
  1. ash

    Vulkan bindings for Rust

    v0.38.0+1.3.281 330K #vulkan-bindings #vulkan #bindings #graphics-api #graphics #api-bindings #gamedev
  2. rodio

    Audio playback library

    v0.20.1 89K #audio-playback #playback #audio #gamedev
  3. glam

    fast 3D math library for games and graphics

    v0.29.2 252K #simd-vector #vector #matrix-vector #matrix #vector-math #quaternions #gamedev
  4. bevy

    A refreshingly simple data-driven game engine and app framework

    v0.15.0 60K #game-engine #graphics #gamedev #engine #game
  5. miniquad

    Cross-platform window context and rendering library

    v0.4.7 23K #opengl #3d-rendering #graphics #windowing #3d #gamedev
  6. kira

    Expressive audio library for games

    v0.9.6 10K #music #gamedev #audio #back-end
  7. bevy_mod_picking

    A modular picking plugin for Bevy

    v0.20.1 8.7K #event-listener #bevy #bevy-plugin #input #input-event #gamedev #picking
  8. puffin

    instrumentation profiler for games

    v0.19.1 85K #profiler #instrumentation #gamedev
  9. raylib

    Safe Rust bindings for Raylib

    v5.0.2 3.3K #safe-bindings #bindings #graphics #gamedev #cross-platform #api-bindings #graphics-api
  10. hexasphere

    evenly tile hexagons on a sphere

    v15.0.0 81K #hexagon #sphere #math #graphics #linear-interpolation #gamedev #mesh-generation
  11. bevy_asset_loader

    Bevy plugin for asset loading

    v0.22.0 7.5K #game-assets #assets #bevy-ecs #bevy #gamedev #reduce-boilerplate #load-image
  12. mc-repack

    A command-line interface for repacking Minecraft mods and resource packs to optimize size and loading speed

    v0.27.1 2.1K #optimization #minecraft #size-optimization #jar #filesize #gamedev #processing
  13. bevy_prototype_lyon

    Draw 2D shapes and paths in the Bevy game engine

    v0.13.0 3.4K #bevy #shapes #graphics #shape #game-engine #gamedev #2d-graphics
  14. bevy_kira_audio

    Bevy plugin for dynamic audio

    v0.21.0 5.3K #audio-playback #bevy #bevy-ecs #music #audio #gamedev #format
  15. tiled

    loading maps created by the Tiled editor

    v0.13.0 700 #map #gamedev #tmx #read-file
  16. bevy_mod_raycast

    Ray Casting for the Bevy Engine

    v0.18.0 9.0K #bevy-plugin #bevy #3d #graphics #gamedev #raycast
  17. alchemyst

    PCG tool based on Intuicio scripting platform

    v0.39.1 900 #modular-scripting #intuicio #scripting-language #pcg #gamedev #platform #solution
  18. egui_extras

    Extra functionality and widgets for the egui GUI library

    v0.29.1 139K #immediate-mode #gui #immediate #gamedev #imgui #portable
  19. bevy_panorbit_camera

    A basic pan and orbit camera in Bevy

    v0.20.1 1.9K #camera-control #camera #bevy #orbit #gamedev #game-engine
  20. raui

    Renderer Agnostic User Interface

    v0.64.0 5.0K #ui #renderer #rendering-engine #ui-component #renderer-agnostic #interface #gamedev
  21. egui_demo_lib

    Example library for egui

    v0.29.1 1.4K #egui-integration #egui #immediate-mode #gui #glium #gamedev #graphics
  22. cgmath

    A linear algebra and mathematics library for computer graphics

    v0.18.0 52K #vector-math #matrix-vector #math #vector #matrix #quaternions #gamedev
  23. cc7800

    a subset of C compiler for Atari 7800

    v0.2.26 #compiler #gamedev #atari7800 #cli
  24. notan

    portable multimedia layer to create apps or games easily

    v0.12.1 500 #graphics-api #gamedev #windowing #graphics #gui #game-engine #engine
  25. agb

    Game Boy Advance Development

    v0.21.1 #gameboy-advance #mixer #sprite #background #gamedev #sound #low-level
  26. speedy2d

    Hardware-accelerated drawing of shapes, images, and text, with an easy to use API. Speedy2D aims to be the simplest Rust API for creating a window, rendering graphics, and handling input.

    v2.1.0 500 #2d-graphics #graphics-api #opengl-rendering #opengl #graphics #2d-rendering #gamedev
  27. simpleton

    runner for Intuicio scripting platform

    v0.39.1 700 #modular-scripting #intuicio #scripting-language #platform #runner #gamedev #solution
  28. egui-winit

    Bindings for using egui with winit

    v0.29.1 156K #egui #winit #gui #gamedev
  29. bevy_polyline

    Polyline Rendering for Bevy

    v0.10.0 600 #polyline #bevy #graphics #gamedev #rendering-engine
  30. inline_tweak

    Tweak values directly from the source code

    v1.1.1 750 #tweak #gamedev #inline #config #proc-macro #tool #file-change
  31. flecs_ecs

    Rust API for the C/CPP flecs ECS library https://github.com/SanderMertens/flecs

    v0.1.3 #ecs #flecs #gamedev #api-bindings #query-language
  32. bevy-persistent

    A Bevy helper to easily manage resources that need to persist across game sessions

    v0.6.0 270 #bevy #persistent #resources #gamedev #session-management #game-state
  33. naia-shared

