K #bevy-plugin #bevy #state-transition #gamedev
  61. bevy_quinnet

    Bevy plugin for Client/Server multiplayer games using QUIC

    v0.13.0 310 #bevy-plugin #quic #game-networking #multiplayer-game #networking #bevy #client-connection
  62. bevy_turborand

    A plugin to enable ECS optimised random number generation for the Bevy game engine

    v0.10.0 300 #random #bevy #bevy-ecs #secure-random #game-engine #bevy-plugin #wyrand
  63. bevy_sprite3d

    Bevy Plugin to allow using 2d sprites in a 3d scene

    v4.0.0 290 #2d-3d #3d #sprite #bevy-plugin #gamedev #bevy #game-engine
  64. bevy_pkv

    Persistent key value store for apps/games

    v0.12.0 1.2K #key-value-store #bevy #gamedev
  65. virtual_joystick

    Bevy virtual Joystick for mobile games

    v2.3.0 #input #bevy #ui #gamedev #mouse-input #ui-component #game-engine
  66. bevy_ui

    A custom ECS-driven UI framework built specifically for Bevy Engine

    v0.15.0 51K #ui-framework #bevy #node #ui-elements #game-engine #text-node #layout
  67. bevy_tween

    Flexible tweening plugin library for Bevy

    v0.7.0 140 #animation #bevy #tweening #easing #tween #plugin-api
  68. bevy_hui

    pseudo Html templating ui crate for the bevy-engine

    v0.2.1 260 #bevy-ui #html #ui #bevy #xml #html-templating #dsl
  69. bevy_enoki

    2D Particle system plugin, that works well on wasm and mobile

    v0.3.3 650 #particle #bevy #2d #particles #shader #bevy-plugin #game-engine
  70. bevy_ldtk_asset

    A Bevy plugin to support LDtk files as assets!

    v0.6.0 330 #ldtk #level #bevy #assets #world #bevy-plugin #projects
  71. revy

    Proof-of-concept time-travel debugger for Bevy, built with Rerun

    v0.20.0 230 #debugging #bevy #rerun #gamedev #game-engine #time-travel #debugging-tool
  72. bevy_jornet

    Bevy plugin for Jornet - a social game server

    v0.9.0 1.0K #bevy-plugin #social #bevy #score #leaderboard
  73. bevy_stardust

    A networking crate for the Bevy game engine

    v0.7.0 #bevy-networking #bevy #networking #bevy-ecs #gamedev #game-engine #game-networking
  74. bevy_cosmic_edit

    Bevy cosmic-text multiline text input

    v0.26.0 700 #bevy-plugin #bevy #text-input #multiline #text-editing #editor #cosmic-text
  75. bevy-tnua

    A floating character controller for Bevy

    v0.20.0 390 #bevy #gamedev #2d-3d #locomotion #game-controls #back-end
  76. bevy_transform

    transform functionality for Bevy Engine

    v0.15.0 59K #bevy #transform #game-engine #component #gamedev #data-driven
  77. bevy_mod_billboard

    Billboard text and texture support for bevy

    v0.7.0 500 #bevy #graphics #billboard #gamedev #3dtext
  78. bevy_image

    image types for Bevy Engine

    v0.15.0 4.3K #bevy #image #types
  79. micro_banimate

    Easily manage complex Bevy 2D sprite animations

    v0.9.2 750 #animation #sprite #bevy #complex #2d #component #manage
  80. bevy_winit

    A winit window and input backend for Bevy Engine

    v0.15.0 56K #winit-window #bevy #input #game-engine #window-creation #handle #backend
  81. bevy-yoleck

    Your Own Level Editor Creation Kit

    v0.23.0 #bevy #gamedev #level-editor #camera-control #game-engine
  82. bevy_mod_physx

    PhysX plugin for Bevy

    v0.6.0 #physx #bevy #bevy-ecs #physics #bevy-plugin #gamedev
  83. bevy_slinet

    networking plugin for bevy

    v0.13.0 130 #tcp-udp #bevy-networking #bevy #bevy-plugin #client-server #udp-client #protocols
  84. bevy_mikktspace

