chris has logged 17 entries for films released in the 1970s during 2024.
Month | Day | Film | Released | Rating | Like | Rewatch | Review | |
01 | Halloween | 1978 | | Read the review | ||||
03 | Suspiria | 1977 | | Read the review | ||||
01 | Sisters | 1972 | | Read the review | ||||
28 | The Last House on the Left | 1972 | | Read the review | ||||
11 | Magic | 1978 | | Read the review | ||||
07 | Halloween | 1978 | | Read the review | ||||
01 | Halloween | 1978 | | Read the review | ||||
23 | Halloween | 1978 | | Read the review | ||||
09 | Dog Day Afternoon | 1975 | | Read the review | ||||
26 | Taxi Driver | 1976 | | Read the review | ||||
18 | The Texas Chain Saw Massacre | 1974 | | Read the review | ||||
29 | Carrie | 1976 | | Read the review | ||||
23 | Alien | 1979 | | Read the review | ||||
19 | Halloween | 1978 | | Read the review | ||||
03 | Halloween | 1978 | | |||||
04 | The Omen | 1976 | | Read the review | ||||
22 | Halloween | 1978 | |