    Common functionality shared between naia-server & naia-client crates

    v0.23.0 #networking #multiplayer-game #server-client #interactive-applications #web-rtc #gamedev #udp-server
  34. bevy_voxel_world

    A voxel world plugin for Bevy

    v0.10.0 250 #bevy #voxel #voxels #bevy-plugin #gamedev #voxelengine #graphics
  35. hill_vacuum

    A bevy-based 2D map editor

    v0.11.0 260 #bevy #gamedev #map-editor
  36. bevy_math

    math functionality for Bevy Engine

    v0.15.0 61K #bevy #game-engine #vector-math #matrix #vec2 #gamedev #representation
  37. virtual_joystick

    Bevy virtual Joystick for mobile games

    v2.3.0 370 #input #bevy #ui #gamedev #mouse-input #ui-component #game-engine
  38. dolly

    Composable camera rigs

    v0.6.0 5.6K #camera #3d #gamedev #building-block
  39. steamworks

    friendly bindings to the steamworks sdk

    v0.11.0 700 #steam #gamedev #bindings #sdk #client
  40. bevy_app

    core App functionality for Bevy Engine

    v0.15.0 62K #bevy #applications #game-engine #data-driven #layer #gamedev #highest-level
  41. naia-client

    cross-platform client that can send/receive messages to/from a server, and has a pool of in-scope entities/components that is synced with the server

    v0.23.0 #networking #udp #udp-server #multiplayer-game #web-rtc #gamedev #server-client
  42. bevy-sequential-actions

    A Bevy library for executing various actions in a sequence

    v0.12.0 600 #action #bevy #sequence #command #ecs #gamedev
  43. scalesocket

    A collaborative websocket server and autoscaler

    v0.2.3 460 #websocket-server #websocket #server #backend-server #gamedev #client-server #websockets
  44. bevy_common_assets

    Bevy plugin adding support for loading your own asset types from common file formats such as json and yaml

    v0.12.0 2.7K #file-format #assets #bevy #yaml #json-file #gamedev #loader
  45. bevy_flycam

    Basic first-person fly camera for the Bevy game engine

    v0.14.1 800 #camera-control #camera #bevy #3d #gamedev #game-engine
  46. chuot

    AGPL licensed and opinionated game engine for pixel-art games

    v0.3.1 100 #pixel-art #game-engine #gamedev #assets #utility #context #ctx
  47. dora-ssr

    The lib for building Dora SSR game as wasm32-wasi that runs on multi-platform Dora SSR engine

    v0.4.14 170 #node #game-engine #lua-bindings #2d-game #tree-node #gamedev #wasm-file
  48. bevy_mod_scripting

    Multi language scripting in Bevy

    v0.8.0 500 #scripting-language #bevy #scripting #lua #lua-script #gamedev #lua-bindings
  49. cc2600

    a subset of C compiler for Atari 2600

    v0.4.4 #compiler #gamedev #atari2600 #game-console #cli
  50. seldom_state

    Component-based state machine plugin for Bevy. Useful for AI, player state, and other entities that occupy various states.

    v0.11.0 #state-machine #state-transition #bevy #ai #gamedev
  51. tmf

    3D model compression format achieving compression ratio of between 4.2 and 1.95, while being very fast to read and having no visual difference between compressed and uncompressed models

    v0.2.1 #3d #compression #graphics #lossy #gamedev
  52. egui_hooks

    React Hooks like API for egui

    v0.6.1 310 #egui #hook #gamedev
  53. bevy_mod_physx

    PhysX plugin for Bevy

    v0.6.0 #physx #bevy #bevy-ecs #physics #bevy-plugin #gamedev
  54. three-d-asset

    Load/save functionality for 3d applications

    v0.9.0 4.6K #3d-model #3d #assets #loading #gamedev #graphics #game-engine
  55. shalrath

    spiky, heat-seeing Quake map parser

    v0.2.6 #quake #map #geometry #gamedev #brushes
  56. godot

    Rust bindings for Godot 4

    v0.2.0 900 #2d-3d #3d #2d #gamedev #game-engine #graphics #engine
  57. bevy_particle_systems

    A particle system plugin for Bevy

    v0.13.0 280 #bevy #gamedev #bevy-plugin #plugin-system #game
  58. bevy_vector_shapes

    rendering vector shapes using the Bevy game engine

    v0.9.2 310 #bevy #graphics #vector-graphics #gamedev #2d-rendering #2d-graphics #2d-3d
  59. ndm

    Parse standard polyhedral dice notation

    v0.9.10 #dice-notation #dice-roll #dice #random #gamedev #string-parser
  60. catgirl-engine

    A game engine for cool moddability and procedurally generated data

    v0.14.39 4.9K #game-engine #gamedev #procedural #catgirl #engine #game #build-environment
  61. bevy_animations

    2d Game Animation Engine built for Bevy

    v0.7.0 #animation #bevy #graphics #bevy-ecs #gamedev #animations #2d-game
  62. node_tree

    An extendable scene graph made up of autonomous execution services known as nodes organized in a tree of processes. Inspired by Godot!

    v0.10.0 650 #framework #gamedev #utility #scene-graph
  63. sparsey

    Entity Component System based on sparse sets

    v0.13.1 1.0K #ecs #component #entity #gamedev #send-sync
  64. bevy_eventlistener