    Mikkelsen tangent space algorithm

    v0.15.0 52K #tangent #graphics #3d #bevy #algorithm #math
  85. bevy_third_person_camera

    A third person camera written for Bevy

    v0.2.0 250 #camera #bevy #camera-control #orbit #gamedev
  86. bevy_remote

    The Bevy Remote Protocol

    v0.15.0 2.7K #entity-component #bevy #remote #bevy-ecs #request #protocols #request-response
  87. bevy-tokio-tasks

    integration of a Tokio runtime into a Bevy app for background processing

    v0.14.0 270 #background-task #bevy-plugin #background-processing #tokio #bevy #async-task #async
  88. smooth-bevy-cameras

    Bevy camera controllers with buttery, exponential smoothing

    v0.13.0 390 #camera #bevy #smoothing #scene-graph #transform #exponential #component
  89. bevy_serde_lens

    Stateful, structural and human-readable serialization crate for the bevy engine

    v0.5.0 #bevy-ecs #bevy #serialization #serde #save #serializes
  90. bevy_vox_scene

    A Bevy engine plugin for loading Magica Voxel world files and render materials directly in Bevy as a scene graph

    v0.17.1 230 #magica-voxel #scene-graph #bevy #voxel #bevy-plugin #graphics
  91. bevy_ios_iap

    Bevy Plugin and Swift Package to provide access to iOS native StoreKit2 from inside Bevy Apps

    v0.5.1 430 #ios #bevy-plugin #bevy #swift #mobile #gamedev
  92. bevy_sprite

    sprite functionality for Bevy Engine

    v0.15.0 54K #bevy #sprite #2d-rendering #game-engine #gamedev
  93. bevy_svg

    Load and draw SVG files in Bevy

    v0.14.0 #svg #bevy #graphics #2d-3d #gamedev #2d-graphics #vertex-buffer
  94. bevy_core_pipeline

    core render pipeline for Bevy Engine

    v0.15.0 60K #render-pipeline #bevy #game-engine #data-driven #gamedev
  95. bevy_ios_gamecenter

    Bevy Plugin and Swift Package to provide access to iOS native GameKit (Gamecenter) from inside Bevy Apps

    v0.3.0 170 #bevy-plugin #ios #bevy #mobile #swift #gamedev
  96. bevy_log

    logging for Bevy Engine

    v0.15.0 59K #bevy #logging #game-engine #data-driven #configuration #gamedev #re-exported
  97. bevy_framepace

    Frame pacing and frame limiting for Bevy

    v0.17.1 2.3K #bevy #frame #bevy-plugin #frame-rate #limiting #latency #graphics
  98. bevy_dolly

    The dolly abstraction layer for the bevy game framework

    v0.0.4 240 #camera-control #bevy #camera #fps #3d #gamedev #abstraction-layer
  99. pyri_state

    A flexible bevy_state alternative

    v0.3.0 290 #state #bevy-ecs #game-state #bevy #scheduling #flexible #gamedev
  100. bevy_life

    Generic and dynamic cellular automaton lib for bevy

    v0.11.0 #cellular-automata #cellular #bevy #conway #automaton #automata #2d-3d
  101. bevy_smud

    2d sdf shape renderer plugin for Bevy

    v0.9.0 #sdf #distance-field #2d-rendering #bevy #gamedev #graphics
  102. bevy_gizmos

    gizmos for Bevy Engine

    v0.15.0 44K #gizmo #bevy #game-engine #bevy-ecs #gamedev #visual #debugging
  103. bevy_silk

    Cloth physics implementation in bevy

    v0.9.0 #bevy #physics-engine #physics #cloth #verlet
  104. bevy_window

    windowing functionality for Bevy Engine

    v0.15.0 59K #window #bevy #windowing #game-engine #management #data-driven #events
  105. bevy_gltf_blueprints

    Adds the ability to define Blueprints/Prefabs for Bevy inside gltf files and spawn them in Bevy

    v0.11.0 140 #bevy #gltf #blueprint #prefab #gamedev #game-engine
  106. bevy_time

    time functionality for Bevy Engine

    v0.15.0 56K #bevy #bevy-plugin #time #game-engine #gamedev
  107. iyes_perf_ui

    Customizable Performance/Debug Overlay for Bevy UI

    v0.3.0 1.3K #bevy-ui #bevy #display #performance #perf #gamedev #customizable
  108. bevy_hierarchy

    hierarchy functionality for Bevy Engine

    v0.15.0 57K #bevy #entity #hierarchy #game-engine #children #parent #entities
  109. bevy_streamdeck

