
  1. bevy_ecs

    Bevy Engine's entity component system

    v0.15.0 64K #ecs #bevy #query
  2. bevy_asset_loader

    Bevy plugin for asset loading

    v0.22.0 7.5K #game-assets #assets #bevy-ecs #bevy #gamedev #reduce-boilerplate #load-image
  3. bevy_kira_audio

    Bevy plugin for dynamic audio

    v0.21.0 5.6K #audio-playback #bevy #bevy-ecs #music #audio #gamedev #format
  4. bevy_ecs_tilemap

    A tilemap rendering plugin for bevy which is more ECS friendly by having an entity per tile

    v0.14.0 2.3K #bevy-ecs #tilemap #tile #rendering #animation #hexagonal #entity
  5. bevy_rand

    A plugin to integrate rand for ECS optimised RNG for the Bevy game engine

    v0.8.0 850 #random #bevy-ecs #bevy #rand #rng #game-engine #bevy-plugin
  6. bevy_lunex

    Blazingly fast path based retained layout engine for Bevy entities, built around vanilla Bevy ECS

    v0.2.4 #bevy-ui #bevy-ecs #layout #ui-component #ui #ui-framework #bevy
  7. bevy_defer

    asynchronous runtime for executing async coroutines

    v0.13.0 140 #async-task #async #bevy #bevy-ecs #defer #game-engine
  8. bevy_turborand

    A plugin to enable ECS optimised random number generation for the Bevy game engine

    v0.10.0 300 #random #bevy #bevy-ecs #secure-random #game-engine #bevy-plugin #wyrand
  9. bevy_stardust

    A networking crate for the Bevy game engine

    v0.7.0 #bevy-networking #bevy #networking #bevy-ecs #gamedev #game-engine #game-networking
  10. bevy_remote

    The Bevy Remote Protocol

    v0.15.0 2.7K #entity-component #bevy #remote #bevy-ecs #request #protocols #request-response
  11. bevy_mod_physx

    PhysX plugin for Bevy

    v0.6.0 #physx #bevy #bevy-ecs #physics #bevy-plugin #gamedev
  12. pyri_state

    A flexible bevy_state alternative

    v0.3.0 290 #state #bevy-ecs #game-state #bevy #scheduling #flexible #gamedev
  13. bevy_serde_lens

    Stateful, structural and human-readable serialization crate for the bevy engine

    v0.5.0 #bevy-ecs #bevy #serialization #serde #save #serializes
  14. bevy_gizmos

    gizmos for Bevy Engine

    v0.15.0 44K #gizmo #bevy #game-engine #bevy-ecs #gamedev #visual #debugging
  15. bevy_replicon_attributes

    Extends bevy_replicon with attribute-based visibility control

    v0.8.0 #bevy-ecs #visibility #networking #gamedev #interest-management
  16. bevy_ecs_ldtk

    An ECS-friendly ldtk plugin for bevy

    v0.10.0 900 #bevy-ecs #ldtk #bevy #bevy-plugin #gamedev #map-editor
  17. bevy-async-ecs

    Asynchronous interface for Bevy ECS

    v0.7.0 600 #bevy-ecs #bevy #async #async-parallel #async-task
  18. aery

    Non-fragmenting ZST relations for Bevy

    v0.8.1 180 #bevy-ecs #bevy-plugin #bevy #relation #relations
  19. bevy_animations

    2d Game Animation Engine built for Bevy

    v0.7.0 160 #animation #bevy #graphics #bevy-ecs #gamedev #animations #2d-game
  20. aeronet

    Low-level networking for Bevy

    v0.11.0 440 #gamedev #bevy #networking #client-server #bevy-ecs
  21. bevy_sparse_tilemap

    A Tilemap crate for the Bevy game engine with a focus on large map sizes and ECS sparse maps

    v0.4.0 600 #bevy-ecs #tilemap #sparse #maps #game-engine #map #tile
  22. bevy_submerge_ui

    A ui plugin with tailwind like capabilities for bevy

    v0.1.1 #bevy-ui #ui-component #tailwind #bevy #bevy-ecs #submerge-ui #ui-framework
  23. moonshine-kind

    type safety solution for Bevy

    v0.2.1 #bevy-ecs #bevy #entity #safety #kind #component #entities
  24. bevy_query_ext

    Extensions for Bevy's queries

    v0.5.0 130 #bevy-ecs #bevy #gamedev #extension #game-dev
  25. bevy-trait-query

    trait queries for the bevy game engine

    v0.6.0 240 #bevy-ecs #traits #bevy #query #gamedev #game-engine #plugin
  26. bevy_cobweb

    Reactivity primitives for Bevy

    v0.14.3 430 #bevy-ecs #reactive #reactivity #events #entity #systems #reaction
  27. bevy_octopus