    Event listeners and callbacks for bevy

    v0.8.1 9.3K #event-listener #callback #bevy #gamedev #ecs #event-system
  65. egui_glium

    Bindings for using egui natively using the glium library

    v0.29.0 2.7K #cross-platform-gui #egui #glium #gui #gamedev #egui-integration #native-bindings
  66. rollo

    A Rust-based multiplayer framework

    v0.13.6 2.2K #game-server #multiplayer #server-framework #networking #gamedev #server #game
  67. seldom_pixel

    Bevy plugin for limited color palette pixel art games

    v0.7.0 600 #color-palette #pixel-art #bevy-plugin #bevy #2d-game #2d #gamedev
  68. iyes_progress

    Bevy plugin to help implement loading states

    v0.13.0 1.2K #bevy-plugin #bevy #state-transition #gamedev
  69. blenvy

    Allows you to define Bevy components direclty inside gltf files and instanciate the components on the Bevy side

    v0.1.0-alpha.1 150 #component #gltf #bevy #assets #gamedev #game-engine
  70. bevy_pkv

    Persistent key value store for apps/games

    v0.12.0 1.2K #key-value-store #bevy #gamedev
  71. matchbox_signaling

    Painless WebRTC peer-to-peer signaling servers

    v0.10.0 #web-rtc #p2p #networking #peer-connection #multiplayer-game #p2p-communication #gamedev
  72. bevy_sprite3d

    Bevy Plugin to allow using 2d sprites in a 3d scene

    v4.0.0 290 #2d-3d #3d #sprite #bevy-plugin #gamedev #bevy #game-engine
  73. matchbox_socket

    Painless WebRTC peer-to-peer full-mesh networking socket

    v0.10.0 600 #web-rtc #networking #p2p #p2p-communication #peer-connection #gamedev #multiplayer-game
  74. poll-promise

    Poll the result of an async operation in a game or immediate mode GUI

    v0.3.0 26K #immediate-mode #async #promise #poll #gamedev #gui
  75. brres

    designed for reading and writing .brres 3d model archives used in the Nintendo Wii games. The library provides C bindings, making it useful in both Rust and C/C++ based projects.

    v0.1.7 #3d-model #wii #file-format #graphics #gamedev #reading-file
  76. pixels-graphics-lib

    pixel graphics and GUI library

    v0.20.2 #graphics #pixel #gamedev #simple #low-level #window-creation
  77. bevy_simplenet_events

    Event-based networking API built on bevy_simplenet

    v0.5.0 #bevy-networking #events #client-connection #server-connection #networking #gamedev #event-handling
  78. devotee

    Visualization engine

    v0.2.0-beta.11 210 #graphics #gamedev #visualization #root #system #graphics-engine #back-end
  79. bevy_stardust

    A networking crate for the Bevy game engine

    v0.7.0 #bevy-networking #bevy #networking #bevy-ecs #gamedev #game-engine #game-networking
  80. intuicio-data

    Data module for Intuicio scripting platform

    v0.39.1 1.3K #modular-scripting #intuicio #scripting-language #platform #solution #gamedev
  81. uec

    Unreal Engine CLI helper tool

    v0.3.0 260 #unreal-engine #unreal #command-line #command-line-interface #gamedev
  82. bevy_transform

    transform functionality for Bevy Engine

    v0.15.0 59K #bevy #transform #game-engine #component #gamedev #data-driven
  83. bevy-tnua

    A floating character controller for Bevy

    v0.20.0 390 #bevy #gamedev #2d-3d #locomotion #game-controls #back-end
  84. bevy_mod_billboard

    Billboard text and texture support for bevy

    v0.7.0 500 #bevy #graphics #billboard #gamedev #3dtext
  85. apecs

    An asyncronous and parallel entity-component system

    v0.8.4 #ecs #async #async-parallel #gamedev #game-engine #run-time #resources
  86. intuicio-core

    Core module for Intuicio scripting platform

    v0.39.1 1.2K #modular-scripting #intuicio #platform #language #solution #gamedev #version
  87. bevy-yoleck

    Your Own Level Editor Creation Kit

    v0.23.0 #bevy #gamedev #level-editor #camera-control #game-engine
  88. bevy_simplenet

    server/client channel implemented over websockets with support for Bevy

    v0.14.0 #bevy-networking #websocket-server #networking #websocket-client #gamedev #tls-server
  89. yarnspinner

    The friendly tool for writing game dialogue

    v0.3.0 #dialog #yarn #gamedev #game-engine
  90. bevy_gltf_blueprints

    Adds the ability to define Blueprints/Prefabs for Bevy inside gltf files and spawn them in Bevy

    v0.11.0 140 #bevy #gltf #blueprint #prefab #gamedev #game-engine
  91. bevy_third_person_camera

    A third person camera written for Bevy

    v0.2.0 250 #camera #bevy #camera-control #orbit #gamedev
  92. bevy_picking_core

    A modular picking plugin for Bevy

    v0.20.0 8.5K #bevy #event-listener #bevy-plugin #input #gamedev #picking
  93. bladeink

    port of inkle's ink, a scripting language for writing interactive narrative

    v1.1.0 120 #scripting-language #ink #gamedev #narrative
  94. transform-gizmo-bevy

    bevy integration for transform-gizmo

    v0.4.0 2.3K #gizmo #bevy #3d #transformation #gamedev #integration #egui
  95. asefile

    loading Aseprite files

    v0.3.8 490 #aseprite #binary-file #pixel #gamedev #2d #read-file #game-assets
  96. bevy_cobweb_ui