    Elgato Stream Deck plugin for Bevy

    v0.5.0 320 #bevy #bevy-plugin #deck #stream #game-engine #streamdeck #input-event
  110. bevy_ecs_ldtk

    An ECS-friendly ldtk plugin for bevy

    v0.10.0 900 #bevy-ecs #ldtk #bevy #bevy-plugin #gamedev #map-editor
  111. bevy-async-ecs

    Asynchronous interface for Bevy ECS

    v0.7.0 600 #bevy-ecs #bevy #async #async-parallel #async-task
  112. oxidized_navigation

    A Nav-Mesh generation plugin for Bevy Engine

    v0.11.0 340 #mesh-generation #bevy #nav-mesh #gamedev #navmesh #navmesh-generation
  113. bevy_gltf_components

    Allows you to define Bevy components direclty inside gltf files and instanciate the components on the Bevy side

    v0.6.0 230 #component #gltf #bevy #assets #gamedev
  114. bevy_scene

    scene functionality for Bevy Engine

    v0.15.0 56K #bevy #scene #game-engine #data-driven #component #world #entities
  115. bevy_water

    Dynamic ocean material for Bevy

    v0.15.1 #water #bevy #waves #ocean
  116. sickle_ui

    A widget library built for Bevy, in Bevy

    v0.4.0 950 #bevy #gui #sickle
  117. aery

    Non-fragmenting ZST relations for Bevy

    v0.8.1 180 #bevy-ecs #bevy-plugin #bevy #relation #relations
  118. bevy_color

    Types for representing and manipulating color values

    v0.15.1 32K #color-space #color #bevy #alpha #game-engine #hue #rgba
  119. moonshine-behavior

    Minimalistic state machine for Bevy game engine

    v0.1.6 420 #state-machine #behavior #bevy #minimalist #event-driven #entity #game-engine
  120. bevy_rl

    Build environments for reinforcement learning with bevy

    v0.15.0 #reinforcement-learning #bevy #rl #ai #gym
  121. bevy-ui-navigation

    A bevy plugin to make implementing ui navigation in your game a piece of cake

    v0.33.1 #bevy-ui #navigation #ui #bevy #bevy-plugin #gamepad #keyboard
  122. bevy_animations

    2d Game Animation Engine built for Bevy

    v0.7.0 160 #animation #bevy #graphics #bevy-ecs #gamedev #animations #2d-game
  123. bevy_basic_portals

    A portal plugin for Bevy game engine

    v0.7.0 120 #portal #bevy #bevy-plugin #mirror #gamedev #graphics
  124. keyseq

    Specify key chords using Ctrl-A short-hand

    v0.5.0 150 #winit #bevy #keyboard #hotkey
  125. noisy_bevy

    Procedural noise primitives for Bevy

    v0.8.0 420 #simplex-noise #bevy #noise #gamedev #pcg
  126. bevy_input

    input functionality for Bevy Engine

    v0.15.0 59K #bevy #input #keyboard-input #gamepad-input #mouse-input #game-engine #data-driven
  127. lightyear

    Server-client networking library for the Bevy game engine

    v0.17.1 #multiplayer-game #multiplayer #bevy #networking #netcode #gamedev #game-engine
  128. bevy_tasks

    A task executor for Bevy Engine

    v0.15.0 66K #bevy #task-pool #thread-pool #task-execution #async-task #multi-threading #fork-join
  129. bevy_mod_index

    Allows using indexes to efficiently query for components by their values in the game engine Bevy

    v0.6.0 120 #index #bevy #bevy-engine #indices #game-engine
  130. bevy_picking

    screen picking functionality for Bevy Engine

    v0.15.0 4.1K #pointers #events #back-end #input #picking #bevy #entity
  131. aeronet