    ECS based networking library for Bevy

    v0.4.0 #bevy-networking #bevy-ecs #tcp-udp #bevy #networking #json #communication
  28. moonshine-check

    Validation and recovery solution for Bevy

    v0.1.1 #bevy #bevy-ecs #validation #query #component #entity #check
  29. moonshine-object

    Bevy Entities are good. Objects are better!

    v0.2.1 160 #bevy-ecs #entity #bevy #object #traversal #macro-derive
  30. bevy_ui_anchor

    A small bevy plugin for anchoring UI elements to specific points or entities in the world

    v0.3.0 550 #bevy-ui #ui-elements #ui #bevy #bevy-ecs #bevy-plugin #ui-component
  31. bevy_quill

    A reactive UI framework for Bevy

    v0.1.7 #ui-framework #bevy-ui #bevy-ecs #ui #bevy #reactive #game-engine
  32. cinnog

    Data layer and helper methods for static site generation with Leptos

    v0.4.0 #static-site #bevy-ecs #leptos #static-site-generator #ssg #layer #generation
  33. bevy_schedules_ext

    A Bevy plugin for expanding the use of schedules

    v0.14.1 #bevy-plugin #bevy-ecs #bevy #schedules #schedule #order #plugin
  34. bevy_audio

    audio functionality for Bevy Engine

    v0.15.0 43K #bevy #audio #audio-playback #game-engine #bevy-ecs #gamedev #audio-player
  35. bevy_mqtt

    MQTT client for Bevy ECS

    v0.5.0 170 #bevy-ecs #mqtt #bevy-plugin #bevy #plugin #game-engine #message
  36. bevy_sqlx

    A SQLx database plugin for Bevy's ECS

    v0.1.9 #bevy-ecs #sqlx #database #primary-key #events #sql-database #component
  37. bevy_ascii_terminal

    terminal for rendering ascii in bevy

    v0.15.0 #ascii #bevy #terminal #rogue-like #tilemap #bevy-ecs #roguelike
  38. bevy_activation

    Entity activation manager for Bevy

    v0.3.0 120 #bevy-plugin #bevy-ecs #bevy #plugin
  39. i-cant-believe-its-not-bsn

    Tools for spawning entity hierarchies in Bevy

    v0.1.1 220 #component #entity #bevy-ecs #hook #spawn #bevy-ui #spawning
  40. bevy_prng

    providing newtyped RNGs for integration into Bevy

    v0.8.0 900 #random #bevy #rng #rand #bevy-ecs #game-engine #secure-random
  41. bevy_kot_ecs

    ECS utilities for bevy_kot

    v0.11.0 #bevy-ecs #reactor #entity #component #entity-id #hook #reaction
  42. bevy_ecs_markers

    🏷️ Markers for Bevy ECS Entities

    v2.0.0 #bevy-ecs #bevy #marker #entities #component #query
  43. valence

    A framework for building Minecraft servers in Rust

    v0.2.0-alpha.1+mc.1.20.1 #minecraft-server #minecraft #server #ecs #server-framework #gamedev #bevy-ecs
  44. bevy_impulse

    Reactive programming and workflow execution for bevy

    v0.2.0 #reactive-programming #workflow #bevy #reactive #agent #behavior #bevy-ecs
  45. pecs

    Asynchronous operations for Bevy Engine

    v0.6.0 110 #bevy-ecs #bevy-plugin #promise #async #operations #component #state
  46. ryot_pathfinder

    specialized pathfinding functionalities for Bevy 2D, essential for dynamic navigation and movement within games

    v0.2.3 #path-finding #bevy #navigation #bevy-ecs #ryot #tiled-2d-games #2d-game
  47. bevy_kindly

    Minimalistic implementation of entity kinds for Bevy ECS

    v0.3.3 #bevy-ecs #entity #kinds #game-engine #entities #minimalist #define
  48. bevy_register_in_world

    Register types into the world during runtime

    v0.14.0 #bevy-ecs #game #bevy #ecs #send-sync
  49. ramirezmike/not_snake

    A snake-inspired game made in Rust using the Bevy game engine

    GitHub 0.1.0 #bevy #snake #bevy-ecs #language #engine #game-engine #block
  50. bevy_hecs

    Bevy fork of hecs: a fast, minimal, and ergonomic entity-component-system

    v0.3.0 390 #ecs #bevy-ecs #entity #game-engine #entities #hecs #world
  51. bevy_dogoap

    v0.3.0 #bevy-ecs #artificial-intelligence #game-ai #planning #action #bevy-plugin #goal
  52. iyes_scene_tools