    UI tools and widgets built on bevy_cobweb

    v0.5.1 270 #bevy-ui #ui #ui-elements #gamedev #reactive #ui-framework #game-engine
  97. bevy_ios_iap

    Bevy Plugin and Swift Package to provide access to iOS native StoreKit2 from inside Bevy Apps

    v0.5.1 430 #ios #bevy-plugin #bevy #swift #mobile #gamedev
  98. bevy_svg

    Load and draw SVG files in Bevy

    v0.14.0 #svg #bevy #graphics #2d-3d #gamedev #2d-graphics #vertex-buffer
  99. blit

    Blit sprites on a buffer with a mask

    v0.8.5 120 #image #sprite #gamedev #blitting #generics
  100. bevy_sprite

    sprite functionality for Bevy Engine

    v0.15.0 54K #bevy #sprite #2d-rendering #game-engine #gamedev
  101. bevy_ios_gamecenter

    Bevy Plugin and Swift Package to provide access to iOS native GameKit (Gamecenter) from inside Bevy Apps

    v0.3.0 170 #bevy-plugin #ios #bevy #mobile #swift #gamedev
  102. bevy_screen_diagnostics

    Bevy plugin for displaying diagnostics on screen

    v0.6.0 500 #bevy-plugin #bevy #diagnostics #debugging #gamedev
  103. bevy_dolly

    The dolly abstraction layer for the bevy game framework

    v0.0.4 240 #camera-control #bevy #camera #fps #3d #gamedev #abstraction-layer
  104. bevy_log

    logging for Bevy Engine

    v0.15.0 59K #bevy #logging #game-engine #data-driven #configuration #gamedev #re-exported
  105. bevy_replicon_attributes

    Extends bevy_replicon with attribute-based visibility control

    v0.8.0 #bevy-ecs #visibility #networking #gamedev #interest-management
  106. grafix-toolbox

    Personal collection of opengl and rust tools, also serving as an functional gui crate. See ./gui/elements for premade gui elements

    v0.8.31 1.1K #opengl #gui #gamedev #toolkit #elements #collection #personal
  107. hud-slice-by-8

    HUD Software's Rust improved implementation of the Intel Slice-By-8 algorithm

    v1.0.10 #hash #hash-map #hasher #string #gamedev #perform
  108. ghx_proc_gen

    2D & 3D procedural generation with WFC/Model synthesis

    v0.4.0 260 #2d-3d #terrain-generation #gamedev #wfc #model-synthesis #mesh-generation #3d-model
  109. pyri_state

    A flexible bevy_state alternative

    v0.3.0 290 #state #bevy-ecs #game-state #bevy #scheduling #flexible #gamedev
  110. bevy_gizmos

    gizmos for Bevy Engine

    v0.15.0 44K #gizmo #bevy #game-engine #bevy-ecs #gamedev #visual #debugging
  111. bevy_smud

    2d sdf shape renderer plugin for Bevy

    v0.9.0 #sdf #distance-field #2d-rendering #bevy #gamedev #graphics
  112. keyframe

    animation in Rust

    v1.1.1 8.5K #animation #graphics #easing #transitions #transition #gamedev #vector-graphics
  113. matchbox_protocol

    Common interfaces between matchbox_socket and matchbox_server

    v0.10.0 600 #signaling-server #p2p-communication #web-rtc #networking #network-communication #peer-connection #gamedev
  114. dot_vox

    loading MagicaVoxel .vox files

    v5.1.1 1.3K #magica-voxel #voxel #gamedev #nom #file-format #game
  115. lightyear

    Server-client networking library for the Bevy game engine

    v0.17.1 #multiplayer-game #multiplayer #bevy #networking #netcode #gamedev #game-engine
  116. iyes_perf_ui

    Customizable Performance/Debug Overlay for Bevy UI

    v0.3.0 1.3K #bevy-ui #bevy #display #performance #perf #gamedev #customizable
  117. bevy_basic_portals

    A portal plugin for Bevy game engine

    v0.7.0 #portal #bevy #bevy-plugin #mirror #gamedev #graphics
  118. bevy_time

    time functionality for Bevy Engine

    v0.15.0 56K #bevy #bevy-plugin #time #game-engine #gamedev
  119. hecs-hierarchy

    Hierachy implementation for Hecs ECS

    v0.12.1 #ecs #hierarchy #directed-graph #hecs #tree-traversal #gamedev #data-oriented
  120. puffin_http

    TCP server/client for puffin profiler data

    v0.16.1 63K #profiler #tcp-server #instrumentation #gamedev #http-server
  121. transvoxel

    Eric Lengyel's Transvoxel Algorithm

    v1.1.0 #voxel #gamedev #marching-cubes #graphics #isosurface
  122. ecolor

    Color structs and color conversion utilities

    v0.29.1 211K #color-conversion #color #conversion #gui #gamedev #image #convert
  123. bevy_ecs_ldtk

    An ECS-friendly ldtk plugin for bevy

    v0.10.0 900 #bevy-ecs #ldtk #bevy #bevy-plugin #gamedev #map-editor
  124. oxidized_navigation