    Low-level networking for Bevy

    v0.11.0 440 #gamedev #bevy #networking #client-server #bevy-ecs
  132. transform-gizmo

    3D transformation gizmo

    v0.4.0 2.8K #gizmo #3d #transformation #egui #rotation #scale #bevy
  133. leafwing_abilities

    A convenient, well-tested ability management suite. Built for the Bevy game engine.

    v0.9.0 #bevy #pool #ability #action #input #management #game-engine
  134. bevy_ptr

    working with untyped pointers in a more safe way

    v0.15.0 66K #memory-safety #pointers #bevy #data-driven #game-engine #safe #unsafe
  135. bevy_scriptum

    Plugin for Bevy engine that allows you to write some of your game logic in a scripting language

    v0.6.0 110 #scripting-language #bevy #scripting #rhai #gamedev #scripting-engine #game-engine
  136. bevy_utils

    A collection of utils for Bevy Engine

    v0.15.0 70K #bevy #game-engine #utilities #gamedev #data-driven #collection
  137. bevy_fast_tilemap

    A GPU accelerated tilemap for bevy

    v0.8.1 240 #tile #tilemap #gpu-accelerated #bevy #map #performance #rendering
  138. bevy_aseprite_ultra

    A Bevy plugin for directly loading spritesheets and animations from aseprite binary files with hot reloading support

    v0.4.1 460 #hot-reloading #aseprite #animation #bevy #bevy-plugin #atlas #loader
  139. bevy-ui-dsl

    A DSL library that simplifies the creation of widgets for bevy_ui

    v0.9.0 #dsl #bevy #gamedev #gui
  140. bevy_obj

    Wavefront OBJ mesh asset loader plugin for the Bevy engine

    v0.15.0 350 #wavefront-obj #bevy #obj #mesh #asset #loader #plugin
  141. bevy_landmass

    A plugin for Bevy to handle navigation of AI characters

    v0.8.0 #path-finding #navigation #bevy #bevy-plugin #landmass #avoidance #game-ai
  142. bevy_mod_raycast

    Ray Casting for the Bevy Engine

    v0.18.0 9.3K #bevy-plugin #bevy #3d #graphics #gamedev #raycast
  143. bevy-discord

    A bevy plugin for sending and receiving discord messages

    v0.5.0 380 #discord #bevy-plugin #bevy #discord-api #http-client #send-receive #plugin
  144. bevy_lookup_curve

    Editable lookup curve for Bevy

    v0.6.0 1.9K #bevy #curve #lookup #interpolation #animation #editor #control
  145. bevy_asky

    question-and-answer UI middleware for Bevy

    v0.2.0 #bevy #gamedev #ui #view #user #controller #command
  146. bevy_stl

    STL loader for bevy, based on stl_io

    v0.15.0 1.2K #stl #bevy #cad #loader #geometry #assets #position
  147. blenvy

    Allows you to define Bevy components direclty inside gltf files and instanciate the components on the Bevy side

    v0.1.0-alpha.1 230 #component #gltf #bevy #assets #gamedev #game-engine
  148. bevy_ratatui_render

    A bevy plugin for rendering your bevy app to the terminal using ratatui

    v0.7.0 350 #tui #bevy-plugin #bevy #terminal #ratatui #render #command-line-interface
  149. bevy-persistent-windows

    A Bevy plugin to easily create and manage windows that remember where they were

    v0.7.0 170 #bevy-plugin #window #bevy #persistent #gamedev
  150. bevy_ggrs

    Bevy plugin for the GGRS P2P rollback networking library

    v0.16.0 230 #bevy-plugin #bevy-networking #rollback #p2p #bevy #networking #ggpo
  151. extol_sprite_layer

    Explicitly-defined sprite layers for Bevy, including automatic y-sorting

    v0.6.0 #bevy #sprite #layer #gamedev #2d-game #sorting #order
  152. bevy_mod_outline

    A mesh outlining plugin for Bevy

    v0.8.3 400 #outline #bevy #bevy-plugin #gamedev
  153. leafwing_manifest

    A flexible crate for managing game assets that share a common structure. Manifests are generated from on-disk data, and offer a straightforward way to quickly look-up and generate game objects.