    Extra helpers for working with Bevy Scenes

    v0.2.0 #bevy #scene #bevy-ecs #component #game-state #entities #helper
  53. dip

    Write cross-platform application with React-like declarative UI framework and scalable ECS architecture all in Rust

    v0.2.1 #declarative-ui #bevy-ecs #cross-platform #ecs-architecture #dioxus #ui-framework #bevy
  54. pecs_http

    Asynchronous operations for Bevy Engine

    v0.6.0 370 #promise #http-request #bevy-ecs #plugin #async-http #pecs #operations
  55. bevy_entity_system

    Adds systems that only operate on single entity

    v0.14.3 #bevy-ecs #bevy #properties
  56. bevy_tile_atlas

    A TextureAtlas builder for ordered tilesets

    v0.7.0 #tileset #bevy-ecs #ordered #tile #texture #bevy #game
  57. bevy_system_graph

    creating strictly ordered execution graphs of systems for the Bevy game engine

    v0.4.0 #bevy-ecs #bevy #ecs #gamedev #game-engine
  58. bevy_mod_debug_console

    Bevy plugin to use console to get information from ECS

    v0.1.0 #bevy #debugging #debug #bevy-ecs #bevy-plugin #tool #game
  59. conditional_commands

    Bevy Commands extension

    v0.7.0 #bevy-ecs #ecs #bevy #game #conditional #command #extension
  60. flat_commands

    bevy ecs extension traits

    v0.4.0 #bevy-ecs #command #ecs #bevy #entity #game #flat
  61. bevy_picking_tilemap

    bevy_mod_picking support for bevy_ecs_tilemap

    v0.14.0 #bevy #bevy-ecs #events #picking #tile #back-end #gamdev
  62. Try searching with DuckDuckGo.

  63. moonshine-core

    Unconventional framework for making games in Bevy

    v0.2.1 310 #bevy #bevy-ecs #ecs #framework #unconventional #moonshine
  64. pecs_core

    Asynchronous operations for Bevy Engine

    v0.6.0 #promise #ecs #bevy-ecs #chaining #entity #component #plugin
  65. bevy_ecs_macros

    Bevy ECS Macros

    v0.15.0 71K #bevy-ecs #data-driven #macro #game-engine #gamedev
  66. bevy_serde_macros

    Macros for easing use of serde on bevy entities and components

    v0.2.2 #bevy-ecs #serialization #bevy #serde #gamedev
  67. bevy_octopus_websocket

    ECS based networking library for Bevy

    v0.1.0 #bevy-ecs #bevy-networking #ecs #bevy #networking
  68. bevy_tiled_blueprints

    Allows reading tiled maps with properties

    v0.1.0 #tiled #bevy #map #bevy-ecs
  69. bevy_lunex_core

    Supporting crate for bevy_lunex

    v0.0.11 #bevy-lunex #layout #ui #bevy #lunex #bevy-ecs
  70. bevy_state_macros_official

    Bevy ECS Macros

    v0.14.0-rc.2 #bevy #macro #ecs #bevy-ecs
  71. moshimoshi

    A small crate to sugar working with command callbacks in bevy

    v0.2.0 #callback #bevy #bevy-ecs #ecs #ui #macro #macros
  72. bevy_ecs_markers_macros

    Proc Macros for Bevy ECS Markers

    v2.0.0 #bevy-ecs #marker #macro #proc
  73. valence_scoreboard

    Scoreboard support for Valence

    v0.2.0-alpha.1+mc.1.20.1 #valence #objective #scoreboard #score #minecraft #minecraft-server #bevy-ecs
  74. valence_world_border

    World border support for Valence

    v0.2.0-alpha.1+mc.1.20.1 #world #border #valence #change #minecraft #bevy-ecs #component
  75. bevy_godot

    Bring the power of Bevy ECS into Godot

    v0.1.0 #bevy-ecs #godot #power #bindings #godot-rust
  76. pecs_macro

    Asynchronous operations for Bevy Engine

    v0.4.0 #bevy #promise #pecs #operations #asynchronous #system #bevy-ecs
  77. bevy_dioxus_core

    Write cross-platform application with React-like declarative UI framework and scalable ECS architecture all in Rust

    v0.1.1 #bevy-ecs #ecs-architecture #ui-framework #declarative-ui #cross-platform-ui #bevy #dioxus
  78. quad_bevy

    bevy_ecs for miniquad/macroquad without wasm-bindgen

    v0.0.1 #macroquad #bevy-ecs #miniquad #ecs #bevy
  79. bevy_kindly_macros

    An extension to Bevy Kindly with macros to define entity kinds for Bevy ECS

    v0.2.1 #bevy-ecs #entity #define #kinds #extension #macro #kindly
  80. azalea-ecs-macros

    Azalea ECS Macros

    v0.6.0 #azalea #macro #ecs #bevy-ecs #azalea-ecs