    A Nav-Mesh generation plugin for Bevy Engine

    v0.11.0 340 #mesh-generation #bevy #nav-mesh #gamedev #navmesh #navmesh-generation
  125. bevy_gltf_components

    Allows you to define Bevy components direclty inside gltf files and instanciate the components on the Bevy side

    v0.6.0 230 #component #gltf #bevy #assets #gamedev
  126. egui_glow

    Bindings for using egui natively using the glow library

    v0.29.1 133K #egui #glow #immediate-mode #cross-platform-gui #gui #web-native #gamedev
  127. warbler_grass

    A bevy plugin for creating 3d grass in your game

    v0.6.1 330 #grass #bevy-plugin #bevy #graphics #gamedev #rendering
  128. egui-wgpu

    Bindings for using egui natively using the wgpu library

    v0.29.1 93K #wgpu #egui #gui #gamedev #web-gui #web-native
  129. mepeyew

    Small But Powerful Graphics Library

    v0.3.5 1.1K #graphics-api #graphics #image-processing #vulkan #web-gpu #gamedev #cross-platform
  130. bevy_audio_controller

    Bevy plugin for managed audio playback

    v0.3.0 250 #audio #bevy #music #audio-playback #gamedev
  131. dark_iron_ecs

    Entity Component System library for Rust

    v0.7.0 #ecs #gamedev #data-oriented #data-oriented-design #game-engine #event-handling
  132. bevy_core_pipeline

    core render pipeline for Bevy Engine

    v0.15.0 54K #render-pipeline #bevy #game-engine #data-driven #gamedev
  133. comfy

    2d game engine in Rust

    v0.4.0 #2d-game #game-engine #performance #wgpu #opengl #rendering #gamedev
  134. kollect

    Collections made ergonomic for gamedev usecases

    v0.4.1 14K #collection #container #gamedev #collections
  135. gctex

    designed for encoding and decoding texture formats used in the Nintendo GameCube and Wii games. The library provides C bindings, making it useful in both Rust and C/C++ based projects.

    v0.3.12 #codec #game-cube #texture #wii #graphics #gamedev
  136. aeronet

    Low-level networking for Bevy

    v0.11.0 440 #gamedev #bevy #networking #client-server #bevy-ecs
  137. rstb

    manipulating Breath of the Wild's resource size table

    v1.0.0 320 #zelda #resources #gamedev #nintendo #botw #convert-json
  138. bevy_utils

    A collection of utils for Bevy Engine

    v0.15.0 70K #bevy #game-engine #utilities #gamedev #data-driven #collection
  139. bevy_scriptum

    Plugin for Bevy engine that allows you to write some of your game logic in a scripting language

    v0.6.0 110 #scripting-language #bevy #scripting #rhai #gamedev #scripting-engine #game-engine
  140. bevy_mod_outline

    A mesh outlining plugin for Bevy

    v0.8.3 500 #outline #bevy #bevy-plugin #gamedev
  141. emergent

    Toolset for producing emergent gameplay for games written in Rust

    v1.7.0 #ai #finite-state-machine #artificial-intelligence #state-machine #game-ai #gamedev #game-state
  142. swift_vec

    A convenient and comfortable vector maths crate that supports 2D, 3D, and 4D matrices and vectors - along with additional scalar math

    v0.4.1 440 #matrix-operations #vector-math #2d-3d #physics-simulation #gamedev #matrix-vector #math
  143. bevy-ui-dsl

    A DSL library that simplifies the creation of widgets for bevy_ui

    v0.9.0 #dsl #bevy #gamedev #gui
  144. noisy_bevy

    Procedural noise primitives for Bevy

    v0.7.0 360 #simplex-noise #bevy #noise #gamedev #pcg
  145. brood

    A fast and flexible entity component system library

    v0.9.1 #ecs #component #entity #gamedev #parallel-processing #serialize-deserialize
  146. twee-tools

    A compiler for Twine stories

    v0.2.1 390 #gamedev #twine #compiler #story #twee #html #file
  147. buffer-graphics-lib

    graphics library for buffers

    v0.19.0 #graphics #gamedev #simple
  148. dbsdk-cli

    Command-line utility to simplify building Rust games for the DreamBox fantasy console

    v0.1.3 #fantasy-console #gamedev #command-line-tool #dream-box #utility #build #building
  149. extol_sprite_layer

    Explicitly-defined sprite layers for Bevy, including automatic y-sorting

    v0.6.0 #bevy #sprite #layer #gamedev #2d-game #sorting #order
  150. awsm_web

    Wrappers for WASM

    v0.45.0 300 #webgl #graphics #3d #renderer #web-apps #gamedev #web-api
  151. naia-server

    A server that uses either UDP or WebRTC communication to send/receive messages to/from connected clients, and syncs registered Entities/Components to clients to whom they are in-scope

    v0.23.0 #udp-server #web-rtc #udp #networking #client-server #server #gamedev
  152. laminar

    semi-reliable UDP protocol for multiplayer games

    v0.5.0 2.7K #multiplayer-game #udp #networking #gamedev #amethyst #game-engine
  153. impacted

    2d collision test for arbitrary convex shapes

    v2.0.3 #collision #2d #geometry #gamedev #gjk
  154. haalka

    ergonomic reactive Bevy UI library powered by FRP signals

    v0.2.1 280 #bevy-ui #ui #ui-framework #reactive #bevy #signals #gamedev
  155. gdnative