    v0.3.0 #manifest #game-assets #bevy #object #loading #unique-identifier #look-up
  154. oktree

    Fast octree implementation

    v0.4.1 650 #oct-tree #bevy #voxel #graphics #game-engine #tree-structure
  155. bevy-egui-kbgp

    Better keyboard and gamepad story for egui in Bevy

    v0.21.0 #gamepad-input #input #egui #keyboard-input #bevy #bevy-ui #gui-framework
  156. bevy_gaussian_splatting

    bevy gaussian splatting render pipeline plugin

    v2.7.5 490 #render-pipeline #bevy #bevy-plugin #ply #graphics #gaussian-splatting #computer-vision
  157. bevy_lazy_signals

    An ad hoc, informally-specified, bug-ridden, kinda fast implementation of 1/3 of MIT-Scheme

    v0.5.2-alpha #lazy-evaluation #signals #reactive #bevy #primitive #kind #design
  158. bevy_mod_reqwest

    Bevy http client using reqwest, with a focus on simple usage within the bevy runtime

    v0.18.0 950 #http-client #http-request #bevy #async-http #run-time #web #focus
  159. bevy-steamworks

    A Bevy plugin for integrating with the Steamworks SDK

    v0.12.0 #bevy-plugin #steam #bevy #gamedev
  160. bevy_gltf

    Bevy Engine GLTF loading

    v0.15.0 49K #gltf #bevy #assets #loading #game-engine #3d #scene
  161. bevy_submerge_ui

    A ui plugin with tailwind like capabilities for bevy

    v0.1.1 #bevy-ui #ui-component #tailwind #bevy #bevy-ecs #submerge-ui #ui-framework
  162. bevy_audio_controller

    Bevy plugin for managed audio playback

    v0.3.0 300 #audio #bevy #music #audio-playback #gamedev
  163. vleue_kinetoscope

    Animated GIF player for Bevy

    v0.3.1 600 #gif #animation #bevy
  164. bevy_ratatui

    A Bevy plugin for building terminal user interfaces with Ratatui

    v0.7.0 250 #tui #user-interface #bevy-plugin #ratatui #bevy #terminal #terminal-interface
  165. bevy_magic_fx

    Define mesh-based vfx in serialized files

    v0.15.0 #bevy #vfx #ron #serialization #texture #magic #define
  166. bevy_debug_grid

    A bevy plugin for creating grids, for debugging purposes

    v0.6.0 100 #grid #bevy #debugging #bevy-plugin #mesh #game-engine #camera
  167. bevy_crossbeam_event

    Fire Bevy events from crossbeam channels

    v0.7.0 250 #bevy #events #crossbeam #channel #gamedev #callback #fire
  168. moonshine-kind

    type safety solution for Bevy

    v0.2.1 #bevy-ecs #bevy #entity #safety #kind #component #entities
  169. bevy_despawn_particles

    An event-based plugin for Bevy to spawn particles on despawn that are built from the original texture

    v0.2.0 #bevy #bevy-plugin #graphics #gamedev #game-engine #2d-graphics #entity-component
  170. bevy_material_wizard

    A material replacement utility for bevy

    v0.15.0 650 #material #bevy #editor #replace #definition #gltf #wizard
  171. bevy_magic_light_2d

    Experimental dynamic 2D global illumination system for Bevy, based on SDF ray-marching and screen space irradiance cache probes

    v0.8.1 #sdf #light #bevy #illumination #global #2d #screen
  172. bevy_ineffable

    A simple-to-use input manager for bevy that empowers players and makes accessibility easy

    v0.6.0 #input #mouse-input #bevy #key-bindings #accessibility #gamepad-input #gamedev
  173. bevy_collider_gen

    generating colliders, for bevy apps, from images with transparency

    v0.3.0 190 #physics-engine #png #collider #bevy #physics-2d #2d #rapier
  174. bevy_animation

    animation functionality for Bevy Engine

    v0.15.0 48K #animation #bevy #data-driven #game-engine #gamedev #built
  175. bevy_material_tool

    A material replacement workflow for bevy

    v0.14.9 130 #material #config-file #bevy #editor #workflow #component #scene
  176. rantz_spatial2d

