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Deleting tags…
- drama 199
- horror 165
- comedy 159
- 2017 155
- 2016 153
- 2018 145
- action 126
- 2019 121
- 2023 118
- 2015 115
- 2013 113
- 2014 113
- 2021 108
- 2022 108
- 2024 99
- 2020 77
- adventure 70
- science fiction 66
- 2011 57
- sci-fi 55
- 2005 53
- 2007 51
- 2006 49
- 2010 49
- 2004 48
- 2009 48
- 2003 47
- 2002 46
- a24 46
- 2008 44
- romance 44
- 2001 42
- 2000 40
- thriller 40
- 1998 37
- marvel 37
- 1999 36
- 1995 35
- 1997 34
- 2012 34
- crime 31
- fantasy 31
- mystery 30
- 1996 26
- adam sandler 25
- netflix 25
- animation 24
- nicolas cage 24
- tom cruise 24
- 1987 23
- 1990 23
- 1985 22
- tiff 2016 22
- 1994 21
- suspense 21
- 1984 20
- 1988 20
- 1989 20
- 1993 20
- super hero 20
- super-hero 20
- 1992 19
- ridley scott 19
- steven soderbergh 19
- 1986 18
- action & adventure 18
- brad pitt 18
- ethan coen 18
- hoop tober 18
- hoop-tober 18
- joel coen 18
- steven spielberg 18
- 1991 17
- comic book 17
- leonardo dicaprio 17
- pixar 17
- tim burton 17
- ben affleck 16
- wes anderson 16
- m night shyamalan 15
- m. night shyamalan 15
- martin scorsese 15
- scarlett johansson 15
- 1983 14
- jake gyllenhaal 14
- kevin smith 14
- mark wahlberg 14
- ryan gosling 14
- will smith 14
- 1981 13
- 2025 13
- brian de palma 13
- christian bale 13
- disney 13
- george clooney 13
- guy ritchie 13
- joe dante 13
- johnny depp 13
- michael bay 13
- musical 13
- 1980 12
- clint eastwood 12
- guillermo del toro 12
- hayao miyazaki 12
- james mangold 12
- mcu 12
- mystery & suspense 12
- mystery suspense 12
- paul ws anderson 12
- sam raimi 12
- star wars 12
- 1982 11
- channing tatum 11
- christopher nolan 11
- david cronenberg 11
- david fincher 11
- jennifer lawrence 11
- john carpenter 11
- michael fassbender 11
- michael mann 11