    The Godot game engine's gdnative bindings

    v0.11.3 700 #godot #native-bindings #bindings #api-bindings #game-engine #gamedev
  156. bevy_animation

    animation functionality for Bevy Engine

    v0.15.0 44K #animation #bevy #data-driven #game-engine #gamedev #built
  157. playdate

    High-level Playdate API

    v0.2.3 #playdate-sdk #api #sdk #gamedev #api-bindings
  158. ogre

    dual-wielding Quake and Half-Life texture WAD parser

    v0.1.7 290 #wad #texture #quake #async #gamedev #nom #textures
  159. revy

    Proof-of-concept time-travel debugger for Bevy, built with Rerun

    v0.17.0 130 #debugging #bevy #rerun #gamedev #game-engine #time-travel #debugging-tool
  160. pyxel-engine

    Core engine for Pyxel, a retro game engine for Python

    v2.2.7 700 #python #gamedev #graphics #game
  161. bevy-steamworks

    A Bevy plugin for integrating with the Steamworks SDK

    v0.12.0 #bevy-plugin #steam #bevy #gamedev
  162. gdextension-api

    Godot GDExtension API; used by godot-rust

    v0.2.1 1.0K #godot #api-bindings #gamedev
  163. bevy-input-sequence

    Recognizes input sequences and send events

    v0.5.0 #send-event #input #bevy #gamepad-input #hotkey #input-event #gamedev
  164. playdate-build

    Utils that help to build package for Playdate

    v0.4.0 #playdate #assets #package #manifest #package-metadata #gamedev #encoding
  165. cega

    CGA and EGA binary image file processing library

    v0.2.2 #image-processing #graphics #palette #file-processing #binary #file-format #gamedev
  166. benimator

    A sprite animation library for rust game development

    v4.1.3 110 #gamedev #game-engine #anmiation #game
  167. bevy_crossbeam_event

    Fire Bevy events from crossbeam channels

    v0.7.0 250 #bevy #events #crossbeam #channel #gamedev #callback #fire
  168. bevy_despawn_particles

    An event-based plugin for Bevy to spawn particles on despawn that are built from the original texture

    v0.2.0 #bevy #bevy-plugin #graphics #gamedev #game-engine #2d-graphics #entity-component
  169. bevy_ineffable

    A simple-to-use input manager for bevy that empowers players and makes accessibility easy

    v0.6.0 #input #mouse-input #bevy #key-bindings #accessibility #gamepad-input #gamedev
  170. quilkin

    non-transparent UDP proxy specifically designed for use with large scale multiplayer dedicated game server deployments, to ensure security, access control, telemetry data, metrics and more

    v0.9.0 500 #game-server #access-control #proxy-server #multiplayer #proxy #multiplayer-game #gamedev
  171. luminol

    FOSS recreation of RPG Maker XP in Rust with love ❤️

    v0.4.0 #rpg #gamedev #rpg-maker
  172. gfx_shader_watch

    GFX Utility for watching shaders and reloading pipeline state on the fly

    v0.6.3 140 #shader #graphics #gfx #gamedev #state #graphics-pipeline #debug-mode
  173. pathfinding_astar

    A-Star pathfinding algorithm that can process absract and grid-like paths

    v0.4.0 #path-finding #a-star #pathfinding #gamedev
  174. rantz_spatial2d

    A set of 2D spatial utilities for Bevy, including handling transform propagation

    v3.1.2 1.2K #bevy #transform #propagation #spatial #2d #gamedev #game-engine
  175. ici-files

    Encode/decode ici files

    v0.4.0 #color-palette #graphics #codec #gamedev #pixel #simple
  176. pyxel-platform

    Platform abstraction layer for Pyxel, a retro game engine for Python

    v2.2.7 700 #abstraction-layer #gamedev #graphics #python #game
  177. bevy_midi

    Send and receive MIDI data to and from bevy and other programs or controllers

    v0.9.0 #midi #bevy #send-receive #control #bevy-plugin #gamedev #input-output
  178. bevy-parallax

    A Bevy plugin for creating a parallax effect

    v0.10.0 #scroll #background #parallax #bevy #gamedev #game-engine
  179. raui-material

    Material components library for RAUI

    v0.64.0 #ui-component #ui #renderer #renderer-agnostic #gamedev #rendering-engine #agnostic
  180. bevy_async_task

    Ergonomic abstractions to async programming in Bevy

    v0.4.0 600 #async-task #async #bevy #gamedev #background-task #abstraction #timeout
  181. matchbox_server

    A signaling server for WebRTC peer-to-peer full-mesh networking

    v0.10.0 #signaling-server #web-rtc #networking #p2p #gamedev #webrtc
  182. bevy-tnua-avian3d

    Avian 3D integration for bevy-tnua

    v0.1.1 240 #bevy #2d-3d #gamedev #locomotion #game-controls
  183. bevy_flurx

    Allows you to write sequential description of processes involving delays, user input, and other waits

    v0.6.0 #user-input #bevy #async #gamedev
  184. kludgine

    A wgpu-powered 2d graphics library with optional windowing support

    v0.11.0 700 #2d-graphics #2d-rendering #graphics #wgpu #gamedev #game-engine #2d-game
  185. oxygengine-backend-web