    A set of 2D spatial utilities for Bevy, including handling transform propagation

    v3.1.2 1.2K #bevy #transform #propagation #spatial #2d #gamedev #game-engine
  177. moonshine-view

    Generic Model/View framework designed for Bevy

    v0.1.6 440 #bevy #view #game-state #save #model-view-controller
  178. bevy-parallax

    A Bevy plugin for creating a parallax effect

    v0.10.0 #scroll #background #parallax #bevy #gamedev #game-engine
  179. bevy_entitiles

    A 2d tilemap library for bevy. With many useful algorithms/tools built in.

    v0.12.0 150 #tilemap #bevy #tiled #2d #ldtk #array #entity
  180. bevy_async_task

    Ergonomic abstractions to async programming in Bevy

    v0.4.0 800 #async-task #async #bevy #gamedev #background-task #abstraction #timeout
  181. bevy_lit

    A lighting 2d library for Bevy

    v0.4.1 #lighting #bevy #light #shadow #graphics #2d #point
  182. bevy_text

    text functionality for Bevy Engine

    v0.15.0 52K #text-rendering #font-rendering #bevy #glyph #game-engine #character #data-driven
  183. bevy-histrion-packer

    A Bevy Plugin to pack all your game assets into a single common PAK like file format

    v0.5.0 160 #file-format #bevy-plugin #game-assets #assets #bevy #single-file #bundler
  184. bevy_diagnostic

    diagnostic functionality for Bevy Engine

    v0.15.0 57K #bevy #diagnostics #applications #game-engine #user
  185. bevy-tnua-avian3d

    Avian 3D integration for bevy-tnua

    v0.1.1 240 #bevy #2d-3d #gamedev #locomotion #game-controls
  186. bevy_particle_systems

    A particle system plugin for Bevy

    v0.13.0 290 #bevy #gamedev #bevy-plugin #plugin-system #game
  187. bevy_query_ext

    Extensions for Bevy's queries

    v0.5.0 130 #bevy-ecs #bevy #gamedev #extension #game-dev
  188. bevy_spatial

    tracking bevy entities in spatial indices

    v0.10.0 290 #spatial #kdtree #bevy #bevy-plugin #gamedev #data-structures #neighbours
  189. bevy_easy_compute

    An easy way to run compute shaders for Bevy

    v0.15.0 #compute-shader #bevy #wgpu #plugin
  190. bevy-trait-query

    trait queries for the bevy game engine

    v0.6.0 240 #bevy-ecs #traits #bevy #query #gamedev #game-engine #plugin
  191. bevy_octopus

    ECS based networking library for Bevy

    v0.4.0 #bevy-networking #bevy-ecs #tcp-udp #bevy #networking #json #communication
  192. bevy_rts_camera

    An RTS-style camera for Bevy

    v0.9.1 290 #camera-control #camera #bevy #rts #gamedev #game-engine
  193. bevy_replicon_repair

    Extends bevy_replicon with client-state repair for reconnects

    v0.11.0 #bevy-networking #bevy-replicon #client-server #bevy #networking
  194. bevy_simple_text_input

    Bevy plugin for a simple single-line text input widget

    v0.10.0 500 #text-input #bevy-ui #bevy-plugin #bevy #single-line #widgets #gamedev
  195. bevy_map_camera

    3D Camera Controller for Bevy

    v0.2.0 850 #camera-control #camera #bevy #google-maps #controller #zoom #3d
  196. dexterous_developer_instance

    A modular hot reload system for rust

    v0.4.0-alpha.3 #hot-reload #bevy #modular #system #projects #build-system #evolution
  197. bevy_logic

    A logic gate simulation plugin for Bevy

    v0.7.0 140 #circuit #gate #bevy #bevy-plugin #logic #simulation #time-step
  198. warbler_grass

    A bevy plugin for creating 3d grass in your game

    v0.6.1 400 #grass #bevy-plugin #bevy #graphics #gamedev #rendering
  199. bevy_consumable_event

    add events to Bevy that can be consumed

    v0.5.0 #events #bevy #event-system #bevy-ui #consume
  200. spew

    helper for spawning objects in Bevy

    v0.6.0 160 #bevy #spawning #bevy-plugin #spawn
  201. bevy_keith

    2D graphics library for the Bevy game engine

    v0.1.0 #2d-graphics #bevy #graphics #2d #distance-field
  202. bevy_points

    Points mesh plugin for Bevy

    v0.6.0 280 #bevy-plugin #bevy #graphics #gamedev
  203. bevy_trickfilm

    Bevy plugin for spritesheet manifest loading

    v0.8.0 #bevy-plugin #sprite-sheet #animation #bevy #manifest-file #gamedev #assets
  204. bevy_debug_log

    Allows viewing tracing debug log output inside the bevy app using vanilla bevy_ui

    v0.4.1 550 #bevy #logging #gamedev #testing #debugging #log-level #log-viewer
  205. bevy_mesh_terrain

    ergonomic heightmap terrain plugin for Bevy game engine

    v0.15.2 310 #terrain #bevy #bevy-plugin #game-engine #voxel #heightmap #component
  206. bevy-single-variable-function-mesh

    A 2D or 3D mesh generated from single-variable functions

    v0.15.1 #mesh-generation #2d-3d #graphics #bevy #3d-rendering #generate #math
  207. naia-bevy-shared

    faciliate naia & Bevy interop, functionality shared by client & server versions

    v0.23.0 #client-server #multiplayer-game #naia #bevy #networking #game-networking #interop
  208. moonshine-check

    Validation and recovery solution for Bevy

    v0.1.1 #bevy #bevy-ecs #validation #query #component #entity #check
  209. bevy_blendy_cameras

    Bevy editor like cameras controls for Pan/Orbit/Zoom and Fly mode. Switch mode, set camera viewpoint and frame view around entities

    v0.6.0 #camera-control #camera #fly #bevy #orbit #gamedev #mouse-position
  210. bevy-debug-text-overlay

    A convenient on-screen message print macro for bevy

    v8.1.0 220 #bevy #debugging #overlay #message #game-engine
  211. bevy_gltf_save_load

    Save & load your bevy games

    v0.5.0 #save-load #bevy #save #gltf #load #serialization #save-file
  212. micro_bevy_world_utils

    Handy, reusable utilities for working with direct world access in a Bevy exclusive system

    v0.5.0 280 #bevy #world #access #direct #component #utilities #events
  213. bevy_mod_speedup

    collection of ways to increase the performance of your application

    v0.5.0 110 #bevy #applications #performance #gamedev #system #bevy-plugin #collection
  214. bevy_trauma_shake

    A plugin for shaking 2d cameras

    v0.4.0 130 #camera #bevy-plugin #bevy #gamedev
  215. berdicles

    Expressive CPU particle system for the bevy engine

    v0.3.0 310 #particle #bevy #particles
  216. bevy-tnua-avian2d

    Avian 2D integration for bevy-tnua

    v0.1.1 #physics-2d #bevy #2d-3d #gamedev #locomotion #game-controls
  217. bevy_heavy

    Mass property computation for Bevy's geometric primitives

    v0.1.0 160 #mass #properties #angular #primitive #computation #bevy #center
  218. dexterous_developer

    A modular hot reload system for rust

    v0.4.0-alpha.0 #hot-reload #bevy #modular #system #framework #dev #game-engine
  219. moonshine-spawn

    Collection of tools for spawning entities in Bevy

    v0.2.3 #bevy #spawn #prefab
  220. bevy_clay_tiles

    A procedural-mesh building system for bevy

    v0.15.1 170 #bevy #2d-3d #tile #mesh #region #level #building
  221. bevy_cronjob

    helper to run cronjobs (at repeated schedule) in Bevy

    v0.5.1 120 #cron-expression #cron #bevy-plugin #bevy #plugin
  222. bevy-earcutr

    earcutr + Bevy

    v0.14.1 300 #bevy #mesh #polygon #earcutr #generates #geometries #vertices
  223. bevy_pixel_buffer

    draw pixels in bevy

    v0.8.2 200 #2d-graphics #pixel #bevy #framebuffer #2d #gamedev #egui-integration
  224. bevy_web_keepalive

    Bevy plugins to keep a bevy app running in the browser despite not being visible

    v0.3.4 350 #bevy-plugin #web-worker #bevy #web #gamedev #wasm #resources
  225. double_dot_state

    State management crate built for the Bevy game engine

    v0.4.1 #state-transition #state #game-state #bevy #gamedev #game-engine
  226. bevy_fluent

    Bevy plugin for localization using Fluent

    v0.11.0 460 #bevy-plugin #localization #internationalization #plugin #bevy #gamedev
  227. Try searching with DuckDuckGo.