    Web backend module for Oxygengine

    v0.46.1 #backend-web #game-engine #backends #ecs #oxygengine #module #gamedev
  186. fmod-oxide

    Zero cost bindings to FMOD and FMOD Studio

    v2.2.0-pre.4 270 #fmod #audio #sound #gamedev #api-bindings #audio-playback
  187. pixel-game-lib

    AGPL licensed and opinionated game engine for pixel-art games

    v0.9.0-alpha.6 #pixel-art #game-engine #assets #utility #gamedev #2d #gui
  188. tatami-dungeon

    A roguelike dungeon generation algorithm

    v0.1.7 470 #dungeon #rogue-like #generation #algorithm #gamedev #roguelike
  189. bevy-persistent-windows

    A Bevy plugin to easily create and manage windows that remember where they were

    v0.6.1 #bevy-plugin #window #bevy #persistent #gamedev
  190. raui-tesselate-renderer

    RAUI renderer that tesselates layout into vertex and index buffers

    v0.64.0 #index-buffer #rendering-engine #vertex-buffer #ui #renderer #gamedev #renderer-agnostic
  191. agones

    SDK for Agones

    v1.45.0 #game-server #sdk #multiplayer-game #kubernetes #server-client #dedicated #gamedev
  192. retrofire-core

    Core functionality of the retrofire project

    v0.3.3-alpha1 #graphics #demoscene #retro-computing #rendering #gamedev #retrocomputing
  193. cc6502

    making C compilers for the 6502 8-bits processor

    v1.0.26 #compiler #gamedev #6502 #cli
  194. vulkanite

    Vulkan bindings for Rust

    v0.0.7 #vulkan-bindings #graphics-api #vulkan #api-bindings #bindings #graphics #gamedev
  195. bevy_query_ext

    Extensions for Bevy's queries

    v0.5.0 130 #bevy-ecs #bevy #gamedev #extension #game-dev
  196. macaw

    An opinionated game math library built on top the excellent glam

    v0.19.1 1.2K #math #gamedev #opinionated #glam #top #built #excellent
  197. ggrs

    reimagination of GGPO, enabling P2P rollback networking in Rust. Rollback to the future!

    v0.10.2 360 #rollback #ggpo #networking #gamedev #p2p #control-flow
  198. playdate-rs

    Safe Rust bindings for the Playdate SDK C-CPI

    v0.0.15 310 #playdate #api-bindings #gamedev
  199. aoe2-probe

    editing aoe2scenario files from AoE2 DE

    v0.3.2 #gamedev #parser #ao-e2de
  200. bevy-trait-query

    trait queries for the bevy game engine

    v0.6.0 240 #bevy-ecs #traits #bevy #query #gamedev #game-engine #plugin
  201. blue_engine

    General-Purpose, Easy-to-use, Fast, and Portable graphics engine

    v0.5.21 190 #graphics-engine #graphics #2d-graphics #graphics-api #gamedev #2d #3d
  202. bevy_simple_text_input

    Bevy plugin for a simple single-line text input widget

    v0.10.0 500 #text-input #bevy-ui #bevy-plugin #bevy #single-line #widgets #gamedev
  203. meshtext

    Generate vertex-vertex meshes from text

    v0.3.1 390 #triangulation #graphics #gamedev #render #delaunay
  204. pyxel-wrapper

    Python extension module for Pyxel, a retro game engine for Python

    v2.2.7 500 #gamedev #python #graphics
  205. nobject-rs

    A parser for wavefront Obj/Mtl files. Written with Nom.

    v2.0.0 #wavefront-obj #obj #wavefront #mtl #graphics #gamedev #filename
  206. rantz_camera2d

    A 2D camera plugin for Bevy, inspired by the Love2D camera plugin - STALKER-X

    v1.1.2 1.2K #camera #bevy #gamedev #screen #2d #primary #love2d
  207. bevy_spatial

    tracking bevy entities in spatial indices

    v0.10.0 210 #spatial #kdtree #bevy #bevy-plugin #gamedev #data-structures #neighbours
  208. renom

    program to rename Unreal Engine projects

    v1.5.0 1.0K #unreal-engine #rename #gamedev #ue4 #ue5 #root-directory
  209. simple-game-utils


    v0.5.2 #sound #controller #gamedev #simple
  210. warqueen

    message based networking, non-async and non-blocking

    v0.4.0 260 #client-server #networking #async-networking #non-blocking #gamedev #client-connection #send-message
  211. perchance

    Very simple random number generation optimized for ease of use

    v0.5.3 240 #random #rng #gamedev
  212. bevy_points

    Points mesh plugin for Bevy

    v0.6.0 280 #bevy-plugin #bevy #graphics #gamedev
  213. bevy_trickfilm

    Bevy plugin for spritesheet manifest loading

    v0.8.0 #bevy-plugin #sprite-sheet #animation #bevy #manifest-file #gamedev #assets
  214. bevy_rts_camera

    An RTS-style camera for Bevy

    v0.9.0 120 #camera-control #camera #bevy #rts #gamedev #game-engine
  215. dcso3

    Minimal Rust binding to the DCS lua api

    v0.1.7 #lua-bindings #dcs #gamedev #api-bindings
  216. wgsl_preprocessor

    An unofficial preprocessor for WGSL written in Rust for WGPU

    v1.1.4 350 #wgsl #shader #graphics #wgpu #gamedev #constant #action
  217. oxygengine-network

    Network module for Oxygengine

    v0.46.1 #oxygengine #networking #game-engine #module #ecs #gamedev #html5
  218. bevy_blendy_cameras

    Bevy editor like cameras controls for Pan/Orbit/Zoom and Fly mode. Switch mode, set camera viewpoint and frame view around entities

    v0.6.0 #camera-control #camera #fly #bevy #orbit #gamedev #mouse-position
  219. usfx

    Realtime procedurally generated sound effects

    v0.1.5 100 #sound #audio #procedural #gamedev #sfx
  220. old_school_gfx_glutin_ext

    Extensions for glutin to initialize & update old school gfx

    v0.34.0 1.2K #glutin #gfx #graphics #winit-window #gamedev #extension
  221. bevy_mod_speedup

    collection of ways to increase the performance of your application

    v0.5.0 #bevy #applications #performance #gamedev #system #bevy-plugin #collection
  222. bevy_debug_log

    Allows viewing tracing debug log output inside the bevy app using vanilla bevy_ui

    v0.4.1 460 #bevy #logging #gamedev #testing #debugging #log-level #log-viewer
  223. bevy-tnua-avian2d

    Avian 2D integration for bevy-tnua

    v0.1.1 #physics-2d #bevy #2d-3d #gamedev #locomotion #game-controls
  224. cityhash-sys

    Rust binding of Google CityHash algorithm

    v1.0.6 #hash #string #hash-map #hasher #gamedev
  225. naia-socket-shared

    Common data types shared between naia-server-socket & naia-client-socket crates

    v0.23.0 #udp-server #networking #server-client #web-rtc #gamedev #multiplayer-game #server
  226. bevy_pixel_buffer

    draw pixels in bevy

    v0.8.2 200 #2d-graphics #pixel #bevy #framebuffer #2d #gamedev #egui-integration
  227. Try searching with DuckDuckGo.

  228. lwa_unity_unpack

    CLI tool for unpacking the unitypackages

    v0.4.1 #unity #gamedev #command-line-tool #cli
  229. bevy_fluent

    Bevy plugin for localization using Fluent

    v0.11.0 460 #bevy-plugin #localization #internationalization #plugin #bevy #gamedev
  230. double_dot_state

    State management crate built for the Bevy game engine

    v0.4.1 #state-transition #state #game-state #bevy #gamedev #game-engine
  231. bevy_mod_lockdown

    reduce the attack surface your application offers

    v0.5.0 #applications #bevy #surface #attack #gamedev #filesystem #access
  232. saft

    Signed distance field function compiler/interpreter/discretizer/mesher

    v0.34.1 #distance-field #sdf #graphics #gamedev
  233. ptex

    High-level Ptex bindings over ptex-sys

    v0.3.0 190 #texture #graphics #vfx #gamedev #render #api-bindings #cpp-bindings
  234. hapi-rs

    Rust bindings to Houdini Engine API

    v0.10.0 350 #vfx #houdini #graphics #gamedev #game-engine
  235. bevy_simple_i18n

    Bevy i18n plugin

    v0.1.2 110 #bevy #localization #internationalization #gamedev #font-file
  236. bevy-settings

    struct as persistent settings between game launches. Usefull for e.g. storing the audio settings

    v0.6.0 120 #settings #persistent #gamedev #config-file #launch #resources
  237. catgirl-engine-client

    Client side part of the catgirl-engine crate

    v0.14.39 4.9K #gamedev #game-engine #catgirl #client-side #engine
  238. rgbobj

    A command-line program to print out RGBDS object files

    v0.4.0 140 #assembly #gameboy #rgbds #gamedev #asm
  239. bevy_resolution

    An easy to use convienence crate for dealing with resolutions in Bevy

    v0.1.0 410 #resolution #bevy #gamedev #game
  240. bevy_web_asset

    Implementations for http(s) asset sources for Bevy

    v0.9.0 #bevy #networking #gamedev #game-assets #dynamic-content #source #themes
  241. bevy_ios_alerts

    Bevy plugin to request ios native UIAlert popups

    v0.3.0 170 #bevy-plugin #ios #bevy #mobile #swift #gamedev
  242. bevy-trait-query-0-14-0

    trait queries for the bevy game engine

    v0.6.2 #traits #bevy-plugin #bevy #query #plugin #game-engine #gamedev
  243. sprite_dicing

    Cross-engine tool for lossless compression of sprite textures with identical areas

    v0.1.4 #texture #texture-compression #sprite #texture-atlas #atlas #graphics #gamedev
  244. oxygengine-overworld

    RPG overworld module for Oxygengine

    v0.46.1 160 #rpg #oxygengine #overworld #game-engine #module #ecs #gamedev
  245. ldtk_rust

    LDtk 2D level editor to build games in Rust

    v0.6.0 120 #ldtk #gamedev #map-editor
  246. oxygengine-input

    Input module for Oxygengine

    v0.46.1 #game-engine #input #oxygengine #ecs #module #gamedev #html5
  247. bevy_gilrs

    Gamepad system made using Gilrs for Bevy Engine

    v0.15.0 45K #gamepad #bevy #gilrs #game-engine #built #system #gamedev
  248. bevy_flicker

    An easy to use event-based system to apply brief overlays to sprites and meshes

    v0.6.0 #bevy-plugin #bevy #graphics #gamedev