  228. bevy_mod_lockdown

    reduce the attack surface your application offers

    v0.5.0 #applications #bevy #surface #attack #gamedev #filesystem #access
  229. moonshine-object

    Bevy Entities are good. Objects are better!

    v0.2.1 160 #bevy-ecs #entity #bevy #object #traversal #macro-derive
  230. bevy_simple_i18n

    Bevy i18n plugin

    v0.1.2 110 #bevy #localization #internationalization #gamedev #font-file
  231. bevy_web_asset

    Implementations for http(s) asset sources for Bevy

    v0.9.0 #bevy #networking #gamedev #game-assets #dynamic-content #source #themes
  232. bevy_trenchbroom

    Bevy integration with TrenchBroom

    v0.5.1 #bevy #integration #map #trenchbroom #texture #trench-broom #entity
  233. bevy_flurx

    Allows you to write sequential description of processes involving delays, user input, and other waits

    v0.6.0 #user-input #bevy #async #gamedev
  234. bevy_ios_alerts

    Bevy plugin to request ios native UIAlert popups

    v0.3.0 170 #bevy-plugin #ios #bevy #mobile #swift #gamedev
  235. bevy-trait-query-0-14-0

    trait queries for the bevy game engine

    v0.6.2 #traits #bevy-plugin #bevy #query #plugin #game-engine #gamedev
  236. bevy_quill

    A reactive UI framework for Bevy

    v0.1.7 #ui-framework #bevy-ui #bevy-ecs #ui #bevy #reactive #game-engine
  237. bevy_resolution

    An easy to use convienence crate for dealing with resolutions in Bevy

    v0.1.0 410 #resolution #bevy #gamedev #game
  238. bevy_rectray

    A minimal 2d layout system for bevy

    v0.2.0 #bevy-ui #layout #bevy #ui
  239. bevy_gilrs

    Gamepad system made using Gilrs for Bevy Engine

    v0.15.0 48K #gamepad #bevy #gilrs #game-engine #built #system #gamedev
  240. bevy_compute_noise

    A Bevy plugin for generating tilable 2D/3D noise textures using compute shaders

    v0.3.0 #compute-shader #noise #perlin-noise #shaders #bevy #perlin #bevy-plugin
  241. seldom_map_nav

    Bevy plugin that does navmesh generation, pathfinding, and navigation for tilemaps. Navmesh generation is available without Bevy dependency.

    v0.7.0 470 #path-finding #tilemap #bevy #navmesh #gamedev #nav-mesh #pathfinding
  242. naia-bevy-client

    faciliate naia_client & Bevy interop

    v0.23.0 #bevy #networking #game-networking #multiplayer #multiplayer-game #interop #naia-client
  243. pixelate_mesh

    Apply a pixelation effect to any Bevy mesh or scene without post-processing

    v0.4.0 320 #mesh #bevy #scene #pixelation #pixelate #graphics
  244. bevy_midi

    Send and receive MIDI data to and from bevy and other programs or controllers

    v0.9.0 #midi #bevy #send-receive #control #bevy-plugin #gamedev #input-output
  245. edges

    getting the edges of objects in images with transparency

    v0.5.1 430 #edge #transparency #image #sprite #bevy
  246. naia-bevy-server

    faciliate naia_server & Bevy interop

    v0.23.0 #multiplayer-game #interop #networking #bevy #cross-platform #naia-server
  247. disqualified

    type names more user-readable

    v1.0.0 16K #name #bevy #short #log #type #type-name
  248. bevy_button_released_plugin

    Bevy helper crate that allows to react to button being released

    v0.8.0 260 #bevy-plugin #button #bevy #released #component #react #helper